...Hate and discrimination are very strong word to be used in this world; the word hate and discrimination are everywhere. Hate and discrimination are the reason why many people are doing many things to harm each other because of the word hate has been affecting them in many ways. Hate and discrimination are behind the reason toward race, deaf, gender, and entire of the groups. Hate creates violence has been currently affecting many thing to twist many ideals including the Nazi and many others. I have faced any things Hate toward Hate me for the reason that I am very good athlete and many people don’t like idea of deaf kid who starts the position over another kid who the society considered normal kid who can hear. I have faced discrimination because I just have hearing loss which doesn’t mean anything to me but it does to with them since they do not understand how does it feel to be a deaf person and able to do anything just except to hear but in hearing world, of course they do rely on their ears but they do not realized they do rely on their eyes but to us we do rely on our eye and we know eyes means a huge importance to us meant for that is the main reason how we function well with our culture with our own very eyes the success of hate would impact by how I would change the word Hate or I would not use it hate is very strong word to say out in an expression which would impact people to make their own actions to be harmful to another. It is very sad that there...
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...Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future ”-Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler and his regime is a great example of how a society based of hate will not last. After reading Book One in 1984 by George Orwell, one fundamental question is brought to mind, can society based on hate survive? In the book, the main character, Winston, believes that a society based on hate would basically kill itself. Another character in the book, O’brien, said that their society would last because they were founded on hate unlike other society founded on love and peace that eventually disappeared. No society based on hate can survive because history has proven that to be true. One example of a society based...
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...There has been a question going around. Should we teach about the Holocaust? In my opinion, yes, we should teach about the Holocaust! Did you know that more than 1.5 million Jewish children alone were murdered during the Holocaust? What better way to learn about the horribleness and the greatness in the world? What better way to learn that even though there was hate there were still good people left in that part of the world to help. Teaching about the Holocaust also helps to understand the hate pyramid. Not only can we see the different stages, but we might be able to connect it to our surrounding world. This also helps teach about the abuse of power. Which there may be lots of in this world. There are also lots of other opinions on this...
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...Hate Crimes The topic of my choice to do my research paper on is Hate Crimes. I chose this topic because I thought it would be interesting to explore the minds of an individual who desire to cause harm to another individual or a group of individuals just because he/she opposes to individuality. According to the media and articles that have been published over the last couple of years, there has been a large number of hate crimes spreading throughout the world. Many groups that are being targeted by this malicious crime are those that are of homosexuality, race, and religious. Doing my research I read an article on how the minds of a person who commits hate crimes are develop. A person who commits hate crimes are usually an individual who has been abused as a child and violence is the only way they have learned to solve their problems. They are usually a lonelier, have difficulties with being around a group of people. These individuals tend to be small minded, not accepting to others having different opinions and beliefs on life. Hate crimes are premeditated and prejudice crimes that are carried out by individuals who wish to cause harm to individuals for being of different. The highest number of hate crimes is due to homosexuality. According to Chris Saldnan, “sexual orientations are up six-percent nationwide”. Since homosexuality has been accepted with open hearts and minds around the world, there are still some others who feel they need to seek action to stop it. Some people...
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...In Brave New World the government uses their education system to focus children on doing their jobs and to be a “normal” person in their society. They scared delta babies when they held books and flowers. They did this so that they can learn to hate both. “Books and loud noises, flowers and electric shocks … They’ll grow up with what the psychologists used to call an ‘instinctive’ hatred of books and flowers”(Huxley 37). They wanted the delta’s to hate flowers so that they will not go to the fields and they cannot become distracted. The hate of books made it so that the deltas will not obtain ideas that will “decondition”...
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...The Psychology of Hate: How We Deny Human Beings Their Humanity This world cannot coexist with terrorism. Be it hijackings, bombings, hostage crises or sieges, terrorism has become a dark form of hatred in our decaying world; this petrifying presence of violence is one of the most distinctive challenges that our civilization has yet to solve. All of these violent acts of terrorism stem from manifestations of hatred and intolerance of those who are different from us; it fractures societies at a fundamental level, which results in constant turmoil and upheaval. Innocent lives are being lost and it is inexcusable. The phenomenon of such radical violence must be fully ridden if we wish to create a united world where we can all harmonize with one another. Nevertheless, it all begins with hatred; an emotion of intense hostility and animosity. With adverse consequences, hate is generally attributed to an extreme desire to ultimately remove or destroy the neglected object. Numerous psychologists have speculated complex theories to what they merely call, “the psychology of hate”. Unlike many emotions, hatred is an exclusively learned feeling; human beings are not born to imperatively hate random entities, yet it has become one of the most common reoccurring sensations among our life experience. Feelings of extreme hostility and prejudice are now a common reflex for those who we regard to be different than us; these differences tend to be racial, religious, economical or cultural...
