...A Lesson Before Dying Movie Review Mekhi Phifer stars as Jefferson, a black youth living in 1940s Louisiana. Jefferson is present during the shooting of a white grocery store owner, which also leaves two black men dead, and although he was not responsible for the shooting Jefferson makes the mistake of deciding to help himself to the contents of the cash register. He is caught in the act, and wrongly accused of the murders. During his trial, his white attorney uses a defence typical of the period whereby he equates the boy with a lowly hog, in an attempt to show that he would not have had the intellect to know what he was doing in other words, that Jefferson is not even worthy of conviction. This depressing defence fails, and Jefferson is convicted and sentenced to die. Although accepting that he is facing the death penalty, his outraged mother Miss Emma (Irma P Hall) and his aunt Tante Lou (Cicely Tyson) want him to go to his death like a man, and not still thinking of himself as a hog. To this end they recruit local schoolteacher Grant Wiggins (Don Cheadle) to visit Jefferson in his cell. He is the only educated black man that they know, and they hope that he will be able to convince Jefferson that he is indeed a man. Wiggins is reluctant, uncertain what good it will do, but eventually agrees. When he meets Jefferson, he will find that it changes his views on everything not only must Jefferson learn that he is a man and find a way to die with dignity, but Wiggins will learn...
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...A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines reveals many fundamental and universal ideas. The book gives a reader a lot of mental pabulum. It makes people think about life and its value, about people’s relations and behaviors, and about the past and the present. The book teaches people to recognize injustice in the society and to take responsibilities to improve it; it teaches to accept the past as it is and to face problems; it teaches that a lie can be constructive, and that it can decrease people’s sufferings. Grant Wiggins, the protagonist of the novel, often criticizes and bitterly resents racist society. He tends to run away and escape the society he feels will never change. Like Professor Antoine, he believes no one can change society without being destroyed in the process. Jefferson’s trial reinforces Grant’s pessimistic attitude. Grant sees the wickedness of a system designed to uphold the superiority of one race over another. He sees a man struck down to the level of a hog by a few words from an attorney. During the course of the novel, however, Grant comes to realize that cynicism like his is akin to lying down and dying, and that even small victories can accumulate and produce change. Rather than looking at Jefferson as a hopeless stranger, Grant accepts Jefferson’s plight as his own and begins to fight for Jefferson’s salvation. He accepts his duty to the society he inhabits, thereby taking the first step toward improving that society. Alongside with the theme of...
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...Professor Askassi ENGL 102 Section 021 12 April 2010 A Lesson Before Dying using Identification and Consubstantiality by Kenneth Burke in Chapter One and Two. In the story, A Lesson before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines starts off tremendously well. Ernest Gaines started by introducing what was happing as soon as Chapter One opened. He went on to explain what was going on to give the readers a clear understanding off the story and what action are taking place. The main character, Jefferson a young black man was in a situation at the wrong place at the wrong time. Now he has to face consequences that no one should ever have to accept. In Chapter One and Two, I’m going to explain the chapter’s using Identification and Consubstantiality by Kenneth Burke. Identification and Consubstantiality by Kenneth Burke suggests that whenever someone attempts to persuade someone else, identification occurs, because for persuasion to occur, one party must identify with another. I believe this is a great explanation explaining Chapter One. For example, Jefferson a young black man went to the store with his no good friends Brother and Bear. The store owner Old Grope knew Jefferson because of this godmother. They all was intoxicated with alcohol, so Bear wanted to purchase a bottle of Apple White but didn’t have enough money to get it. Then fire opened up in the store and Bear, Brother, and Old Grope was down but Grope wasn’t died. But, Grope told another story when the police came and poor Jefferson...
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...In the novel, A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J Gaines, there are several central symbols to the novel. Throughout the end of the novel, the central symbol is kneeling/ crawling, it is used to show a deeper meaning and the theme. The central symbol of kneeling/ crawling ties back to one lowering themselves to help another stand. Kneeling/ crawling represents the self-sacrifice of the person, as they have to lower themselves and degrade themselves for another by kneeling/ crawling. Also, kneeling/ crawling can also represent strength in a way, by being able to lower your pride and putting yourself down to put another person first. Many of the characters in the novel kneel/ crawl for the benefit of another to stand. Kneeling/ crawling is the...
