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A Summary Of Winthrop's Poem

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When Winthrop mentions, “For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill.” ( Winthrop, John. “ Lawyer and Leader of the 1630 Migration of English Puritans to Massachusetts Bay Colony, Delivered This Famous Sermon Aboard the Arbella to Settlers Traveling to New England.” 1588.). He is giving the message for the community to be the good example of how God wants them to be. The city represents the community uniting as a whole; to be there for everyone in need. The hill may be showing everything they should surpass as in any obstacles they might come across. According to Moses, “ Therefore let us choose life, that we and our seed may live, by obeying His voice and cleaving to Him, for He is our life and our prosperity.” ( Winthrop, …show more content…
This took place in Philadelphia. According to the source, “ Enable them to prosecute, such Measures, as may secure, the Allegiance of America, to the Crown of Britain, to the End of Time, By destroying the Seeds of Rebellion.’’( Hughes, John. “Philadelphia .” 13 Jan. 1766. ). What led to this rebellious behavior was the Stamp Act the tax colonists had to pay for if they wanted to print paper. John Hughes was writing a letter to the King; proposing a suggestion of preventing the rebellious acts. This event happened in January 13, 1766. For example, in the 17 century some slaves were starting to be free and that was a problem for the white servants. The Bacon Rebellion was going on. The militia set Jamestown on fire to the point where Nathaniel Bacon wanted to kick out Governor Berkeley. Once Nathaniel Bacon died the rebellious actions stopped. In result, the importance of slaves increase while the number of servants decreased. The Race Card took place and is where discrimination started. This document ties to the events, because it talks about a rebellious action. According to paragraph 4 “ Instantly, the two printers, Messrs: Bradford and Hall, got a Drum, and caused it to be beat, about the Streets, and raised a Rabble of Boys, Sailors, & Negroes &c. to destroy the Stamps. ’’ ( Hughes, John. “Philadelphia .” 13 Jan. 1766.). The quote states what the Presbyterians did and how Mr.George Bryan was blame for their actions. The author wrote this to express his opinion to the King of what should be done with the Stamp Act. This source is bias, because is not agreeing with the actions of the riots. The author believes the government has to get rid of these Presbyterians for things to flow. According to document, “ To make proper Allowances, for the Stile, and Address, of an old Fellow, born and educated. ’’ (

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