...Is it ethical to have an abortion? ETHIC ISSUE It is ethical or unethical to have an abortion. INTRODUCTION Abortion is a controversial social issue that has been continually argued over for the last 40 years. The pro-choice people and the pro-life people hold different opinion on whether or not a mother have right of abortion. “According to the pro-life position, the conceptus has an absolute right to life from the moment of conception onward. According to the pro-choice position, however, women have absolute rights over their own bodies and lives” ( Thiroux, J & Krasemann,2009).On the whole, when we talk about it is moral or not of abortion and whether or not abortion should be legal, we may mainly consider about the result for existence of abortion. This article will analyse this subject by using consequentialist ethical theories. FACTS ◆ 54 countries allow abortion, which is about 61 percent of the world population. ◆ Unintended pregnancies account for almost half of all pregnancies and four out of ten unintended pregnancies end in abortion. ◆ Out of the total number of pregnancies, 24% end in abortion. ◆ The number of abortions per year is approximately 42 million and the number of abortions per day approximately 115,000. ◆ 83% of all abortions are obtained in developing countries and 17% occur in developed countries. ◆ 1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the...
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...Ethical Issues of Abortion “Abortion is termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior viability” (Wikipedia). Abortions can occur spontaneously which is called miscarriage, or it could be induced. When people talk about abortion, they mostly refer to the induced abortion. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, approximately forty- two million abortions occur in this world per year averaging to 115,000 abortions per day. Eighty-three percent of these abortions occur in underdeveloped countries. In United States of America, one third of the women before the age of forty-five, have abortions. The average abortion per day in United States of America is 3,700. Eighty-eight percent of abortions are found in first trimester; fifty-nine percent of abortion is done in first eight weeks of pregnancy. Non-Hispanic white women had the largest percentage of abortions rate of (37.1%), followed by non-Hispanic black women (34.4%), Hispanic women (22.1%) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Whenever it comes to abortion, people talk about Pro-Life vs. Pro Choice. Pro-life is when a person believes that the “government has an obligation to preserve all human life regardless of intent or quality of life” (Head). Pro Choice is when “individuals have unlimited autonomy with respect to their own reproductive systems as long as they do not breach the autonomy of others” (Head). Whatever side a person takes, it...
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...Abortion Essays A01: Explain religious and ethical arguments against abortion. (30) Generally, religious teachings are against abortion – most teachings suggest that protecting the defenceless and protecting human life are important values in religion. Although ethical systems could be seen to allow abortion, the focus is totally on the many ethical arguments that are pro life. Firstly, an ethical argument against abortion could be derived from Utilitarianism, particularly Bentham’s utilitarianism including the hedonic calculus. Take a circumstance where a woman is considering terminating her pregnancy. Combine the potential pain and guilt she would experience and add it to the pain the foetus may experience (which some scientists believe could be as early as 16 weeks) and this would outweigh the pain she would experience putting her own interests aside. It is likely that in this particular instance Bentham would be against Abortion. The hedonic calculus can also be applied against abortion., by applying all 7 factors of the calculus to a certain situation. E.g. If a 15 girl became pregnant the calculus can be applied to argue the pro life stance.. The guilt at having an abortion is immediate (remoteness), having an abortion may reduce her choices and freedom in life as it may reduce her chances of having a baby (Richness), the girl having aborted a child may feel such intense guilt that she cannot enjoy any pleasures (intensity), The lack of freedom from the pain/guilt...
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...This paper is a discussion of the possible ethical dilemmas that may arise in abortion. The author provided a well develop information about abortions and gives some key points on abortion. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service is primarily a provider of abortion services. The issue of abortion is the most controversial issue. Ethical issues in abortion involve a constant battle between freedom and life. Abortion has become legal as part of British life. Ethnics of Abortion Joan Greenwood begins his article providing information ethical abortion issue. The researcher mentions that “The British Pregnancy Advisory Service is primarily a provider of abortion services”. There are a range of moral and ethical issues which may arise about unplanned...
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...Background Information Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to viability. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is usually called a miscarriage, or it can be purposely induced. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy. Induced abortion has long history, and can be traced back to civilizations as varied as China under Shennong, Ancient Egypt with its Ebers Papyrus and the Roman Empire in the time of Juvenal. There is evidence to suggest that pregnancies were terminated through a number of methods, including the administration of abortifacient herbs, the use of sharpened implements, the application of abdominal pressure, and other techniques. Introduction The ethics of abortion is a highly controversial issue that had been going continually argued over for the past few years and probably many years to come. Usually, debates about abortion focus on politics and the law: should abortion be outlawed and treated like the murder of a human person, or remain a legal choice available to all women? Behind the debates are more fundamental ethical questions which aren’t always given the specific attention they deserve. Some believe that the law shouldn’t legislate morality, but all good law is based upon moral values. A failure to openly discuss those values can obscure important discussions. The labels “Pro-life” and “Pro-choice” imply that...
