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A Rhetorical Analysis Of Sherman Alexie's 'Superman And Me'

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Words 304
Pages 2
Arman Zarbashi
Professor Jeremy Harris
English 1101
13 September 2017
Superman and Me Rhetorical Analysis
Sherman Alexie uses many rhetorical devices such as repetition, hyperbole, alliteration and imagery. Many people around the world do not know how to read or write. It is a worldwide dilemma. Nearly every school requires some kind of reading/writing in order to advance in the education world. Sherman Alexie, taught himself to read and therefore saved many people's lives. People did not believe in him but Sherman Alexie was self-motivated.
In the whole passage, Alexie talks about how he self-taught himself and wants the audience to know that. He talks about how his family was poor and how they "lived on a combination of irregular

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