...Mind-Body-Spirit Dimensions Jean Watson’s theory of human caring is one that elevates nursing from being merely a clinical experience to becoming an intersection with the patient that affects the patient deeply in all three dimensions—the mind, body, and spirit. In order to achieve this three-pronged impact, the nurse must create caring-healing moments with the patient. As Watson (2006, p. 51) points out, “The whole caring-healing consciousness is contained within a single caring moment…Caring consciousness transcends time, space, and physicality—that is, caring goes beyond the given moment, and situation, and informs the future experiences of practitioner and patient.” Watson (2006, p. 51) contends that through these caring-healing moments, the patient’s human dignity is preserved, and the relationship between patient and nurse is marked by integrity. The application of Watson’s theory has resulted in remarkable successes in terms of healing patients, but it is problematic because of the difficulty in measuring intangible qualities such as mental and spiritual dimensions of healing. It is important for nurses to have access to assessment tools that can assist them in evaluating clients in various stages of health, illness, stress, and life so that Watson’s theory can be applied accordingly and its results can be aptly measured. Two such tools are the Spiritual Involvement and Beliefs Scale and the Hassles and Uplifts Scale. Each tool will be described, explained in terms of...
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...emotional stress every day. Without proper self-care, counselors will experience empathy fatigue. Empathy fatigue is a serious condition which impairs counselors. Impaired counselors are unable to fulfill the responsibilities of their helping role. Practicing regular self-care is crucial to the well-being of the counselor and therefore, the counselee. Centering Prayer is a form of self-care. This paper will discuss literature on the topic of Centering Prayer and explore two studies on the effectiveness of Centering Prayer in relieving stress. This information will be applied to preventing empathy fatigue in counselors. Research shows that counselors suffer empathy fatigue (Stebnicki, 2007). This condition “results from a state of emotional, mental, physical, and occupational exhaustion that occurs as the counselors’ own wounds are continually revisited by their clients’ life stories of chronic illness, disability, trauma, grief and loss” (Stebnicki, 2007, p. 318). Empathy fatigue is a state of counselor impairment. Conversely, the soul of the helping relationship is wellness....
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...specifically neural development. Discuss how spiritual development can counter the effects of trauma. What are the determining factors that lead to developmental delays when a child is exposed to trauma? Give details on the prevalence of different types of trauma and if they differ among different cultures. Make sure to support everything you report with at least 2–3 current APA citations and then a reference page at the end. Review the Essay Grading Rubric before submitting. Your paper must be at least 600 words. Abstract Trauma is an experience that all people are potential vulnerable towards. Trauma comes in many forms ranging from non-typical situations of abuse and neglect to intense reaction to life events such as the death of a loved one or a natural disaster. Trauma may be experienced personally or may result from witnessing a particular event. The effects of trauma are long lasting, though not necessarily irreversible. Trauma may result in a variety of mental health or addiction diagnosis and often has significant impacts on neurological development. While trauma has many negative effects, there are many approaches to trauma that may minimize these effects. One such approach described in the paper is a spiritual approach. Spiritual development and application may provide understanding and hope after a person has experienced trauma and is often a successful means of recovering from the effects of a traumatic experience. SAMPLE Trauma Kuban (2012) defines...
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...Professor Kupillas 3.15.2011 Meditation the Real Medicine Writing an argument paper can be difficult, but my topic that I have chosen makes it somewhat easier since it is one that is used every day of my life. With it I can meet the daily challenges that most everyone take for granted. Like, eating and drinking we think nothing of those skills, well for me it is the same as eating and drinking. It has to be or I won't be able to function throughout my day. In 1981 I broke my lower lumbar spine in 4 places, a fall that accrued during a Special OP’s training exercise. I fell four stories and landed in water, but it felt like cement. For the next year my life was in a hospital traction bed and told I would never walk again. I walk today but the pain remains, a constant reminder of a day that changed my life forever and started me in the world of pain management. As one starts thinking about the argument topic they want to write about, this was a no brainier for me in choosing the topic to write about. A practice that is, as routine as eating or brushing one's teeth for most people. This routine is as important to me as to the daily challenges that most everyone take for granted. My argument topic is on meditation vs. alpha-medicine drug treatments. Let’s get some clearly to the facts about meditation this might be helpful in an argument against some of the assumptions on meditation, which is something I practice in my...
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...Chapter 1 Title: Pranic Healing and Meditation, its effectiveness against stress and anxiety for University of Makati second year nursing students. Background of the Study Pranic healing is a type of complementary medicine or therapy that uses energy or prana to harmonize or transform the body’s energy processes. Prana is a Sanskrit word that means life-force. This life-force or energy helps the body to maintain homeostasis and a state of good health. In some other complementary medicines like acupuncture, this energy is called as Chi. It is also called as Ruach in Hebrew. It is said that pranic healing is a simple yet powerful and effective system of no-touch energy healing. It is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a self-repairing living entity that possesses the ability to heal itself and that the healing process is accelerated by increasing this life force that readily available from the sun, air, and ground to address physical and emotional imbalances. Master Choa Kok Sui, the founder of pranic healing, says “Life Energy or prana is all around us. It is persuasive; we are actually in an ocean of Life Energy. Based on the principle, a healer can draw Pranic Energy or Life Energy from the surroundings. But above all of these, how do we measure stress? One way is the Perceived Stress Scale. This instrument is a measure of the degree which situations in one's life are appraised as stressful. Items were designed to tap how unpredictable, uncontrollable...