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...Abortion Essay “It is a mistake to reject religious principles in favour of secular/ethical principles for guidance in medical ethics” Examine and comment on this claim with reference to the topic you have investigated (50 marks) Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy after the fertilisation of the human ovum and before birth. Abortion is debated because there are many different views with strong opinions and evidence for the pro-life and pro-choice argument. Pro-life is against abortion as they believe abortion should never be allowed and this is mostly religious people who believe with the pro-life argument, whereas pro-choice is where it is thought to be the mothers choice as it is her body so whatever she wants to happen to the baby can happen so the mother should always come before the foetus. Whether or not religious principles should be rejected in favour of non-religious principles is debated in Philosophy because there are a number of ethical issues which constantly surround this. In this essay I will comment on whether it is a mistake to favour non-religious beliefs over religious beliefs when looking at abortion, including those of Aristotle and John Paul II, and secular views which mean non-religious or spiritual views including those of Warren and Thompson. There are a number of types of abortion for example vacuum aspiration or suction termination which can only happen between the first 7 to 15 weeks of conception, this means that the foetus is...
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...Abortion Essay “It is a mistake to reject religious principles in favour of secular/ethical principles for guidance in medical ethics” Examine and comment on this claim with reference to the topic you have investigated (50 marks) Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy after the fertilisation of the human ovum and before birth. Abortion is debated because there are many different views with strong opinions and evidence for the pro-life and pro-choice argument. Pro-life is against abortion as they believe abortion should never be allowed and this is mostly religious people who believe with the pro-life argument, whereas pro-choice is where it is thought to be the mothers choice as it is her body so whatever she wants to happen to the baby can happen so the mother should always come before the foetus. Whether or not religious principles should be rejected in favour of non-religious principles is debated in Philosophy because there are a number of ethical issues which constantly surround this. In this essay I will comment on whether it is a mistake to favour non-religious beliefs over religious beliefs when looking at abortion, including those of Aristotle and John Paul II, and secular views which mean non-religious or spiritual views including those of Warren and Thompson. There are a number of types of abortion for example vacuum aspiration or suction termination which can only happen between the first 7 to 15 weeks of conception, this means that the foetus is...
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...Is abortion ever ethical? ‘Is abortion ever ethical?’ This is a highly debated question, which has just as many arguments for than it has against. Abortion in the U.K is legal from up to 24 weeks, but even though that is the law, many people still today debate against this, as they believe strongly that abortion is never ethical in any situation. In my opinion abortion is ethical in certain situations such as; if a woman has been raped and as a result became pregnant from that action, if a mothers life is in great danger from carrying out the pregnancy or if the mother has become pregnant from such a young age that she could not financially support that child or give that child the love it needs for it to have a good life (pro-life). However, I do not believe that legally being able to have an abortion of up to 24 weeks is at all ethical. In my opinion I believe that an abortion should only take place up to 9 weeks from fertilization, this is because it is at this point when the embryo/zygote becomes a foetus, which in my opinion is when it changes into an actual human being. 9 weeks is also a reasonable amount of time for a woman to make a choice of whether or not to have an abortion. I am highly against the fact that an abortion is made legal of up to 24 weeks, when it is scientifically proven that a baby can be born at 24 weeks and live, whereas if a child were born at 9 weeks it would be impossible for it to survive. In conclusion I believe that abortion is...
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...Responsibility Administrative Ethics Paper This particular case takes place in Kansas. A doctor Ann Kristin Neuhaus performs abortions on patients that are mentally ill. She tests the patients along with a colleague and diagnoses them. This case was brought to court from complaints filed against Dr. Neuhaus by the president of an anti- abortion group Operation Rescue, Troy Newman (AP). The doctor gave mental exams to patients ages ten to eighteen and if they had mental illness an abortion took place in her office. In her eyes she was helping these young women. And it did not matter if the pregnancy was in its latest trimester she would still perform the abortion. Many anti- abortion groups and legal officials disagreed with the medical decisions that where being made concerning this particular group of patients so they researched and found fault in the activities and the measures taken to find the patients adequate willing and accepted. The governor, judge and anti- abortion groups not wanting these types of procedures and mental health testing going on in their town of Topeka, Kansas, Dr. Neuhaus and Dr. George Tiller had no chance in court. In this article there are arguments of which Dr. Ann Kristin Neuhaus and Dr. George Tiller was simply using a computer program to diagnose the patients with mental health illnesses in order to perform abortions. An administrative judge stated that Dr. Neuhaus performed inadequate mental health exams on eleven patients ages ten to eighteen...
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...Applying an Ethical Theory Moral or Ethical dilemmas are an everyday occurrence in our society. The situations present two options as solutions from which one is expected to choose. There is an expectation though that one will choose the option that is considered moral. Ethical questions or problems face every human being at some point in life. One such moral question is; “is it right for women to have abortions”. Abortion has been a major cause of controversy all around the world, with people having different views on whether abortion is good or bad based on their moral beliefs. The main issue that surrounds this ethical dilemma is whether the fetus should have rights to life. Another issue is whether there is justification for a woman to perform abortion based on the rights to her body considering the fetus also has rights to life (Tännsjö, 2008). The deontological theory is not in support of abortion; the objection though, is that women also have rights over their bodies. Discussion Deontological ethics is a moral theory that is in line with common sense intuitions, the scriptures, and natural moral duties or rules. The theory mainly focuses on compliance with moral duties or rules. The main principles of the theory include a task should be carried out for the sake of the obligation. For instance, there is a duty not to do certain things such as murder, lie or break promises since these acts are considered to be wrong. The expected consequences define what the duty is...
