Premium Essay

Aaron's Short Story: Doctor Eggman

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Pages 6
Aaron was a lonely kid in junior high. He was the stereotypical lonely kid that had no friends. The popular students gained attention by regularly making fun of him for his head. Aaron had a shiny, bald head which earned him the nickname, “Doctor Eggman.” Many of the students that attended his junior high thought he deserved to bullied and be sad, because he did. Aaron was not smart in any category. He failed every class and backlashed at the world for his state of being. He would often maniacally laugh while being crunched up in the corner surrounded by football players ready to beat him. It seemed as if he had no motive for his antisocial, crazy ways.

Aaron walked home one day after being beat up by a teacher in front of the class. There …show more content…
He smiled, Aaron reminisced on how the whole world was unintelligent, including him. He pondered about this for several hours as he was walking home. His home was over a twenty mile walk from his school, which was impressive for a short, hunchbacked student. He passed by a bank while thinking about his own existence and how insignificant everything and everyone he had every interacted with was. He watched as the eerie sounds of sirens filled his ears as dozens of police cars surrounded the bank. There had been an explosion where a group of robbers robbed the bank. Aaron was completely unaware of this and didn’t think much of it. The cop cars completely blocked all of the remaining streets and sidewalks that led to Aaron’s house. Annoyed, he walked straight through the crime scene and walked directly over the only remaining evidence of the robbers. A pool of strangely colored blood surrounded Aaron. All of the cops pulled out their guns and aimed at Aaron’s head, ready to fire. The leader of the investigation yelled out to Aaron, “Put your hands up and remain silent!” Aaron completely ignored this, wondering why there was tomato juice all over the floor out loud. The cops had enough of him, they were ready to …show more content…
He was very large like the shadow and he was extremely athletic. This led Aaron to believe Fred was the one who took his piece of candy. Aaron started to question the detective with this suspicion. After talking for almost four hours, Aaron decided it was time to go home. Fred thanked him and pulled out something from his pocket. He accidently pulled out a gun and then said, “Oops, wrong thing.” Fred set the gun on the table and pulled out a lollipop. Aaron’s eyes widened and his suspicions were becoming reality as Fred pulled the lollipop. It was the same 6 inch diameter, red and yellow lollipop that Aaron became fond of. Aaron got a rush of adrenaline because he thought Fred took out the lollipop to taunt him and to reveal he was the one who took it. Aaron immediately grabbed the gun and shot Fred in the chest. Fred looked up at the ceiling and died. All of the police had the same suckers to give to children along with stickers. Aaron shot Fred for no reason at all. The other officers heard the gunshot and rushed to the scene, but Aaron was already gone. Aaron ran out into a four way intersection in the street and stopped all traffic. The cops came and quickly handled the situation. Aaron was knocked out by a taser. While a policeman carried Aaron over to the car, another rogue car slammed through traffic and tried to run over Aaron. The car missed initially and the police shot the wheels to stop it from moving. With the last

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