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A Career As A Sports Cosmetologist

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Past Goal My first goal at a young age was to be a Veterinarian. I had a love for animals just like any kid who wanted to be a vet. That goal didn’t change until I was 15 years old. At that age I wanted to do cosmetology and business. A few months later I gave up on being a cosmetologist because it was a process that I wasn’t able to complete in high school. The idea of becoming a successful business woman grew more and more, like any teenager all I thought about was the money I would get. Ever since I left high school and came to Fort Worth, Texas I was able to see more on how I can become successful. Now I have my goal set on being a sports psychologist. One goal I have accomplished was actually attending college. I wasn’t a big fan of continuing school, but looking at the circumstances of my dreams, goals and the future I wanted to become more in life.
Academic Goal One …show more content…
After I have done that I will attend TCU and have my PhD in sport psychology. I intend on doing that by staying in school and do an internship by my senior year just get a better understanding on how my career would most likely be for the next couple of years. I know I have to keep my grades up and have to participate more in school in order to get where I want to be. Hopefully I can get through it with the help of FAFSA, my parents and myself. Mostly myself because I am the one who puts in the effort and the work to get where I am now. For now, I try to keep my GPA high as possible and not fall into

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