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A Client Based Study


Submitted By hapiyany123
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Knowledge and Skills for Nursing Practice Part Two Written Assignment. A Client Based Case Study.
The aim of this essay is to demonstrate the assessment process of a patient using the Roper Logan and Tierney (RLT) model of nursing framework, and to show how the nursing process works alongside this model. This will be established by including a holistic history of the patient and also by considering how the RLT model is applicable to this patient. The discussion of one nursing intervention will follow, showing how the nursing process is applied to patient care. The patient will be referred to as Mr Frederick Valentine to protect the patient’s anonymity as stated in the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Conduct (2008) guidelines.
The plan for a patient’s appropriate care should be looked at holistically (NMC 2008), taking into account all of the aspects of the person as a whole. Holistic care incorporates the physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual economic and social factors when assessing, planning, delivering and evaluating care (Scriven 2010). The patient, Mr Valentine, was suffering from gradually fading vision. He had noticed that in bright light his vision was significantly worse, and he was finding it hard to read and also to watch television. Mr Valentine attended an appointment with his optometrist and was then referred to the Eye Centre at a local hospital. The optometrist had found that Mr Valentine was suffering from a cataract. The Eye Centre is an ophthalmic day case unit, serving both ophthalmic surgical and ophthalmic medical

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