...Robert Louis Stevenson explores the theme of appearance versus reality in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in many ways, this includes the language and structure Stevenson uses The most obvious example of this is Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The novel written by Stevenson in 1886 was hugely influenced by the religious raising of Stevenson in Edinburgh, the social division present at the time also had an influence on Stevenson. Firstly, Stevenson explores the theme of appearance versus reality in the novel Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde through the lawyer, Mr Utterson. As an audience we see Utterson as the ‘perfect’ Victorian. In comparison to his society, they see his good appearance being a ‘loveable’ man who is ‘eminently human’. From this language and imagery we can clearly see that Utterson is portrayed as a respectable lawyer in the Victorian society. Stevenson describes Utterson’s real self subtly by describing his repression ‘ He was austere with himself; drank gin when he was alone’. From this we gather that Utterson’s reality is perhaps an alcoholic or a person who likes to drink showing his real self. To add to this point the setting of the novel allows Stevenson to explore the duality of Victorian London representing the two sides. Our first introduction of the setting occurs in the first chapter ‘the story of the door’. Stevenson portrays the street to be a ‘quiet’ street which ‘shone out in contrast to its dingy neighbourhood’ with ‘smiling saleswomen’, here we get the feeling the...
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...org) said that reality television should be ban. It brings out the bad stereotypes in people (Kenya). People’s personal life are being taped on a daily basis. It can ruin culture image or a person’s life. Young teens are out of control, and are portrayed as loudmouth who only care about themselves. different stereotypes are shown about gender. There are many stereotypes in reality television. Reality television is promoting dangerous stereotypes in our society, culture, teens, race, and male and female. Reality television have damaged my home and even my sisters are falling into the messages they are sending. Should reality television be ban like some television shows? Government officials have banned some of South Park and family Guy episodes. So why can’t they ban reality television shows or ban some of them to aired? It does not teach anything useful. People become addicted to it very often. Anything excessive is not reality. In reality, people do not slum around the pool all day getting wasted. Reality does not consist of girls having make up on every hour of the day. In reality, people go to work, and spouses don’t sit around the house all day gossiping about their friend’s life or what is happening in another city. People on reality shows need to grow up and get a job. They need to stop relying on others to support them because that is all reality producer do. The actors and actresses make a fool of themselves and get pay big money. Reality television does not teach any...
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...How Does Reality Television Affect The Minds of Young Children? ENG 122 English Composition II Larissa Purvis April 7, 2013 How Does Reality Television Affect The Minds of Young Children? Reality television affects the minds of all who watch it, but has a big effect on children because it inhibits social interaction and it is not always intellectually stimulating. In my research paper, I will explain the lack of activities reality television has on young children, and how reality television causes too much drama. I also will explain how reality television affects the minds of young children. “All children in industrialized parts of the world are exposed to television from birth onward, and they begin paying attention to it quite early. When they are between 2 and 5 years old, they form some basic conceptions about the representational nature of the television medium and begin to understand how the content shown on television is related to events in the real world.” (Wright, Huston, Reitz, & Piemyat 1994) “On average, children watch at least four hours of television a day. By the time they graduate from High School they will have spent more time in front of the television than they have in a classroom. If television is used right it can have an educational value, but too much television portraying improper values can harm children.” (American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2001) Watching reality television is like being addictive to drugs. Once a children...
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...Peter Tim Soriano Mr. Chalmers ENG 4U 16 December 2013 Illusion and Mendacity In Tennessee Williams’ plays Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and A Streetcar Named Desire, several characters suffer by lying and by being unaware of reality. Both plays demonstrate and signify the themes of illusion vs. reality and mendacity through past trauma, alcohol abuse, and through strained family and marital relationships. In Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Brick is an example to all of these factors through his past with his friend skipper, his abuse of alcohol, and the lack of love he shows for his wife, while in A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche encounters similar problems as Brick with her past trauma and her alcohol problem. The two plays share many similarities in terms of themes but at the same time also share significant difference. In the play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Brick is troubled with his past memories that he tries to keep a secret. He mourns the death of his best friend Skipper and the death pushes Brick into a world of imagination and mendacity. He avoids talking about Skipper and when his wife Margaret who is been trying to fix her relationship with Brick brings up the memory of his friend Skipper. Brick gets upset and says, “One man has one great good true thing in his life. One great good thing which is true! – I had a friendship with Skipper. – You are naming it dirty!” (Williams 44) Brick is furious with Margaret as he threatens her with physical abuse before he mentions the one greatest...