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...In A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines, Gaines brings a new perspective of friendship through the transformation of a teacher and a young man sentenced to death during the late 1940’s in Bayonne, Louisiana. Jefferson, a young African American man, faces the death sentence after being convicted of shooting the owner of a liquor store and labeled as a “hog” by his own lawyer. Seeking to prove that Jefferson is a “man” instead of a hog, Jefferson’s godmother, Miss Emma, seeks help to make Jefferson a man again. With the help of her friend, Tante Lou, Miss Emma receives support from the local reverend, Reverend Ambrose, and a teacher, Grant Wiggins to guide Jefferson from a wild animal to a man. When Jefferson and Grant first meet, Jefferson treats himself and the people who love him without respect and acts as though life his life is already over. However, Grant soon realizes how to empower Jefferson to believe that he is important to his community. On the dreadful day of his execution, Grant decides to stay at school, questioning his entire effect on Jefferson and contemplating why he was not physically “there” for Jefferson in the end. However, Grant was truly “there” for Jefferson in the end because he changed into a friend who not only reminded Jefferson of his self-worth, but ultimately transformed Jefferson into a “man” again. Initially, Grant disapproves of helping Jefferson because he acts...
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...A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines explores racism and reveals the deep prejudice against African Americans in the city of Bayonne. The first example of racism in Bayonne occurs when Miss Emma, Tante Lou, and Grant go to Henri Pichot’s home to speak to him about Grant going to see Jefferson. In the book, they walk through the back door to the kitchen, and Grant acknowledges that he never wanted to walk through that back door again after he left for college. It symbolized the deep prejudice between whites and blacks because all of the white guests were welcomed through the front door and could move throughout the house. When Pichot comes to speak to Miss Emma, he is with his guest, Louis Rougon. Both of the men continue to drink while Miss Emma begins her speech. Soon, they rudely raised their glasses for Inez to fill them while Miss Emma is talking. This lack of attention for Miss Emma shows their lack of respect for blacks. Grant recalls, “I looked at the two white men, who raised their glasses. Henri Pichot finished his drink and stuck out his hand. Inez knew what it meant, and she came forward to get the empty glass. (pg 20, ch 3)” Soon after, Pichot begins to get impatient with Miss Emma when she asks him when he would talk to the sheriff. Again, his disrespect for blacks is shown. He did not even acknowledge Grant, Tante Lou, or Miss Emma as guests, because he soon after asked to turn his attention back to his guest, Rougon. Another...
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...A Lesson Before Dying “I want you to show them the difference between what they think you are and what you can be.” This quote was used in the film A Lesson Before Dying, by Grant Wiggins. An African American male, named Jefferson was convicted of a shooting while being at the wrong place at the wrong time. During court, he was called a hog and was punished with the electric chair. The word “hog” really got to his head to the point where he no longer cared and wanted die the way everyone knew him, as a hog. Jefferson’s former teacher, Grant Wiggins tries to prove to him that he is a man not hog. Words are used to humiliate and redeem the characters in this film. The major word that was used to humiliate and redeem characters in this film, was being called a “hog.” Jefferson was called a hog during court and was later letting it get to his head. He started snorting and eating food off the ground, noting “that’s how hog’s eat.” When Jefferson was called a hog, not only...
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...Jefferson, a black man condemned to die by the electric chair in the novel, A Lesson Before Dying, by Ernest J. Gaines, is perhaps the strongest character in African-American literature. Jefferson is a courageous young black man that a jury of all white men convicts of a murder he has not committed ; yet he still does not let this defeat destroy his personal character. Ernest Gaines portrays Jefferson this way to illustrate the fundamental belief that mankind’s defeats do not necessarily lead to his destruction. The author uses such actions as Jefferson still enjoying outside comforts, showing compassion towards others, and trying to better himself before dying. These behaviors clearly show that although society may cast Jefferson out as a black murderer, he can still triumph somewhat knowing that he retains the qualities of a good human being. The first trait Jefferson demonstrates after his incarceration is the fact that he still enjoys the outside comforts of small things such as a radio and diary. The fact that Jefferson still wants these things shows his imprisonment does not defeat him. In one of his last diary entries, Jefferson says , “shef guiry ax me what I want for my super an I tol him I want nanan to cook me som okra an rice an som pok chop an a conbred an som claba” (232). Jefferson still enjoys his aunt’s cooking, an outside pleasure from prison. The fact that he can still take pleasure from these small outside things clearly demonstrates that Jefferson...
