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Abraham Lincoln: Greatest President


Submitted By KikiF313
Words 1365
Pages 6
Was Abraham Lincoln America’s greatest president? It is a question many people are asking. As of today, there have been forty four presidents of the United States that have taken the stand. But of those forty four, which one is the best? Abraham Lincoln has proved that he is the answer to that question. After succeeding in uniting the country, Lincoln outshines the others. “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” This is the oath that the president has to take on the day he steps into office. On that day, and every day after, each president has one goal in mind; to defend and to protect the constitution and the rights of every American citizen. Abraham Lincoln did everything he could to achieve that goal and to uphold the oath, which is what makes him the greatest president America has ever had. He ended slavery, an issue that has been tearing apart the nation for hundreds of years, and he united a nation that seemed almost impossible to bring together. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1849 as the second child of Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. He was born in a one-room log cabin in Kentucky. He had a normal childhood, only moving once across the Ohio River in order to acquire free territory in Indiana. He became a leader early on, always being the one his siblings looked up to. In 1840, he went on to marry Mary Todd. His political career moved quickly when he hit the age of 23.He went from owning a small business to campaigning in the Illinois General Assembly. He then served as New Salem’s postmaster and later as a county surveyor. After that he became a lawyer, and the decided that he want to get back to his political career. This then lead to him becoming the sixtieth president of the United States.

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