...Movies and books have been made and written to share the hero's life stories all over the world. Bethany decided to write her own book about her experiences hoping to impact and help other people. According Bio.com, Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board, an autobiography written by Bethany became a bestseller. MTV, ESPN, and the United States Sports Academy honored her for her courage in 2007. In the same year, the release of Heart of a Soul Surfer, a documentary about Bethany and her return to the water after the shark attack. Then in 2011, another documentary about Bethany came out, Soul Surfer. She also wrote a second book, Body and Soul: A Girl's Guide to a Fit, Fun and Fabulous Life and that...
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...end of his fight, he had been in the hospital for seven months, and when the doctors finally deemed it safe to leave, it was as if I could breathe again. Everyone seemed energized and happy, but we all remained cautious, each of us fully aware that he could go spiraling back down. My aunt called us to give updates on his physical therapy, but gradually,the tension eased, and before long, the topic was all but eliminated from conversation. Despite this, I will remember this life changing event forever. This near-death experience will haunt me for the rest of my life. I am pleased that Michael is doing better now, but whenever he has the go to the hospital, I prepare myself for the worst. So far, he has been lucky, because nothing life threatening has occurred since. I experienced the panic and deathly fear that are side effects of death, and these feelings taught me to value life and be careful with it because death can take anyone at anytime, and the problem might not be obvious. I learned life is a fragile thing and that death is like an infectious disease, consuming the lives of several...
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...Life Coach: Drug Issues Jared Hall Kaplan University CM107-01 Professor Gregg August 8, 2011 Life Coach: Drug Issues Dear Tom, As someone I have been friends for over ten years, it has not been easy for me to see you make some bad choices in your life. In the last few years, you have been arrested on multiple occasions for having possession of illegal drugs; you have lost your wife, and visitation rights for you to be able to see your kids until you straighten up your life. But you have been making improvements such as going to drug rehab and trying to find a job. Just to be clear, a life coach is not a therapist. It’s someone that is a friend who will help you improve your career and your life so you can get back on your feet into the direction that you should be going. (Hamilton,1996). If you choose to decide to hire a life coach you will be introduce to what is known as the Hero’s journey. It’s long-marathon journey that will help you get to your full potential. As a friend, I know you have a lot more in you than you really show. By taking this Hero’s journey marathon you will be able to be succeeding at your full potential. Life is a long marathon and it seems like things come up when you less expect it and everything comes down before you can even blink your eye. By choosing to take the hero’s journey you will be able to separate from your life struggles and be able to move on in the direction your family and friends want you to go in...
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...Hero’s and villains are typical figures in our old fashion action movies. We can’t make up the fact that we live our lives among hero’s and villains every day. They come in all different shapes and sizes. In my life hero’s and villains play a large roll in the person I am today. They represent the positive and negative things in my life. If you are looking at hero’s and villains in a physical sense, a hero is know for his strong studious build where they’re lavished in bright representing colors. On the other hand villains are dark and masked with ugly features that tend to lure people away. Physically hero’s and villains are the total opposite; but mentally they share some common traits. Hero’s and villains both have motives. For a hero it is to do what’s right and for a villain it is to do “his right” which in reality is the wrong. Hero’s like to keep peace while villains seem to always want to disturb it. Hero’s and villains both have goals; things they strive for. For a hero it is simply to make things better. For a villain it is the total opposite, they try to make things worse. Hero’s and villain both fight for there idea of “good”. It may not be the same but they stand as role models for their people. A person who looks up to a hero is looking for the positive and vise versa; a person looking up to a villain values its negative presence. In my life hero’s and villains represent something else. They represent the good and the bad; the negative and positive in my life...
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...Overview of the Hero's Journey _____Last Updated________October 5, 2009 __________|- There are 12 stages of the hero's journey - The stages include; the ordinary world, the call to adventure, refusal of call, meeting with the mentor, crossing the threshold, tests allies and enemies, approach, the ordeal, the reward, the road back, the resurrection, and the return with the elixir. - The hero's journey is the work of Carl Jung, but applied by Joseph Campbell. - In the ordinary world, we meet the hero. The call to adventure is when the hero is needed for something. Refusal to the call is when the hero usually refuses to accept the call to adventure. Meeting the mentor is when the hero meets someone who helps him out and gives advice. Crossing the first threshold is when the hero leaves his regular life and takes on something else. Test, allies, and enemies is when the hero adjusts to the new world. Approach is like a preparation for the final test. The ordeal is similar to the climax. The reward is when it all pays off. The road back is when the hero returns to their regular life. Resurrection is when the hero realizes they have changed. Lastly, return to the elixir is when the hero receives their rewards/punishments. | Website - Article|Web Site____Journey to the Sea________________Author____Priscilla Hobbs___________________URL http://journeytothesea.com/campbell-hero/Title Joseph Campbell: The Hero's Journey Last Updated_______November 1, 2008_____________|-The hero's journey can...