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...Hate Crimes Kelly Brynn American Intercontinental University Abstract There are several things in this world that prejudice can lead to. One of these things and something that every person should concern themselves with, are hate crimes. Though one would think that race would be the biggest if not only target, social classes are a target as well. Hate crimes are not always necessarily random or even uncontrollable acts. Crimes that are motivated by race typically happen when a racially or ethnically person begins to notice a migration of individuals without the same racial or ethnic roots. Hate crimes with social classes happen when people feel as if they are need to improve their communities by ways of getting rid of what they would call the “trash”. Prejudice continues to exist and will always exist simply because of our own human nature. Hate Crimes Hate crimes can be described as crimes that violate the civil rights of an individual or group and feed off of aggression towards the individual’s religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, creed, origin, and/or religion. Usually when one thinks about a hate crime it is assumed that it involves only those of different races. However, many places experience...
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...Hate speech is highly prevalent in American culture, especially in our youth today. I believe this to be because of the desensitization of those that grew up during the 90’s and the fact that the concept of words are always changing. For example, I recall many kids using the word “gay” and the more derogatory version of it to signify that something is foolish or uninteresting. This constant misuse of the word desensitized many to the word and as the meaning of the word changed and that it was used in more literal contexts, as well, resulted in the abuse of the word. I do not perceive many situations that allow hate speech to flourish but I can see some immensely rare circumstances such as in the context of war on foreign soil. The textbook...
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...Hate Crimes COM/172 August 5, 2014 Hate Crimes The term “hate crime” may seem new, given the attention it has received in the past several years, these types of offenses have been around for many years. Ever since and before the 1964 Civil Rights Act, people have been victims of crimes and perpetrators have committed those crimes against others based mainly or solely on the victim being “different” in one respect or another from the perpetrator. With many reasons why people commit crimes against other people, the burden of proof to prove a hate crime has become easier with the wording of newer laws directed at “hate crimes.” What is the main reason hate crimes are committed? Simply because of a different race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, or other minority group status as the motivation for perpetrating those crimes against people. The world is full of hate. What makes someone hate someone else enough to kill or harm another human being? Hate crimes are criminal actions intended to harm or intimidate people because of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, or other minority group status. They can also be referred to as bias crimes. Hate crimes have been going on in the world for a long time. Jesus was crucified by the Romans because of religious reasons they did not agree with. Was the crucifixion of Jesus the root of hate crimes going on in our society? There is no way to say what really was the actual root of hate crimes, but there are a...
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...Sometimes the simplest words can have the deepest meaning. In the poem “Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost, two separate elements are used as symbols for different behaviors in the world. Just by reading the poem, Frost portrays that the world will either burn or be iced over, however there is much more than just the obvious behind his words. The first element, fire, which “Some say the world will end in” (1), symbolizes the burning desire of humans or their passion. Our desires may not seem harmful, until they make us greedy enough to do things, such as use up all of our needed, natural resources. Nothing can stop our constant desire for things, no matter what it is; fire can be a disaster that can’t be stopped either. Once our burning passions...
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...beings are like that. We all want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone and the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful. But we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate; has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in: machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little: More than machinery we need humanity; More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost. The aeroplane and the radio(internet) have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries out for universal brotherhood for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing men, women and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me I say "Do not despair". The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress: the hate of men will pass and dictators die and the power they took from the people, will return to the people and so long...