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...****** AP RHETORIC ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY DUE DATE: QUESTION: 1; SOURCE: 1 WHAT IS REALITY? Student, Greg. “What is the nature of reality?” Philosophy Now: A Magazine of Ideas. Dec. 2015/ Jan. 2016. Web. Jan 5, 2016. SUMMARY, FOCUS, SCOPE: This information about reality is a philosophy source that describes the meaning of reality. Student begins expressing his thoughts on the subject by making claims and beliefs about his view of the reality surrounding him. TARGET AUDIENCE: The claims and beliefs that are made are targeted towards a particular audience. Based on the contents of this article, philosophy students are the intended audience. A deep explanation of reality is being made so it would connect more to people studying/interested in the field. THEMES AND CLAIMS: Reality? A question asked to intrigue the mind, allowing our undeniable perception to surface, or matter and energy, creating a physical aspect of reality. The question “What is the nature of reality?” was asked for readers to try and come to a conclusion on this difficult question. Of course several opinions would be broadcasted but a certain individual stood out. Greg Students answer stated that reality was a mental conception. We base our reality on perception and completely ignore the physicality of reality. Our conscious thoughts perceive our reality surrounding us. “If reality is mental, we might best connect with it by skillful introspection; by a pure, deep...
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...Emotional Appeal in Jennifer Pozner’s “The Unreal World How many times have you seen a reality TV show that pans out the exact same way as others you have seen before? These shows claim to be unscripted yet almost always have similar characters that act the same way. This is because Reality TV executives cast people they know can be easily manipulated into entertaining television. By using diction and figurative language in “The Unreal World”, Jennifer Pozner arouses fury from the audience that helps prove reality TV forces an idea of unattainable beauty on women and creates hurtful gender and racial stereotypes. To elicit anger from the audience, Pozner uses diction to demonstrate how Reality TV gives women unachievable standards for beauty. Pozner explains how Reality TV has this idea of a “perfect ten” (445). The use of a numbered scale implies that women are constantly being judged on their looks. It also insinuates that women can achieve a perfect score on this scale even though perfection is unattainable. A scale implies that everyone is judged the same way; however, beauty can come in many different forms. Both of these implications are incredibly hurtful to the young women watching these shows because it puts an onus on external aspects of the human body rather than the internal. Shows exist that are completely devoted to finding flaws in women such as “Are you Hot?: The Search for America’s Sexiest People.” This show uses a laser “flaw finder” (446) to rate women...
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...Plato's Allegory of the Cave is a tale of truth and reality versus ignorance. It is an analyzation of human perception and can be applied to modern life. Allegory of the Cave also presents the difference of being closed minded versus being open minded. It shows the advantages gained to those who are open minded. It also presents the disadvantages and how ignorant one sounds when one is closed minded. Plato's Allegory of the Cave takes place in a dark cave. There are prisoners in shackles with something in place to keep their heads from turning. They are basically forced to only look in one direction. Behind the prisoners there is a fire and a runway where showmen can place items such as vases. The fire casts shadows on the walls the prisoners are facing and they play a game. They begin to guess what the shadows are and those who get the most right are considered to be the smartest people of the group. These prisoners know nothing but what is casted in front of them. To these prisoners, they are not shadows of objects but real objects themselves as they have no reality. Out of the group, one prisoner is freed and allowed to venture. He begins to look at the fire, the statues, and treys to comprehend everything. After direct sunlight to his eyes he is pained and confused. In that moment, being released might have seemed like the worst thing possible to that prisoner. Being utterly confused is frustrating and the pain of turning his head and staring at direct sunlight is a...
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...itself but rather by the Law of Attraction as applied to objective reality. Here are some of those problematic questions (all are generalizations of ones I received via email): * What happens when people put out conflicting intentions, like two people intending to get the same promotion when only one position is available? * Do children, babies, and/or animals put out intentions? * If a child is abused, does that mean the child intended it in some way? * If I intend for my relationship to improve, but my spouse doesn’t seem to care, what will happen? These questions seem to weaken the plausibility of the Law of Attraction. Sometimes people answer them by going pretty far out. For example, it’s been said by LoAers that a young child experiences abuse because s/he intended it or earned it during a past life. Well, sure… we can explain just about anything if we bring past lives into the equation, but IMO that’s a cop-out. On the other hand, objective reality without the Law of Attraction doesn’t provide satisfactory answers either — supposedly some kids are just born unlucky. That’s a cop-out too. I’ve never been satisfied by others’ answers to these questions, and they’re pretty important questions if the Law of Attraction is to be believed. Some books hint at the solution but never really nail it. That nail, however, can be found in the concept of subjective reality. Subjective reality is a belief system in which (1) there is only one consciousness, (2)...
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...Psychological effects of heavy usage of Virtual Reality Smith is a fourth grader who is all into video games; his goal is to have the latest video game. He lives in his video games. He goes to school every day physically and but mentally he is in his video game world, where he is the king of the racing cars and he is rich enough to buy the whole city. He always skips his homework because he cannot remember what he learned in school. While teachers are teaching, he is playing with his video games in his head and not paying attention in class. Teachers always contact smith’s parents and even parents seem to be helpless, because according to Smith’s parents, he gets very aggravated if they try to take his video games and Smith really gets violent with his siblings and friends. Smith wants to sit in locked room holding the remote controller in his hands where he can control several different cars in a second. He cannot remember anything what he does throughout the day because in his mind he is always in the second world. One day Smith was sitting in living room plying with his video games, suddenly his mom falls off from stairs and broke her arm. Instead of calling for help, Smith continues with his games and when his dad asks what happened he could not tell him exactly what happened. Smith told his dad, he does not remember if he sees mother falling down because all he could see that he is losing the game and he has to get more cars in the race. After that Smith’...
