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Long Shot To Victory Analysis

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Long Shot to Victory
There are many teams who do not have the tools to win, some have no talent or a desperate coach, that is where strategies such as the full court press come about. I agree with Gladwell completely, not only was the full court press brought about by an unskilled team but, it was also brought about by a desperate coach who looked to find a way to win. The full court press was a strategy that the coach attempted in which defense would lead the way, he planned to have his players guard man-on-man, which would make it tougher for the opposing team to go down court, but, easier to expose. The coach, realizing he had no talent on his team, thought of this strategy that involved few opportunities for dribbling, passing, or shooting. As well as the full court press being a mechanism of defense, it would help players on offense. The full court press would present opportunities for turnovers, which would help players, who had no skills for basketball, have a better position to score.
The fact is that the strategy was used by a coach who was desperate to win, but, the full court press is a strategy. The goal is to win …show more content…
Underdogs are always taken lightly when they should not be, just like The New York Giants, anyone can get anywhere with risks and perseverance. Lessons learned from underdog stories are simple find a way to use resources provided to succeed, never envy what another team has, and others doubt can be useful for motivation. Underdog teams have to work with no skills and dangerous gameplans that, with one mistake, can fall apart. Gladwell believed that risky strategies such: as the full court press, are for desperate coaches and players with no basic skills. I agree with Gladwell, dangerous strategies are desperate but, coaches use them to have an opportunity to win, to put the team in the best

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