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...Joseph Campbell's hero's journey describes the cycle of heroes. All heroes go through a process from an ordinary life to a final reward and that is what the hero's journey cycle is all about. Throughout the adventure the hero experiences challenges, but when the hero overcome the tests/allies the hero receive a reward at the end. ( The reward is not always physical but sometimes mental) According to the hero's cycle from Joseph Campbell, my life relates to the cycle because I have experienced the the call to adventure,tests and challenges,and rewards This is how my life adventure relates to Joseph Campbell's hero's journey cycle! It was just an ordinary life for me, loving water but afraid to drown. The call to adventure had come whenever I had to start swim lessons and learn many different strokes in the deep blue water. Sometimes I would refuse because I had to start learning dives and it would be hard to come up with the water again. Although I did have a mentor which was my dad, he told I shouldn't give up. This is just the call to adventure from the hero's journey....
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...The Hero’s Journey 1 Running head: THE HERO’S JOURNEY PAPER The Hero’s Journey Paper Mr. Cooper English 11 By: Brittany Dorris Hero’s Journey Paper 2 The Hero’s Journey Paper What is a hero in your opinion? A hero in my opinion is someone who saves life while risking their owns. In this paper I will be telling you how the book Hercules & the movie the Matrix relate in the 17 Stages of the Monomyth (Hero’s Journey). -The Call of Adventure (Stage 1) In the movie the Matrix Neo gets mail on his computer telling him to follow the white rabbit. The white rabbit was a tattoo that a girl had on their back. Although he didn’t know that until he saw it. As to in the book Hercules tried to kill two snakes. You probably are thinking what do this have to have to do with each other. It’s the call to leave his or her normal life and face adventure. -Refusal Call (Stage 2) In the movie the Matrix Neo haves to go to work with a hangover & he gets a call from mophans about not going on the leader and getting back he isn’t ready to be a leader. As to in Hercules tries to kill himself. To try to escape Hera’s wrath. Often the hero will initially reject the call to adventure due to the changes it would cause in his or her life. -Supernatural Aid (Stage 3) Ampaitryoe – Tells Hercules he is a hero, he told Hercules what he did in the book Hercules. Can’t...
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...Hero’s Journey Perspective The Heroine’s Journey: How Campbell’s Model Doesn’t Fit article proves to be the strongest argument by providing the readers with a modern perspective regarding the lack of progression the original Hero’s Journey consists of. To begin, the Hero’s Journey is undoubtedly, really outdated. Campbell’s study was established during a sexist time period where women were objects living in specific gender roles, women were settling for lifestyles less than ordinary. In fact, this is unconsciously reinforcing sexism into our brains today because genders are keeping within their roles; we aren’t learning from history but rather repeating it. With a society undergoing serious social transformations, the author reminds...
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...Today’s culture, especially Western societies, loves a good hero story, whether it be a war hero, a revolutionary, or anything inbetween. A good character that people love to root for and fall in love with. Joseph Campbell recognized a pattern in these heroes: they may be different people, but they share the same underlying path. They follow the three stages of a hero’s journey, departure, initiation, and the inevitable return. Alongside this are characteristics and major plot points that all point to the same person, the hero with a thousand faces. The reimagined story, Tangled, follows the journey of Rapunzel on her way to see the lanterns that cloud the night sky every year on her birthday. The story follows Campbell’s pattern well, presenting yet another...
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...Hero’s Journey in Beowulf How does a hero today compare to a hero in the 5th or 6th century? Now, a hero is considered a selfless and courageous superhero or just an average person saving lives one way or another. In Beowulf, translated by Seamus Heaney, Beowulf encompassed a supernatural warrior who ventured through the hero’s journey for honor instead of love or riches. “Often for undaunted courage, fate spares the man it has not already marked”, (572-573). Beowulf claims if your fate has not been decided yet, you can survive through your sheer nerve and courage. Beowulf exemplifies a hero because of his nobility and code of arms that he lives by. The first act of the “Hero’s Journey” said by Joseph Campbell is “Departure” which consists...
