...Jon Doe Comp 2 (Due April 3. Bingeing article review) 1.) Title: How Bingeing Became the New College Sport Author: Barrett Seaman Date & Place of pub..: 8/29/2005, Time magazine - From the title I get the impression the author is giving a sarcastic viewpoint of how college kids drink way too much. - The articles topic and claim is that pre-gaming has become a college tradition. And the author seems to be speaking from a disturbed point of view. I agree that pre-gaming has become a form of tradition amongst college students. However one thing that I do not agree with is that the “tradition” of pre-gaming has been limited to just college students. I remember college was really when I started to drink, and pre-gaming was something that everyone did before going out. It wasn’t enough to drink once you get out but people wanted to, in a way, start the party before they were even at the party. I remember pre-gaming with my roommates my second year of school. We were all getting ready to go to a club, and had decided to purchase some liquor to drink at the dorm. A couple of us were still pretty new to the drinking seen so naturally it is easy to see why one of us may not know our limits. My roommate was a perfect example of this. He got so drunk that he passed out it his bed before we even left. Then when we tried to wake him up, he began throwing up in his bed only to lay back down in his own vomit and pass out again. Lucky for us, his girlfriend was there...
Words: 313 - Pages: 2