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...Student’s Name Professor Course Date A Lesson before Dying The church is a significant symbol of hope and contradiction in A Lesson before Dying. The contradiction of the church, situated in Henri Pichot’s plantation, commences with its owner’s reluctance to enhance the lives of the African Americans who reside in his plantation. Henri believes that that the African Americans ought to remain in their status as slaves regardless of the abolishment of the slavery institution (Piacentino 73-85). Henri, through the church, possesses considerable powers over the African Americans who utilize his property, and this illustrates the contradiction that is present in the lives of the African Americans. The church is the one place that they should find peace, solace and support, but in this case it is the one place that is utilized to realize the exact opposite. Albeit the African Americans have liberty from slavery, they still have to rely on the resource provided by the White Americans for their survival (Gaines 12). Grant is the only educated African American in the section, and the only member of the African American society who might be considered able of becoming free from oppression. However, his career and life choices are critically restricted, and he has to address to white male authority figures as “Sir.” It is interesting that they are free but still some individuals do not want them to be autonomous. Henri has seen a loophole which he is utilizing to still treat them as...
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...LAB CHECKLIST 1. BEFORE YOU BEGIN ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ PRINT: Find and Print your lab CHECK FORMAT: Make sure you have all the pages and that they printed correctly READ: Read the ENTIRE lab UNDERSTAND: Look up any words you do not understand in your textbook or approved sources (dictionary, reading material from class) NOT Wikipedia and write the definitions on the lab HIGHLIGHT: Highlight any portions of the lab that seem important, tricky, or that you have questions about PRELAB: Complete any Prelab questions 2. WHILE COLLECTING DATA ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ASK: Before you begin, ask the teacher any questions that you had while reading the lab READ: Read the instructions again before each new step MEASURE: Make clear and precise measurements – DO NOT FORGET UNITS RECORD: record all measurements clearly, make sure you can find and read them later – DO NOT FORGET UNITS OBSERVE: Make good observations – record what you saw, smelled, felt, heard, etc. No detail is too small and there is often no going back to see it again PARTICIPATE: Make sure that everyone in your lab group is participating and has all of the data recorded 3. AFTER COMPLETING DATA COLLECTION ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ READ: Reread the methods – did you miss anything? Are there any steps on the next page? READ: As soon as you are sure the data collection is complete, read the directions for the lab report/writeup – Do you have all the data you need? How will you need to organize the data? Are you using class, group, or personal data...
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...10/24/11 Period 5 Jefferson’s death is sad for everyone but it is the one lesson that will teach the biggest lesson. Death is a touchy subject for everyone, it’s the saddest part of life but the most common. The one thing miss Emma wants is for Jefferson to die a man she doesn’t want him to feel like a hog or a coward because Shakespeare once said Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of death but once(William Shakespeare). She just wants the best for him no matter what everyone knows Jefferson’s a man but not the white person or himself as soon as they see it two people can die happy. Grant can see the diamond in the rough. Grant will see the value of a life he just doesn’t see it yet. Grant only things of himself “I want run away” and that’s all he thinks about (gains pg 190). As the day gets closer everyone can see that Jefferson is losing the will to do things and the drive to keep moving forward but no way really cares what he wants. As the band Cinderella once said “you don’t know what you got till it’s gone” and everyone will see that once Jefferson is dead. The death penalty may be cruel to some but to others it will show them the meaning of life and how life is truly valuable. As everyone gets older they see how much their life really means to them and everyone around them. As someone slips into the darkness they see how much everything truly means to them. Grant doesn’t know how Jefferson feels and he won’t until his life is on the line...
