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A Critical Analysis Of Ethos Pathos Logos

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In his article, Bierut mentions three things about what people like about logos. According to him, people prefer complicated things to simple things, literal things to metaphorical things and what they are used to to the new things. Then gives some logo examples to prove his point. He also mentions how when designers and non-designers vote between different logos, the results proves the three things he said. While reading the article, I felt like he underestimates people and their abilities to understand metaphorical things and the ways they decide whether a logo is good or bad. And, I believe the reason why designers and non-designers vote for different logos is that function of the logo is more important to customers while designers are more …show more content…
Even without not knowing what is written on it a kid or a foreigner would be able to know what it was and everybody could easily find it in a big supermarket or a full fridge. With the new design, it has lost this functionality because of abstract design. Previously, the logo had the function of identifying the product and then it did not. A paperclip represents nothing but itself but it also has a function of keeping the corners of paper straight.
Secondly, he gives the example of change in the Big Ten logo as an example of how people does not like the change. However, I think the reason why people did not like it might be again the loss of functionality. The original logo was unique while the new logo had a typeface too similar to letterman jackets and thus could be used as a logo for any sports team of a high school. Thus, it lost its function to uniquely identify the product. The same thing can also be said for the GAP logo. It changed from an original logo to a logo written with a typeface that is used by many other companies and became a default font in Apple products thus it became an ordinary text that people see every day. The common thing between

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