...A Microfinance MIS XBIS/219 06/15/2012 Clara Spenny A Microfinance MIS The Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) is an Eclipse-based open source reporting system for web applications, especially those based on Java and Java EE (eclipse.org). The report designer and a runtime component are BIRT two major components. When these two components are combined it will allow the user to create graphically rich reports. BIRT also offers a charting engine that lets you add charts to your own application (eclipse.org). With BIRT software, you can add a rich variety of reports to your application such as charts, crosstabs, lists, compound reports, and letterhead (eclipse.org). BIRT reports consist of four main parts, data, data transforms, business logic and presentation (eclipse.org). The sample database is available in two forms, the Apache Derby database, which is included in the BIRT download and the scripts to load a MySQL database. The schema is for Classic Models, a retailer of scale models of classic cars (eclipse.org). The sample database consists of eight tables. The tables are offices, employees, customers orders, order details, payments, products and product lines (eclipse.org). In conclusion, BIRT is a reporting tools running on the Eclipse and Tomcat combination. The BIRT sample database contains typical business data and provides a simple set of tables and data that form the basis for BIRT sample reports (eclipse.org). BIRT software is used to create...
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...A Microfinance MIS XBIS/219 A Microfinance MIS The Business Intelligence Reporting Tool (BIRT) is a software database program that allows maintenance Management System (MMS) reports to be displayed. BIRT is currently a software project within the Eclipse Foundation. The program was initially developed to allow application developers to effortlessly design and incorporate reports into Java-based applications. The ultimate goal of the software is to gather data from several locations, process the data, and present that information to end users (Eclipse Foundation, 2012). The example schema given is for a company called Classic Models which specializes in scale replicas of classic cars. The maintenance management system is a centralized database that provides information vital to a company. In this example, the database consists of eight tables which include offices, employees, customers, orders, order details, payments, products and product lines. BIRT has two key modules which include a visual report designer which creates reports and a runtime component which allows generated reports to be displayed by end users. In the example schema information is provided about sales offices which include contact information such as phone numbers and address. The employee database contains similar contact information as well as what office the employee currently works in, job title, and current manager. The customer...
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...A Microfinance MIS A Microfinance MIS Mifos is a database system that was designed specifically for countries that are developing microfinance institutions. This database system is intended to be use by institutions whose purpose is to “deal with the planning for, development, management, and use of information technology tools to help people perform all tasks related to information processing and management” (Rainer and Turban, 2008, p.24). The different types of analysis include: Business reporting and client management; it can also include the ability of savings and loan portfolio analysis report that can be run on Mifos. Some of the system advantages are easy, effectiveness, positive social and business impacts, growth and scalability. Some of the other important design features are: protection, data integrity, flexibility and quickness. A MySQL database is run under Mifos. (Grameen Foundation, 2008). This is used for the commonly known web applications. This is usually use to store and log user data (i.e. Facebook). Within the database you can find, account authentication, authorization and administration structures built within this database. These utilities are usually assemble as one application component, this makes it user friendly. The rest of the applications are designed for loan officers, branches and loan reviewers. Business logic is supported within the function through the use of tables for this data. This is believed to be the most excellent...
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...Microfinance is the provision of financial services such as loans, savings, insurance, and training to people living in poverty. It is one of the great success stories in the developing world in the last thirty years and is widely recognized as a just and sustainable solution in alleviating global poverty. The Specialist of a Microfinance Software can offer up a number of other much-needed services, and those services include: Business process analysis and technology needs assessment, Software development for system integration with other applications, Modification of Microfinance Software to suit local requirements, Business consulting and IT strategy development to map out technology investment, Implementation and training of a social performance management through a tool like PPI, Data migration and testing, and they also offer Training and general technology readiness. Microfinance has many database components such as; supports loan and savings portfolio management, centralized operational reporting, social performance measurement, and can be integrated with other technology solutions. It was launched as a community-driven platform to address the entire industry's need for cost-effective flexible technology that scales and evolves with the rapid growth of microfinance. Microfinance has many components to their database. Microfinance is considered one centralized platform with a global community and its purpose is to provide support for group meetings, training &...
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...Axia College Material Appendix B Price Elasticity and Supply & Demand Fill in the matrix below and describe how changes in price or quantity of the goods and services affect either supply or demand and the equilibrium price. Use the graphs from your book and the Tomlinson video tutorials as a tool to help you answer questions about the changes in price and quantity |Event |Market affected by event |Shift in supply, demand, or both. |Change in equilibrium | | | |Explain your answer. | | |Frozen orange crops in California |Orange juice |Supply (left)—Not as many available |Price will increase and quantity will | | | |oranges to offer consumers. |decrease. | |Hurricanes in the Gulf Coast |Oil |Shift in supply- Oil distilleries shut |The Quantity will decrease but the | | | |down. |price will increase. | |Cost of cotton decreases |Clothes |Shift in supply- more cotton available |The price will stay the same until...