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...Family involvement plays a crucial part in prevention of disease or healing processes. McCubbin and McCubbin (1993) developed the Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment, and Adaptation which identifies how families cope with hardships and/or stressors such as chronic illnesses, addictions, deaths, etc. Stress is a concern central to most families. Family involvement provides a greater overview of the care patients should receive to cope with stressors. Therefore, nurse practitioners (NP) have the duty to involve each individual patient in his or her care as well as any identified family member. This paper will focus on the importance of implementing the Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment, and Adaptation as a foundation to...
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...Stress By Stress is a mental, emotional, or physical strain caused, e.g. by anxiety or overwork. It may cause such symptoms as raised blood pressure or depression (Encarta Dictionary: English, 2010). Stress is a slippery concept. We sometime use the word informally to describe threats or challenges, and at other times, to describe our responses. Stress is not just a stimulus or a response. It is the process by which we appraise and cope with environmental threats and challenges. Stress arises less from events themselves than from how we appraise them (Lazarus, 1998). Stressful life events are catastrophes, significant life changes, and daily hassles. Catastrophes are unpredictable events, such as car accidents, health problems, and wars. Although people often extend one another with aid as well as comfort during or after such events. Significant life changes are personal change, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, leaving home for college, marriage, and divorce. Life transitions and insecurities are often keenly felt during young adulthood. Some life changes precede illnesses. Daily hassles consist of finding employment if unemployed, making a good grade on an exam, a good medical report if there is an illness, and handling busy schedules. Some people can shake off hassles, others are driven up the wall by them. People’s difficulties in letting go of unattainable goals is another everyday stressor with health consequences (Miller & Wrosch...
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...patient care, they require love and compassion with not only a patient but there family as well. A healing physical environment starts with caring for the patients but is also affected by how healthcare staff interacts with families. They believe that by creating a loving, compassionate, and appealing environment it will help the patients and their families get through difficult situations. The three components of a healing hospital are as follows 1, providing an environment that promotes healing through compassionate and loving care. This is done through helping patients and families manage stress, decreasing noisy distractions giving patients a quiet environment that helps the patients to get the most sleep. "Patients bodies perform the most repair during sleep. Cells regenerate faster during sleep" (Eberst 2008). With less noise and distractions the employees are able to have a stress-free environment. Also having an environment that is done in a bright and happy way gives patients the environment needed for healing. 2nd , integrating technology and work design that helps employees work more efficiently and are able to promote privacy and security for the patients. Advancements in technology enable the hospital to provide top quality care. Last but most importantly A Culture of Radical Loving Care a philosophy championed by healthcare industry leader Erie Chapman. This philosophy takes all healthcare workers back to our roots and reminds us why we first went into healthcare...
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...Trauma, Development, and Spirituality According to the American Association of Children’s Residential Centers (AACRC), trauma is considered to be the result of occurrences of mental or physical injury such as sexual or physical abuse sexual abuse, seeing brutality, or natural tragedy (AACRC, 2014). But trauma is not limited to events per se; alternatively, trauma can also be brought about by occurrences of daily living that are emotional in nature and not quite as obvious. Traumatic stress can be evoked by trials surrounding relationships, physical issues, severe neglect, or by circumstances that overpower a person’s ability to adjust (American Association of Children’s Residential Centers, 2014). This essay will discuss how culture can influence traumatic experiences, the impact of trauma on neurobiological development, and how spiritual development can counter the effects of trauma. Cross Cultural View of Trauma Research conducted in Western countries has typically revealed a disproportionately large percentage of accounts of abuse of children among ethnic minority groups. However, mistreatment is not primarily connected to any particular ethnic group, but has been regarded as a global issue (World Health Organization [WHO], 2002 as cited by Cyr, Michel, & Dumais, 2013). The intricacy of examining child abuse from a culturally diverse viewpoint can be made clear by a number of components impeding the progress of awareness about this issue. Specifically, despite the fact...
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...Running Head: SPIRITUAL HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Spiritual Healthy Lifestyle Controlling Stress through the Power of Faith and Prayer MLF Wayland Baptist University Dr. J Abstract There are six main components that pertain to maintaining a person’s health and wellness and one of the most important component that affects all the others is a person’s spiritual health. Stress is the number one attribute that can hinder, detract from, and impact a person’s quest for a healthier lifestyle of living. Becoming spiritually healthy is a unique experience for each individual and cannot be achieved without prayer and faith. Nothing promotes health of body and of soul more than a spirit that is fed directly through prayer. When a person is seeking a healthier life they should ultimately focus on improving all six components of wellness that includes physical, emotional, social, occupational, spiritual, and intellectual. To be completely satisfied in life they must lead a balanced life and the only way to be balanced is to be connected with God and become spiritually healthy and whole. Spiritual Healthy Lifestyle Controlling Stress through the Power of Faith and Prayer Being healthy is an important aspect in everyone’s life. However, many people don’t realize that there is more than just physical health involved in obtaining the optimum level of health (Fleharty, 2009). Many professionals believe that health and wellness actually involves six main components. The six...
