I searched the internet and found several techniques for proofreading your own writing. I have listed and identified eight techniques and mentioned a few here that have helped me in the past. One technique is looking for one type of problem at one given time. Read through your document, focusing on the first sentence for punctuation, then spelling, then word choice, and finally the sentence structuring until the full document is proofread with this technique. The second technique maybe is to recheck for proper names, facts, figures with correct spelling and information is up to date with accuracy. Thirdly, by reading your document out-loud, may bring to show a faulty verb ending of a missing word or addition of word to emphasize a meaning. This fourth technique mentioned would be the most used and best suggested proofreading technique in my repertoire of writing skills. Set aside your work for a few hours (or days) after you’ve finished compiling your document, then come back to it later with fresher eyes and reread the whole document over again. You may decide to tweak a few words or sentences to give the final work an awe effect for your audience, the experience factor. Sometimes, I prefer to print out a hard copy and review the document, this fifth proofreading technique may show some inconsistencies by looking it over line by line. This sixth technique mentioned may demonstrate that the writer can reformat their work and by rereading the document may bring out further mistakes previously missed beforehand. Majority of the times, I will have someone else proofread the document, because having a fresher set of eyes may suggest a different viewpoint shown to be a seventh technique. The last proofreading technique and the eighth one listed on my internet search. . . Shown, a lot of the times I will use a spelling and grammar checker to assist me in fixing common repeated words, reversed letters, and many other errors. The most effective techniques I have found to incorporate in my writing techniques are shown and explained in this paper.