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...A Microfinance MIS - Checkpoint Carri A. Williamson SCI/241 July 2, 2010 Barbara Hecker A web-based MIS, Mifos “Micro Finance Open Source” provides many resources and information to many companies. Mifos has many database components such as supports loan and savings portfolio management, centralized operational reporting, social performance measurement, and can be integrated with other technology solutions. It was launched as a community-driven platform to address the entire industry's need for cost-effective flexible technology that scales and evolves with the rapid growth of microfinance (Mifos, 2009). Mifos has many components to there database. Mifos is considered one centralized platform with a global community and its purpose is to provide support for group meetings, training & attendance, support for group and individual lending & savings, and define multiple rules, interest rates & payment types. Mifos has an unparalleled ease-of-use such as familiar browser-based interface & easy navigation and wider adoption and greater user acceptance. Mifos also has streamlined work processing such as exception-based data entry, consistent workflow, and bulk collection sheet entry, loan creation/approval. Another feature provided is flexible & rapid product execution such as define/configure unlimited loan/savings products in UI and configurable workflow - automatic activity flow. Mifos also has robust security mechanisms & fraud prevention with granular role-based...
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...The Mifos is management information system (MIS) which is accessible as web-based management for microfinance institutions. Effectively, Mifos “Micro Finance Open Source” provides resource for businesses both nationally and internationally. The system is designed for users assuming they are familiarized with the microfinance system, which assists the poverty level society to get loans based on their ability to pay them back not just with collateral. Some of the many features of the Mifos, functions are for users to view fees, funds, checklists, holidays, and offices in a business. Users can also record the reports of their business progress. Meeting reports can be recorded also through the Mifos system. The Mifos system was designed to be cost effective for businesses. The Mifos has been referred to as the central station for a globalized community. Businesses use the Mifos system is to provide support for their large group settings, attendance for their company and for training purposes. In addition, it supports savings and the lending portfolios; it provides rules, interest rates and a payment plan. It is user friendly with an easy navigation for users. Mifos streamlines the process for data entry, a continuous workflow system, collects a bulk of information for creating loans and the approvals. It is a speedy process for defining and configuring loans and savings limitations. Mifos is also designed for robust security mechanisms, preventing fraud including role base permissions...
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...ICT in Microfinance: A Bangladesh Perspective Md. Badruddozza Mia, Coordinator of Computer in Development Programme, PROSHIKA The movement for harnessing the potential of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for the development of the poor is gaining momentum around the world. Microfinance has already played a remarkable role in poverty reduction endeavours in the less developed countries. Better financial services for the poor through the appropriate use of ICTs could help the microfinance providers do even better. Bangladesh has a long track record of developing models and implementing microfinance programs. This paper explores the extent that ICT has been used in microfinance programs in Bangladesh. It looks into the use of ICT at the back-office MIS and in front-line transaction management. It describes the problems and challenges that microfinance providers and clients are facing in the present state of ICT use. The paper proposes steps that could help microfinance providers, through ICT innovations, to increase outreach and also become more efficient, transparent, and flexible. Introduction Since the digital technology era began, it has contributed to widening the gap between the rich and poor around the globe. In recent times, however, strong advocacy and innovation has occurred to harness the potential of ICT for the development of the poor [13]. ICT4D activists are working to use ICT as an "enabler" or a "tool" for development. The presumption is that it will...
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...Management Information System for MFIs 1.0 Background A good Management Information System (MIS) is the heart of any organization and this is true for MFIs as well. For e.g. MFIs may have capable and motivated staff, but if they lack systematized information, they will be unable to perform up to their potential. A sound MIS is the key to achieve sustainability as it helps in providing the right type of information in achieving sustainability. It helps in reducing default, optimal rotation of portfolio, establishing sustainable interest rates, improving operational efficiency, generating reports at various levels for various stakeholders and review the progress. (Box 1). Common Shortcomings observed in the Information Management Practices: 1.) The basis formats are not comprehensive of them could be combined. 2) The flow and logistic aspects of transfer of information from Society to Federation to HQs and vice versa is not very efficient. 3) The reports produced by the MIS are not in line with the best practices information required. 4) There is no accurate aging analysis of all loans including the past due loans. At best, the aging analysis is approximate and there is no proper asset classification backed up by provisioning. 5) Clients are not classified as good, delinquent and defaulting borrowers based on (international best practices) criteria. 6) Credit history of the borrowers is not available. 7) Clear repayment schedules for borrowers at various levels do not exist...
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...A Microfinance MIS: Mifos Database STUDENT University of Phoenix BIS 219 Introduction to Business Information Systems INSTRUCTOR DATE A Microfinance MIS: Mifos Database Mifos is a management information system designed to microfinance institutions in developing countries. Management information systems (MIS), such as Mifos “deal with the planning for, development, management, and use of information technology tools to help people perform all tasks related to information processing and management” (Rainer & Turban, 2008, p.24). Mifos allows running social and business reports as well as analysis, managing clients, savings, and loans portfolio. Mifos offers several advantages to its users such as efficiency and ease, growth and scalability, social and business impact, flexibility and agility, security and data integrity, among others. Mifos runs on top of a MySQL database (Grameen Foundation, 2008). A MySQL database is commonly used in web applications and for data storage and logging of user data (i.e. Facebook). The Mifos database definitely has structures for account authentication, authorization, and administration. The above operations are usually grouped together under one component of the application. The bulk of the application is used to review loan officers, branches, loans, and so forth; so, there will be tables for each of those. Those tables will hold the data that supports the business logic for the application. Mifos includes also...