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...The Hero’s Journey was a concept created by Joseph Campbell. This concept was displayed in The Odyssey by Homer and in O, Brother, Where Art Thou? created by the Coen brothers. In O Brother Where Art Thou? and The Odyssey the many elements of the Hero’s Journey are evident in the two tales. Three elements are Meeting the Mentor; Allies, Tests, and Enemies; and Resurrection. The mentor between both of the tales are different, but they both hold the element of the Hero’s Journey. Meeting the Mentor is the 4th step in The Hero’s Journey, if you follow the original order. In O, Brother the mentor is the blind man they encounter at the beginning of the movie. The blind man is a mentor to Everett, the main character, because he gives him a prophecy to guide him. He says this prophecy while on the pump car when the trio gets onto it to escape. In The Odyssey the mentor is Athena. She appears a lot...
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...the 'hero' within us is revealed”(Bob Riley). Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games represents this statement because she undergoes life-threatening and daunting obstacles to stay alive throughout the movie. She displays true heroism by standing up to the weak and innocent and risking her life for her friends, family, and district. She shows many different signs of courageousness, determination, and integrity, as the movie continues. Katniss is a worthy example of a hero for having all these qualities and more through her departure, initiation, and return, thus representing the archetypal hero’s journey in The Hunger Games. The journey begins with the “ordinary world,” or what happens before the hero is called on an adventure. In the movie, Katniss Everdeen’s ordinary world consists of being an average sixteen year old girl who lives with her mother and younger sister, Primrose. Since her father’s death, Katniss feels the urgency to sneak out of district boundaries and hunt to feed and keep her family alive. Her heroic “call to adventure” demonstrates the hero’s journey, that may have cost her life. In the movie, Katniss’s call is when her sister, Primrose, is chosen to be in the annual Hunger Games. The shocked Katniss speaks out of the crowd and volunteers herself as tribute, thus exemplifying her call to adventure. The next stage in the hero’s journey is when the hero meets with a mentor to gain insight and advice to overcome the future battle. Katniss and her partner, Peeta...
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...Hero's Journey: Dante's inferno In many stories that are told and taught, there is a protagonist that experiences the call to adventure. This character soon follows into the path of the Hero's Journey. There, they transform their beliefs and ideas. They go beyond their horizon and expand their knowledge. In Dante's Inferno, Dante Alighieri tells his voyage through Hell in a poem in order to display his journey to God in a time when he had lost his way. The Inferno, symbolizes Dante's recognition of sin and the need to deny the temptations of man in order to obtain paradise with God. The Hero's Journey is depicted throughout the poem. The Call: The Call is the beginning of the Hero's Journey. It is when the protagonist or hero of the book is brought out of their domain and into the unknown. They are called to pass the horizon and enter into a mystery that will lead them to their destiny. The poem of "Dante's Inferno" opens up with Dante being lost in his pathway to God. On the morning light of Good Friday he realizes the error of his ways and turns to go up the Mount of Joy in order to leave the Dark Wood of worldliness and enter into Paradise. After being denied entry into the pathway towards god by three beasts, Dante's...
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...Dear Ellen, As your lifelong friend, I was thrilled when you wrote me requesting my services as a life coach. Let me first explain what I will do for and with you as your life coach; I will not only continue to be your best friend as I have been for the past 30 years, but I will now also become your mentor and coach who will guide you on the journey we are about to undertake together. I realize that most of the problems that you have today are a direct result of being sheltered by your parents, more your mom after your parents divorced, as a result of your congenital heart condition. Together, as a team, we will find ways for you to find strength to come out of your shell and flourish. The journey that we are going to embark on together as a team called the “Hero’s Journey”. I can compare it to the Fireproof (Catt & Kendrick, 2008) journey for couples. Remember going to see that movie together? Remember how Kirk Cameron got his wife back in the end with hard work? Your “Hero’s Journey” is not going to be easy by any means, but with hard work, diligence and perseverance, together we are going to turn you into the beautiful woman, both inside and out, that you always wanted to be! As your new life coach, I hope to give you the focus, clarity, and self-confidence that many life coaches have given to others (Personal Coaching, 2003). The program that my company uses is taken from Joseph Campbell’s (2008) The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Your journey will be one...
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...“The Hero’s Journey” is an article written by Joseph Campbell published in 1949. The Hero's Journey is a narrative pattern that appears in an assortment of myths, scholarly works, and films. The Hero’s Journey can be broken down into different sections, each of which encompasses a significant stage in the hero’s life. The general pattern is that the hero goes on an adventure, faces a significant challenge and emerges victorious, and comes home a changed individual. The first big idea from the article is Departure, where the hero leaves his comfortable and commonplace world and ventures into the darkness of the unknown. The first six stages of the Journey reveal departure because in each stage it leads the hero to act upon his call to adventure...
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