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...Members of the healthcare team come in contact with a diverse multi-cultural environment on a daily basis. Every individual is just that an individual with a different worldview and varying faith background. To some individual’s, religion plays a very important role in their daily lives, while to others it may not seem to play a very big role. Newsweek (2009) polls since 1992 show religion is fairly to very important in the lives of 85% of people (as cited in Ashcraft, Anthony, & Mancuso, 2010). Numbers this high show that religion plays a major role to many and with that healthcare providers need to be aware of their own beliefs, while maintaining a respectful and supportive environment for the patients they are caring for and their beliefs. Patients along with nurses often look to their faith when in times of stress and illness. This paper will discuss the Native American spirituality philosophy compared to the Christian philosophy. Native American Spirituality According to the United States census (2000) “4.3 million people (1.5% of the total United States population) self-identified as American Indian or Alaska Native (as cited in Hubbert, 2008). Native American healing practices may include traditional healers such as medicine men and women, herbalists, and shaman who work to return the individual to optimal health. Rituals of healing and purification ceremonies, sand painting, spiritual chants, dancing, therapeutic sings, along with special herbs, teas, foods and activities...
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...adjustment processes occurring within persons facing involuntary deployment are most certainly filled with anxiety and uncertainly. This discussion will focus on women veterans who have served on the front lines and the affects of combat deployment. Examinations defining the trials and tribulations faced by the female military member will place attention on the psychological and psychosocial transactions that occur during military operations and the challenges women face. Expansion of this topic will include a dialogue that offers insight into the growing concerns shaping the outcomes of the female member’s deployment to include military sexual trauma, eating disorders, depression, substance abuse, adjustment disorders, sleep disturbances and spiritual and existential struggles. Although this topic will only provide a brief glimpse into the female veteran’s plight it opens up a forum for further discussions within this topic with the intentions of highlighting the effects of combat deployment on women veterans who served on the front lines. Women Veterans: The Effects of Combat Deployment The participation of women deployed to combat areas throughout the world is vital to the successful outcomes of any mission. Women in the military are well trained and possess specific military skills invaluable to combat maneuvers and infantry tactics. Many branches of the military capitalize on these attributes that either mirror the skills of their male counterparts or exceed them. The challenges...
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...Stress and Communication In The Workplace Your Name Your School Abstract There are many factors which contribute to successful functioning of a workplace. The company must have a solid foundation and solid business practices to develop and maintain the type of environment that will keep its’ employees satisfied, loyal, and most of all productive. In this report, I have examined some common potential barriers to success. Stress and Communication in the Workplace Create a brief job description for a position within the company you research that you would like to fill. Iyanla Vanzant is an industry leader in “self-help” motivational materials. She has a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology and has been presented with several awards, including a NAACP Image Award and an Emmy. Additionally, she is an ordained minister and a Yoroba priestess. As a best-selling Author, Motivational Speaker, Life-Coach, and frequent guest on “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” she has touched the lives of millions. The “Inner Visions Institute” was founded in 1998 by Iyanla and her daughter, Gemmia to teach “universal laws and spiritual principles (http://www.innervisionsworldwide.com/index.php?p=aboutus).” Offerings at the institute include programs for personal and spiritual growth, a coaching program, and even a Life Coaching certification course. Her facility is based in Silver Spring, MD. I’ve known that I wanted to work at this institute from Iyanla’s first appearance on “The...
Words: 2011 - Pages: 9
...Schedule…………………………………………………..8 Spiritual Formation Refection………………………………………9 Bibliography………………………………………………………….10 Grading Rubric……………………………………………………….11 ii Introduction This paper discusses how the stress and demands of ministries and their families encounter during Seminary. It will further cover an...
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...difficult. Even the student that seems most at ease with their new lifestyle will often confess to moments of missing their familiar high school friends, family and other comforts of home. A study by UCLA reports that more than 25-30 percent of college freshmen say they feel overwhelmed most of the time in the beginning stages of college. Some students, however, find themselves feeling much more than simply overwhelmed. 2006 college seniors surveyed, the numbers has increased 50% since the 1970s. Unthinking depression has its peak in females between the ages of 18-40, and for males between 21-40, emphasize that depression occurs at all ages. The difference between adult and childhood pictures of depression have been attributed to an inability of the child to verbalized his or her affective state incomplete superego development, and absence of consistent self-representation. How Depression Affects In College Students More than 18 million adults, almost a tenth of the United States population above the age of 17-23, have been found to demonstrate symptoms of a depressive disorder each year (Rosack, July 8, 2010) Depression is defined as a state of intense sadness or despair that has progressed to a level that is troublesome to an individual's social functioning and the basic activities of daily living. Many people understand the feelings associated with depression as "lacking motivation to get through the day" or "feeling sad and lonely for no obvious reason." Common feelings of...
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