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A Look Into Health Promotion and Prevention


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A Look into Health Promotion and Prevention
Jody Seddon
Family Centered Health Promotion

February 12, 2012

A Look into Health Promotion and Prevention
Health promotion definitions have varied among the years. Since 1986 the American Journal of Health Promotions gave the definition, which is the most well-known, “the science and art of helping people change their lifestyles to move forward a state of optimal health.” (Edelman & Mandle, 2010, ¶ 2) Since then it has become more about one’s own responsibility to take the initiative to live healthier and to obtain the education that one needs to assure they know how to do so. The goal is to prevent a disease from occurring or to lessen the disease and preventing further complications of the disease. “Health is concerned with the state of a person as a whole, including physical, mental and social wellbeing.” (“Promoting health in primary care“, 2010, p. 59) Nurses are imperative into assuring this can and will take place.
In order for one to take the responsibility to lead healthier lives we must provide opportunities for education. Most unhealthy people are unaware of how to take care of themselves or how to obtain the information to assist them with the changes that they need. With the changes in healthcare today we must ensure the patients and their families are knowledgeable on their disease and disease processes and ways of prevention so they can take part in their self-care to know what to do and what not to do, to prevent further complications. Health promotion in nursing is essential due to the changes that will be accruing with the new healthcare reforms. Nurses are educators and have the experience to teach the population on ways to adapt to a healthier lifestyle. It is the nurse’s role to assure the public has access to resources that will

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