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...Second, discovery of the set theoretical paradoxes seemed to challenge the rationality of that very citadel of rationality, mathematics. Third, Freudian psychology was taken not as a gateway to an improved rationality but as a proof of the impossibility of rationality. Fourth, Kurt Gödel’s incompleteness proof seemed to deliver another blow to math. Fifth, on certain interpretations, quantum mechanics seemed simply unassimilable to our traditional conceptions of the determinacy and independent existence of the physical universe. Sixth, in late 20th century the rationality of science itself came under attack from authors such as Kuhn and Feyerabend, who argued that science itself was infected with arbitrariness and irrationality. 2. Does Searle accept the enlightenment vision? Yes 3. What are Searle's three objectives in his book? First, advance a series of theoretical claims, both about nature of mind, language, and society and about interrelations among them. Second, exemplify a certain style of philosophical analysis. Third, pass a series of observations about nature of philosophical puzzlement and problems. How to do phil, special problems doing it. 4. What is a "default position"? What five propositions make up the default position according to Searle? Default positions are views we hold prereflectively so that nay departure from them requires a conscious effort and convincing argument. There is real world that exists independently of us, of...
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...all the time that man has been on Earth many different ideas and theories have developed on this topic but this still has been one of the most universally debatable issues. Reality is dependent on each individuals own interpretation of what is real in terms of our sensory experience, personal perceptions, and own individualistic beliefs. Edwin Abbott wrote a great analogy about our dimensional experience in Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. Many subjects are approached in this book but the most interesting was the concept of dimensions. He starts off describing that we live and apply logic in dimensions; the first dimension consists of points that can produce a single line, the points live in the first dimension and therefore cannot grasp the perception of the next dimension. The second dimension consists of moving lines which turns into shapes along two axis’, this dimension can fully understand the first dimension but yet again the next dimension is inconceivable. In the third dimension the same idea is applied, the shapes formed along the second dimension are moved and twisted into, as we perceive it, three dimensional shapes that are multisided and multifaceted. The same rule applies where the third dimension can understand the first and second dimensions. In respect of the first three dimension does it not make sense that the next dimension, the fourth dimension, would also be squared making shapes along four plains? With human understanding being caught in the third...
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...draws the line around them mutually as sinners. Both characters have a particular relationship with Jesus, a physical crisis crossed with a spiritual crisis and different conceptions of reality; thus, revealing how the portrayal of these characters are not what may seem. Both religion and Jesus have a key role and influence...
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...'vulgar' and 'naked', she emphasizes her distaste of being exposed in the light and into reality. The paper lantern that Blanche brings into their home symbolizes her desire to cover up anything and make it appear tantalizing. Her life mirrors that of the lightbulb and the lantern, as she hides her faults and insecurities and reinvents herself. While the lantern solidifies Blanche as a symbol of illusion, it is the interaction between Stanley and the lantern that solidifies the theme of illusion and reality....
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...There is no set definition of reality and because of its flexibility, reality can be warped. Reality itself is defined by O’Brien in the book as something that “exists within the human mind, and nowhere else” and “is not external” (Orwell 205). O'Brien believes that reality does not exist until the mind perceives it, and the mind should not perceive it without the Party’s permission. O'Brien attempts to convince Winston that he sees five fingers, when his senses, aware of a reality independent of Big Brother, actually sees four. Seeing five fingers instead of four is only possible if the person's reality allows for the possibility and existence of such things. Winston is able to see the five fingers instead of four after going through immense pain and as a result his outside reality is warped by the pain and drugs. Briefly, he shares the reality of the Party and felt a “luminous certainty” before “everything was normal again” (Orwell 213). After these disciplining sessions, Winston stops believing in...
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...Jude_Midterm Counselling Theory Paper 2013 Fall. Reality Therapy (William Glasser). Gladding (2005) maintained that reality therapy was formulated by William Glasser in the early 1960s. It began as a major theoretical approach in 1965 with the publication of Glasser’s book Reality Therapy (1965). This approach emphasizes choices that people can make to change their lives and focuses on two general concepts: the environment necessary for conducting counselling and the procedures leading to change (Wubbolding, 1998, as cited in Gladding, 2005, p.91) it is usually essential to establish a safe environment before change can occur. Reality therapy is a flexible, friendly, and firm approach to working with clients, it is also action oriented. It emphasizes the fulfilment of psychological needs, the resolution of personal difficulties, and the prevention of future problems (Gladding, 2005). Reality Therapy View Of Human Nature/Personality Gladding said that Glasser maintained that people act on a conscious level and that they are not driven by instincts and the unconscious. Glasser believes that there is a health/ growth forces in every person that seeks both physical and psychological health/ growth. Physically, there is the need to obtain and use life-sustaining necessities such as food, water, and shelter. According to Glasser, human behaviour was once controlled by physical need for survival. He associates behaviours such as breathing, digesting, and sweating with physical or...
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