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...Grant Wiggins has been teaching on a plantation outside Bayonne, Louisiana, for several years when a slow-witted man named Jefferson is convicted of murder and sentenced to death. Jefferson claims he is innocent of the crime. He says he was on his way to a bar, but changed his mind and decided to tag along with two men who were on their way to a liquor store. Upon arriving there, the two men began arguing with the storeowner, and a shootout ensued. The storeowner and the two men died, and Jefferson remained at the scene of the crime. He was arrested and tried for murder. Jefferson's lawyer argues in court that Jefferson is nothing but a poor fool, hardly more worthwhile than a hog, and therefore incapable of plotting such a scheme. The jury quickly brings back a guilty verdict. Upon hearing the lawyer's speech, Jefferson's godmother, Miss Emma, resolves to help Jefferson die like a man, not a hog. She asks Grant to help her, knowing that he will resist. Grant left many years prior to attend college, and he returned an educated man. He deplores the injustices done to his fellow black men, but he does not want to get involved in Jefferson's case. However, after considerable pressure from his aunt, Tante Lou, he agrees to try to help Jefferson. Grant, Miss Emma, and Grant's aunt go to visit Jefferson in his cell, and they discover that he too heard the lawyer's words and has taken them to heart. Silent and moody, Jefferson resists Grant's feeble attempts to reach him. The three...
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...NCC ASSESSMENT RESULTS NAME Career Interest Assessment Work Values Assessment Skills Confidence Assessment You have completed 3 different assessments to help you identify possible work categories best suited to your skills, interests, and work values. After completing the NCC Outline you will write a 5 paragraph Summary Report discussing what you learned about yourself. Be honest in your responses and comments. FIRST PARAGRAPH – MINIMUM 7 COMPLETE SENTENCES What is your plan for after high school? What colleges or universities are you interested in? What careers are you interested in? why? SECOND PARAGRAPH – MINIMUM 7 COMPLETE SENTENCES What were you three highest career interest on the interest assessments. Which one was your favorite? Why? Based on your favorite choice what coursework, school activities, and community activities are needed to prepare for this career cluster? List and discuss the career specialties that you are currently considering. THIRD PARAGRAPH – MINIMUM 7 COMPLETE SENTENCES What were you three highest career interest on the confidence assessments. Which one was your favorite? Why? Based on your favorite choice what coursework, school activities, and community activities are needed to prepare for this career cluster? List and discuss the career specialties that you are currently considering. How does this career choice differ from the one on the career interests assessment. FOURTH PARAGRAPH – MINIMUM 7 COMPLETE...
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...It is often said that a teacher learns more from their students. With his novel, A Lesson Before Dying, Ernest Gaines embodies this idea beyond the classroom. The novel begins with the sentencing of Jefferson, a cognitively delayed young black man found in the wrong place at the wrong time. To alleviate the sentence, the attorney refers to Jefferson with a list of insults including a boy, a fool, and a hog. Due to the racist atmosphere, he still receives the full punishment of death by electrocution. His aunt, worried about his soul, commissions Grant Wiggins, a black educator, to meet with Jefferson before his execution. Grant faces the task of “making him a man”, which he deems as a hopeless attempt. Nevertheless, he uses his views as an intelligent black man in society to change Jefferson’s perspective and give him the strength to accept himself in his final days. Though the novel begins with Grant Wiggins’ attempt to build a man from a prisoner, A Lesson Before Dying becomes a story of his own self actualization and a transformation of his relationship with society. As soon as Grant is introduced to the situation by Ms. Emma, Jefferson’s aunt, he rejects the proposal and explodes with opposition. Grant views himself as an intellectual, with a higher perception of the community than most people. Because of this intuition and his personal experiences, Grant finds his role as...
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..."A Lesson Before Dying" is a fantastic novel written by Ernest J. Gaines. Grant Wiggins, Jefferson, and Paul are three characters from the novel that benefited, embodied, and understood the most important lesson before dying. The most important lesson and message before dying was that each of us has been created by God with potential to be great, and to help others reach greatness. Grant Wiggins is a prime example of the most important lesson before dying. He attempted to teach Jefferson to be a man and not a "hog" as the public defender had called him during the trial. Jefferson's godmother "wants [Grant] to visit [Jefferson] and make him know-- prove to these white men-- that he's not a hog, that he's a man. (Gaines 31) Grant accepts the challenge firstly, to prove the white men that were betting against him wrong and show them that Jefferson can and will transform into a man for the sake of black people in the South. However, he also accepts the challenge in order for Jefferson to be someone he (Grant) in the future would look up to because he is the only person who has the power now to stand up to the white people in the South. Also, Grant Wiggins is trying to expose and introduce Jefferson's greatness by calling him a hero. Grant begins to explain to Jefferson the "'A hero is someone who does something for other people. He does something that other men don’t and can't do. He is different from other men. He is above other men. No matter who those other men are, the hero...
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