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Chlamydia Research Paper

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Chlamydia is an obligate intracellular bacteria that is considered as a parasite due to its nature in it being dependent its host for ATP and other intermediates. There are various types of chlamydia species that includes C psittaci, C trachomatis and C pneumoniae.
C trachomatis and C pneumoniae are the only parasites that are infective to human whereas C psittaci are commonly observed in birds or other small mammals. Chlamydia infections are one the most common bacterial infections that is spread via sexual activity which can cause long term effects such as pelvic Inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

C trachomatis infection causes Trachoma that usually results in conjunctivitis, or lymphogranuloma venereum. C trachomatis …show more content…
2: Endocyosis of intracellular EB, inhibition of Iysosomes …show more content…
By having the nationwide screening, this helps the government bodies to prevent the spreading of the infection from an infected person to an uninfected individual, which will therefore reduce the risk of an epidemic. Moreover, it enables the health care professional to control the infection swiftly after the infected patient is diagnosed. Healthcare professionals are able to prescribe antibiotics such as azithromycin, which is an anti-bacterial drug, under a drug class of macrolides as it is a broad spectrum antibiotic which only can fight against to some gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Despite its nature of not being broad as the other drugs, this will not promote antibiotic resistance which would be counterproductive. Hence, it is widely used in combating gram-positive bacteria infection such as chlamydia infection over a period of 7-14days. Doxycycline is also used in treating patient with chlamydia infection as it is a broad spectrum antibiotic, under a drug class of tetracycline. However, the use of Doxycycline would not be the first-line due to its nature in it being broad spectrum antiobiotic. This will create bacterial resistance in the near future. It allows the host to be more susceptible to bacterial resistance. Doxycycline will be prescribed if the host is not responsive to azithromycin

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