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A Real New Princess Analysis

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Is she a real new “Princess”?
Media has grown into the ultimate medium of mass communication, a popular agent used to illustrate a “reflection” of the societies throughout the ages. In general, media has overcome multiple issues of representation of different genders, sexuality, classes, ethnic and racial groups (Hoynes and Crouteau). Nevertheless, these matters are not completely evolved yet. Media producers substitute the blunt way of displaying their demeaning opinions, into a subtler version of prejudice defined as: “modern” racism and sexism. Fundamentally, rather than discriminating and showing direct hatred towards who they claim are “genetically inferior”; producers present a positive evaluation and acceptance towards the “minorities” …show more content…
The directors just shifted it to minor details, lyrics, and iconographies. Primarily, Tiana’s childhood “best friend” Charlotte represents the cliché white, blonde, spoiled and rich girl that calls her father “big daddy”. She certainly believes that wishing upon a star will solve one's problems. Her dreams have always been about marrying a prince and becoming a princess, although her father could afford all the tiaras in the world. Moreover, writers use the song: “Down in New Orleans” to describe the city and its people (Newman, Down in New Orleans -The Princess and the Frog). However, a certain lyric: “Where the women are very pretty and all the men deliver” assumes that all women are sexualized objects and reduces their significance, in the community, to their looks. Finally, the biggest womanizer and playboy of all: Prince Naveen, he certainly is the epitome of sexism. When Naveen, Louis the alligator, and Tiana sing another song “When We’re Human”, animals dance and gather around them. Naveen’s part goes like this: “… A redhead on my left arm, A brunette on my right, A blonde or two to hold the candles, Now that seems just about right…” during those lyrics multicolored butterflies are represented as female exotic dancers around him, showing the swiftness of getting girls when he is a rich and handsome prince (Newman, When we are human: The Princess and the Frog

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