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A Review of How Bingeing Became the New College Sport by Barrett Seaman


Submitted By zman360
Words 464
Pages 2
A review of How Bingeing Became the New College Sport by Barrett Seaman, a former TIME editor and correspondent. I feel it’s going to be about blasting drinking and it’s going to disagree from my own point of view.
The topic at hand in Barrett’s article is about the injustice & stolen freedoms of millions of young Americans. That lack of freedom has led to a very real problem of over drinking.
My experience is that I drank in high school. I drank before I was 21 and the only trouble I ever got into is because of the nonsensical laws. I got an underage drinking ticket; one or maybe two. It’s totally wrong that a society, a Nation that claims to be free, tells young men and women that they are old enough to die, be issued weapons and ordered into combat to terminate other human lives but they cannot consume alcohol? Whether it be hard liquor, moonshine, beer, or just a glass of wine it’s totally wrong! The mistakes and foolishness of the few should not justify the raping of freedoms from the whole population of 18 to 20 year olds!
Furthermore I know many Veterans. One Veteran in particular, when he was 20 years old, the Port Washington, WI PD gave him a fine. Right after he got back from Iraq because he was at a party drinking. Talk about a lack of respect, respect for what he's done! Those cops have the nerve to wear the same flag on their uniform and claim they are there to protect & serve. This whole topic makes me more than angry. It still infuriates me to this day and I'm 30 years old. I think it is so wrong that 19, 20 and 18 year old Soldiers cannot drink, let alone a civilian population that can join the military if they choose to. All I ask for is there to be one real legal adult age, no more double standards. If at 18 you can vote, sign a legal contract, legally get married & procreate, buy long guns, join the military the list goes on and on. But then you have to wait to 21 to gamble, buy handguns and to drink?
The evidence of using Canadian universities as an example is a very good one in my opinion. It's common sense I could have wrote the article myself. So no convincing needs to be done on my part. He did not address any opposing points. I'm glad he didn't because the opposing views on this issue are just a bunch of grieving mothers. Mothers that want to steal other peoples freedom and squash their fun because they can't deal with the loss of one of their own loved ones. I think he's quite persuasive.

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