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Health Promotion and Nursing


Submitted By eowens4
Words 1217
Pages 5
Health Promotion and Nursing Betsy Owens
Grand Canyon University: Family Centered Health Promotion
October 3, 2013

Health Promotion in Nursing Health promotion is very important to the nursing profession. It is one of the most important aspects of their career and should be practiced from the first day they are a nurse. It not only helps the patient to live a more healthy life, but a longer life without complications. Nurses take on many roles in health promotion, and as such should know the definition. The definition of health promotion varies throughout the nursing field. One such definition is “the science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health.” (Greiner & Edelman, 2010). This means to help people through teaching to change the way they live to be at their healthiest. Another definition states, “the process of advocating health in order to enhance the probability that personal (individual, family, and community), private (professional and business), and public (federal, state, and local government) support of positive health practices will become a societal norm” (Greiner & Edelman, 2010). This could be construde as encouraging people on a larger scale to live healthier making the normal way to live. Both definitions center around helping people to learn how to live with positive health practices, so that they may live healthier and longer. The nurse is the first line of health promotion. They have to work in many roles to acomplish this. First and foremost they educate. They have to educate good nutrition, industrial and highway safety, immunization, and specific drug therapy (Greiner & Edelman, 2010). To be able to do this for the total population, they have to understand learning styles and teach- learner goals of different patients no matter the age, heritage, or

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