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80/20 Rule


Submitted By 093884n
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Learning Game Project:
80/20 Rule Report

Table of Contents I. 80/20 Rule Concept: An Overview…………………………………..……………pg. 1 II. 80/20 Rule Concept: Importance and Implications in Business.....……………….pg. 1 III. Learning Game Description…………………………………….…………………pg. 1 IV. Resources………………………………………………………………………….pg. 2

I. 80/20 Rule Concept: An Overview
The 80/20 rule is a well-known, theory that can be broadly applied to many different situations and areas of study. It originates from an observation made by Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist who noted that eighty percent of the land in Italy belonged to only twenty percent of the people. The idea, also known as Pareto’s principle, preaches that in anything (situation, process, event, etc.) just a small percentage is truly important while the rest is of little significance. Furthermore, it is crucial to note that the exact proportions or numerical values associated to this ideology are irrelevant. In essence, the premise upon which the principle is based assumes most results or outcomes stem from very few causes. Simply, the majority or best results that can be produced are derived from specific efforts or actions. II. 80/20 Rule Concept: Importance and Implications in Business
In the business world, a strategy chosen and implemented by an enterprise is especially important in successfully achieving the outlined goals. Furthermore, the strategy should be one that is built upon a sound understanding of the customers’ and stakeholders’ wants, needs, and values. For most companies, the objective is to provide value while meeting certain levels of profitability and efficiency. The 80/20 rule can find its relevance in business as a valuable tool for managers to boost its profitability and develop its efficiency. According to the theory, these improvements in organizational performance can be realized

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