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...In: Business and Management Mis Exam Chapter 01:An Introduction to Information Systems TRUE/FALSE 1. Information and data are essentially the same thing. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: 5 2. Computers are required to organize or process data. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: 7 3. Using a computer to forecast future sales and order more inventory before a shortage can occur is an example of information system feedback. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: 12 4. A CBIS is a single set of hardware, software, databases, telecommunications, people, and procedures configured to collect, manipulate, store, and process data into information. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: 12 5. The technology infrastructure is a set of shared IS resources that form the foundation of each computer-based information system. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: 12 6. Today’s more advanced processor chips have the power of 1990s-era supercomputers. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: 13 7. Teraflops is a measure of computer storage capacity. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: 13 8. Application software such as Windows Vista and Windows Seven control basic computer operations such as start-up and printing. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: 14 9. Software is needed for computers of all sizes from cell phones and small hand held devices to the largest supercomputers. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: 14 10. Private cloud computing applications are available to everyone. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: 15 11. Information about the documents on the Web and access to these documents are controlled...
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...How MIS Affects Organizational Functions The Management Information Systems (MIS) plays a very important role in business environment to become a significant strategy of its organization operation. According to Linda Banks, the author of “The Tea Room News”, she mentions the impact of MIS to business processes is “Management Information Systems (MIS) not only include software systems, but the entire set of business processes and resources that are used to pull together information from functional or tactical systems” (B, 2015). Basically, the MIS is described as data collected system which analyzes data in order to provide appropriate information related in business performances. That information will be valuable for different levels of its management. On this paper, we will discuss the effect of MIS on executive level of business decision making, organizational department levels; and its contributions on production sales. In the level of competitive business environment nowadays, business owners have to react immediately with the sudden change of current activity of organization. By the way, the decision needs to be quick and accurate. According to Watson H.J and Mann R.I, the co-author of the article “Information Systems for Management” published in 1987, stated that “The MIS supports the planning, control and operation functions of an organization by furnishing uniform information in the proper time frame to assist the decision makers" (Watson H.J , Mann R.I, 1987). Obviously...
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...“Mifos is a web-based management information system (MIS) for microfinance institutions (MFIs). Through its open source technology platform, Mifos streamlines the operations of microfinance institutions, providing real-time information and the capacity to scale. Mifos helps MFIs operate more efficiently and to drive a broader and deeper outreach to the poor. As the core backbone of an MFI’s operations, Mifos provides portfolio and transaction management, on-the-fly financial product creation, in-depth client management, integrated social performance measurement, and a reporting engine to provide financial transparency and business and social insight”. (According to Grameen foundation, 2011) Mifos’s software is mostly offered free to poor third world countries microfinance clients. This soft ware keeps track of client activity, details, and loan performances. The software performs in way of status details, account activity, and account details to manage clients. The software also manages groups in the same manner. The software helps to manage and track all current loans, tells when the next payments are due, give account history. Automatically find and display pending approval of loans, offer bulk approvals. Mifos’s software offers transaction and data management, it can show the user how to operate like an organization, by performing administrative task such as manage role and permission, viewing the system user, data display and rules, manage custom reports, and customize data...
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...STRATEGIC PLAN 2009 - 2013 BERENDINA MICROFINANCE INSTITUTE TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATION: ................................................................................................................................................. 4 1. CURRENT SITUATION ............................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. COMPANY INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................... 5 MICROFINANCE METHODOLOGY ADOPTED BY BMI .................................................................................... 6 VISION AND MISSION ................................................................................................................................. 7 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES .......................................................................................................................... 7 STRATEGIC PLANNING METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................. 7 2.1 SWOT A NALYSIS ...................................................................................................................................... 8 3. STRATEGIC GOAL & OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................ 10 3.1 3.2 STRATEGIC GOAL FOR 2009-2013 .........................................................
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...Business plan Private and confidential “FOR STARTING A MICROFINANCE INSTITUTION IN TANZANIA” Dar-es-Salaam June 2009 1 Table of Contents 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. 6. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND .....................................................3 Executive Summary..........................................................................................3 Mission and Goals ............................................................................................ 3 Macroeconomic Economic Situations in Tanzania ..........................................4 MARKET AND CLIENTS ..............................................................................5 Market ...............................................................................................................5 Microeconomic Background ............................................................................5 Clients ...............................................................................................................7 Business Environment Analysis .......................................................................9 Competitors ......................................................................................................9 Opportunities and Threats ..............................................................................11 CORRABORATION AND PARTNERSHIP .................................................
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