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Gun Control Case Study

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1. Discuss the ethics of minors having the same access to contraceptives as adults? People may believe that minors are not old enough or mature enough to have access to contraceptives. I believe minors should have access to contraceptives, because many minors are being taught abstinence instead of the importance of having safe sex. Telling minors they shouldn’t have sex, isn’t educating them about STDs and pregnancies. Minors may also find it difficult to talk to their parents about sex, so if health providers are able to discuss it with them and provide them contraceptives, without parental consent they will be better off. I would rather allow a minor to consent to contraceptive services and be provided sex education, then to allow …show more content…
Wade ruling numerous cases were presented to the Supreme Court to challenge the ruling. A case in 1976 ruled that is was unconstitutional for pregnant women to be required to obtain consent from their husband before having an abortion. This case also ruled that single minor under 18 did not have to have parental consent to obtain abortion. In 1977, the Supreme Court ruled that states may refuse to spend their public funds on nontherapeutic abortions. In 1980, the Court ruled that states did not have to pay for therapeutic abortions but the state could if they wanted to. In 1981, the Court ruled that states could require parental notice of immature minors seeking abortions, however states cannot allow blanket power for parents to veto their daughter’s abortion. In 1990, the Court prohibited federally funded family planning clinics from giving abortion advice. In 1992, the Court ruled that it was an undue burden to require spousal consent for women seeking an abortion before the fetus was viable. As a result, women can now seek abortions up into the second trimester, or anytime if the mother’s health is at …show more content…
Even iPhone emojis have realized that families are now not only considered a male, female, and a blood-related child. For example, lesbian and gay couples are now able to have children by using a surrogate. Or a woman could conceive a child by using the sperm of her dead husband. Some children may even have three mothers, a genetic mother, a gestational mother and a rearing mother. Those who never thought they could have children are now able to do so. While some procedures may seem unethical, overall people are able to have children and families, and to me that is a

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Law Enforcement and Gun Control

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