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A Few Good Men Movie Analysis

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Corruptions and crimes were under fire in 1920s. In the movie, Los Angeles in that time was described like a criminal city. There were a lot of crime every day. Prohibition was unenforceable and carried a great potential for police corruption. (Eclecticme) Lots of money were made by criminals who then paid off police officers to allow their illegal activities to continue. It was dangerous to stay outside at night because of the out of control of robbers, bootleggers and criminal organization. This movie was a relentless story to rubs the LAPD's face. This story was telling us the police from the top down to lie, cheat, falsify and confess the public to protect their image and reputation. This movie can tell the importance of a society being honest and incorruptible. After the corruption period, the society improved to become honest and incorruptible nowadays. These are important elements to all the countries and American society. …show more content…
It is hard to stand firm when the strong power said you are wrong. You will easily turn into a silence of the lambs. But Collins insisted the boy was not her son. After finding evidence and some protests Collins was sent to psychiatric ward by LAPD. She was treated by medicine and electricity day by day. The other movies use a happy story to tell the audience perseverance may be work hard to be rich and successful. But this movie used a depressed story to tell one of American sprite perseverance. She faced the strong power because of the truth. Her anger and resolution could be magnified until the whole LAPD fabrication crashing down. Everyone should insist when you stay with truth. American dream is succeed through hard work and has the potential to lead a happy. This story is another presentation of American

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