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...effects of abortion on the women who have this procedure. For many cultures abortion is a horrible act. It is considered murder of an unborn human being. In today`s society many people still consider abortion to be an unethical practice and dangerous procedure. It is a typical conflict theory argument of social problems in today’s society. It is a conflict in society because it comes down to peoples ethical and religious stand point that is what makes up the conflict. Ethical is either it right because the fetus is in the women’s body and its her choice to choose if she wants to be a mom or not. The other side of the ethics argument czn stem from religious as well it is a life and murdering an unborn baby is wrong. There are two groups of people who fight to sway the law makers to their side the pro abortionist group and the antiabortion group (Henslin, J. M. 2011). These are commonly known as the prolife and prochoice groups. Many people though when you use these terms don’t take the group seriously they considered these people radicals. There are protesters who believe they are standing up for the unborn by murdering abortion doctors and burning down abortion clinics. The vigil-anti`s think this is justifiable due to the fact that abortion doctors are taking innocent lives and without the clinic there would be no place to have an abortion. The pro-choice group believes that abortion is ethical and a upright...
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...Abortion is a topic that has become one of the biggest issues debated in the United States and in other countries today. Different schools of thoughts have different ideas and opinions regarding abortion, some ideas are pro-abortion and some argue for the abolishment of it. Abortion is one of the most complex problems dividing America with either side being so passionate about their stand it has been known to cause a lot of hate the other side. Abortion is the removal or the expulsion of an embryo or the fetus from the female’s uterus resulting to the termination of pregnancy. Abortion may occur spontaneously through a miscarriage or may be artificially induced through chemical or by surgical means. An induced abortion refers to any induced procedure that is performed at any point during the pregnancy period which will lead to the termination of the pregnancy before the point of viability. The most common abortion method today is artificial and medically induced. Abortion in the United States was illegal in most states until it was made officially legal throughout the country following the United States Supreme Court ruling of Roe v. Wade on January 22, 1973. The case involved a single, pregnant woman named Jane Roe who wanted to have an abortion. During that time, the only way to get an abortion was through illegal and unsafe means that could endanger her life. Jane Roe wanted to have an abortion which would be performed by a licensed physician so that it would be under...
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...pregnant women to be required to obtain consent from their husband before having an abortion. This case also ruled that single minor under 18 did not have to have parental consent to obtain abortion. In 1977, the Supreme Court ruled that states may refuse to spend their public funds on nontherapeutic abortions. In 1980, the Court ruled that states did not have to pay for therapeutic abortions but the state could if they wanted to. In 1981, the Court ruled that states could require parental notice of immature minors seeking abortions, however states cannot allow blanket power for parents to veto their daughter’s abortion. In 1990, the Court prohibited federally funded family planning clinics from giving abortion advice. In 1992, the Court ruled that it was an undue burden to require spousal consent for women seeking an abortion before the fetus was viable. As a result, women can now seek abortions up into the second trimester, or anytime if the mother’s health is at...
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...Running head: ANALYSIS OF ETHICAL DILEMMA Analysis of Ethical Dilemma Deanna Romain Grand Canyon University Ethical Decision Making in Health Care NRS 437V Jennifer Wood August 28, 2011 Analysis of Ethical Dilemma Is gender selection of a fetus ethical? With new advances in reproductive technology, parents can not only find out if their embryo has genetic abnormalities, they can also find out the gender of their embryo. The ethical dilemma is whether or not one should be able to choose their child’s gender before implantation. Some compare this method of gender selection to human cloning. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is the testing of the chromosomes of the embryo to determine genetic abnormalities and gender prior to in-vitro fertilization (IVF). In the United States, gender selection by PGD is considered a violation of ethical practices for non-medical purposes (Akchurin, n.d.) CNN.com reported recently that a new blood test has been discovered which can determine the sex of a fetus as early as seven weeks gestation. This achievement was reported in the Journal of American Medical Association in August. This technology is already starting ethical debates fearing parents will use this technology for sex determination and abort healthy fetuses (Ravitsky, 2011). This new technology could also be beneficial in determining gender if their child is at risk for a sex-linked disease such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy or hemophilia. In China and India, there...
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...within a variety of issues. While modern philosophers such as Mill and Kant have taken an approach to ethical questions that is more rule-based, their ancient counterparts (namely, Plato and Aristotle) have taken an approach to ethics that relies more on character and ethical way of being (Landes, 2013). The former attempts to create a set of rules which we can apply to our actions whereas the latter argues that rather than creating a system of ethics, we ought to focus on the very character of people; adopting good habits of character will lead us to doing was is right and what is essential for us to be a fully happy...
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