A Web Portal for
‘The Arnewood School’
Christopher Whitehead
Computing & Management
The candidate confirms that the work submitted is their own and the appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others.
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(Signature of student) _______________________________
Schools store and process increasingly more data about students and the subjects which they study.
This often includes timetable, homework and attendance data amongst many other potential data sources. In many schools there currently exists no solution for students or their parents to view this data as information from one user friendly interface. The Arnewood School is a secondary school and sixth form college which has realised the need for this kind of information to me made available to students and parents via a secure, user friendly, single sign-on interface.
This project aimed to produce a web portal which integrated and displayed information from preexisting and newly designed information systems in a way which was inline with the requirements of
The Arnewood School and potential users. Due to the nature of developing such a system without having any knowledge of user requirements, a suitable methodology had to be selected which allowed for vague user requirements that could change at any time. Following this, background research and user requirements gathering was completed in order ensure the solution matched both the requirements of users and the requirements specified by The Arnewood School. Finally, the solution was designed and implemented before being suitably tested and evaluated.
First and foremost I would like to thank Kevin McEvoy my project supervisor for his help