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Aboriginal Treaties Research Paper

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Aboriginal treaties in Canada
1. Aboriginal peoples used gestures such as gift giving to acknowledge their relationship with visitors. They involved the Great Spirit in all their dealings. Visitors would present gifts to the natives once they arrive. They would eat food provided by the visitors together as they exchange welcome messages. (Miller, 2009, p. 7). Smoking the pipe was also a custom within them and they did it together with their visitors while involving the deity, which bound the parties into speaking the truth and honoring their word in their covenants (Miller, p. 32).
2. Gift giving and gift exchange in the Aboriginal people was a formal gesture of establishing a relationship with people prior to doing business with them. Establishing this kind of relationship was key to have a peaceful interaction. This was made in the interest of their culture which dictated so. (Miller, p. 6-7). Gift …show more content…
Greater Canada and the crown-Aboriginal alliance, 1783
Jay’s treaty, 1794
The treaty of fort Stanwix, 1768
The bond head treaties, 1836
The Robinson treaties, 1850

6. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was a document formulated by the British to act as a directive concerning the handling of newly acquired territories. It was designed partly as a policy to establish boundaries as well as institutions of law to govern territories acquired (Miller, p. 12). It also laid out a procedure meant to open up the Aboriginal land for colonization by non-Aboriginal people. Today, the Royal Proclamation forms the constitutional basis of Aboriginal treaties (Hall, 2011).
7. The governments lose of interest in making any more treaties could have caused the shift of power from the Aboriginal people to the Europeans. An anthropologist writing about the extinction of the Aboriginal people might have influenced the government too. During the interwar period in 1920, the government had already shown lack of interest in the Aboriginal

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