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...This sudden valuing of social skills in the world of work. Social skills these days are considered more important than anything, IT PISSES ME OFF!!! I hate how in every waking moment in our public lives we're expected to have something in our heads that's worth saying to someone in case they come into contact with us, and how 'quietness' is now regarded as something to be seriously concerned about. I was bullied at school, so I'm naturally wary of people and therefore I prefer not to communicate, more often than not. Teachers now acknowledge quietness in pupils for their report cards, as though it's a personality trait that needs correcting. It's not my fault I'm in a class full of rowdy imbeciles... I hate loud-mouth extroverted people who, for some reason, seem to think that shy people who don't talk to them are being rude, when in fact we're just intimidated and shunned by people who have mouths bigger than their minds. We live in a world that favours extroverts so much, IT PISSES ME OFF!!! Social awkwardness. Social awkwardness has ruined my life too many times, and I blame modern life for allowing it to exist. I hate the fact that you can't go out and have a meal or a drink in public by yourself without receiving pitying looks. People who can't tell the difference between being alone and feeling lonely. Mainstream comedy. British sitcoms these days are tedious and appalling. Televised comedy is not even remotely funny anymore and 90% of people you meet have...
Words: 1211 - Pages: 5
...analysis and techniques Introduction Fire and Frost are a poem written by Robert Frost that brings distinction between two things that destroy the world (Little, 176). Simple language that portrays significant meaning of hatred and desire is evident in the poem. The poem says the world will end with fire and at the same time with ice. The narrator states that he has tested desire and stood with those who favor fire. However, when it comes to perishing for by two things; he only thinks of hate as the second option. That is the destruction by ice. He sees an ice as a great destruction just like fire. The poem ends by showing that both ice and fire destructs. Fire and ice are expression of authority anxiety to get identity (O’ Brien, 29). The poem displays two darkest traits of humanity that is; the capacity of hate as ice and capacity to be consumed by desire or lust as the fire (Little, 175). As to the desire, it demonstrates aspects such as greed and jealousy that destroys the world. Greed and jealousy are things that affect one’s emotion and mind to think clearly. Once the two aspects overwhelm one, he or she becomes restless. The two things are like fire that keep on burning in the mind and become difficult to be stop until a particular agenda is achieved; like murder. Jealousy and greed are the things that destroy the world in recent days. People kill each other because of jealousy of their fellow men being successful than them. Apart from the desire, the poem shows hatred...
Words: 609 - Pages: 3
...Lea Pratt American InterContinental University October 23, 2011 Inside Look at Hate Crimes Abstract Hate crimes are many different criminal acts such as vandalism, arson, assault and even murder. Many hate crimes are based on an individual’s race, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity and disabilities. Everyone can be potential victims of hate crimes. Anyone from any social class can be considered targets for hate crimes. If you or a groups believes in a different religion or speak a different language and the offenders does not approve than they will target you. No one can be really safe and overcome if they are being targeted. It’s a cruel and depressing world. With help we as a community can stop hate crimes. Inside Look at Hate Crimes Hate crimes are many different criminal acts such as vandalism, arson, assault and even murder. Many hate crimes are based on an individual’s race, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity and disabilities (SikhNet, n.d). When people commit hate crimes they generally chose someone that cannot change a characteristic that they do not like. Hate crimes has been a devastating part of criminology in the United States. A criminologist is one that studies crime and criminal acts. They analyze criminal behavior patterns and criminal law, and gives theoretical explanations for criminal and delinquent behaviors (Criminal Justice, 2011). Criminologist have been working hard to characterize the people who are capable...
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...Crime is inevitable in today’s world. Society poses hardships that may entice some to commit different types of crimes. However, there are crimes that stem from the biased opinions of certain individuals towards others; these types of crimes are categorized as hate crimes. Hate crimes are crimes committed against a defined group of individuals based on aspects including their ethnicity, religion, or sexual preferences. Crimes against homosexuals are categorized as hate crimes because they are targeted by criminals, towards specific individuals. For this reason homosexuals are constant victims of hate crimes, men in particular. Homosexual men are targets for heterosexual men, who believe they are superior in every way. The actions committed against homosexual individuals are unwarranted and malicious. Hate crimes based on sexual orientation are based on the mere fact that certain individuals do not approve same sex relationships or views. It is important to analyze every aspect of a hate crime in order to fully understand the true meaning behind these actions. A hate crime is an unmatched crime because it’s based on the hatred people harbor toward specific individuals. Anyone is capable of committing a crime but it takes a distinctive person to commit a hate crime. Those who engage in any kind of hate crimes are individuals with specific attributes that may include but are not limited to bias, prejudice, and discrimination. Society is propelled by highly controversial issues regarding...
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