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Hunger: An Evolutionary Task Analysis

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Hunger is an inevitable aspect of every living being’s life, but how does self-defined hunger impact the way we think, feel, and act towards other people and certain situations? Hunger’s effect psychology lacks empirical research, however, according to Al-Shawaf (2016), hunger has the potential to affect regulating emotional mechanisms within the body including perception, attention, and memory. If this is the case, hunger plays an important role in maintaining emotional homeostasis. Al-Shawaf (2016) uses an evolutionary task analysis of hunger and its effects of human psychological processes such as perception, attention, categorization, and memory.
Al-Shawaf (2016) hypothesizes and finds that hunger has the ability to suppress attention …show more content…
As cited in Danziger, Levav, and Avnaim-Pesso (2010), the authors studied self-control in terms of decisions using a “limited amount” of self-control available to humans. They found that subsequent decisions using the limited resources in self-control were more likely to fail. That is, people who exhibited self-controlled decisions were more likely not to use self-control in decisions made right after the initial decision. This is an important part of the Danziger, Levav, and Avnaim-Pesso (2010) study and the present study. As another potential reason verdicts may be different, lack of self-control in terms of thinking or acting upon impending hunger may allow for detrimental effects on verdict …show more content…
In the experiment, participants read court cases with varying details of the suspect of a rape and a theft. The participants judged the suspects on five different factors: “honest-trustworthy”, “confidence and competence”, “pleasantness”, “lively and interesting”, and “personal warmth”. They found that perceptions of mock jurors were multidimensional and comparatively stable across the different suspects. However, there was a significant difference in the “honest-trustworthy” perceptions for suspects in the theft scenario, which led to a higher conviction rate. For the purpose of my study, I have omitted details regarding the suspect, including age, sex, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, to ensure this effect would not skew the

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