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Abram Monologue

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Going on to inform his son of the engagement dinner taking place tomorrow night at eight thirty. Abram's heart pounded, pausing briefly, no more could be done, he had been unsuccessful in situations such as this in the past, and presently out of alibis. The growling within his stomach begged to be fed, looking through the refrigerator, he quickly made a ham sandwich with orange juice. In-between those succulent bites, leaning against the counter. Gazing into the open refrigerator, smiles, laughter, and memories of Viola’s strange craving of an ice cold pop and green olives stared back at him. Polishing off the last of the orange juice, his hand lightly touched the door closing those memories. Concentrating on the final shreds …show more content…
An eerie sensation engulfed the early morning wakening. Ringing in his ears enhanced the dream state atmosphere. Sitting upright, the light grey cashmere blanket loosely lay across his torso. Bringing his knees upright wrapping his arms around them, entranced with the foggy view, although deeply depressed from the strange dark dreams. Soon the morning rays peep through the tinted glass throwing various colors upon the early morning atmosphere. Throwing on a pair of baggy jeans along with a tee-shirt. His hair and beard are quite long now, a far cry from the elite social life of his past. The mornings are cold, fall is coming early this year. Searching the walk in closet, he finds his tennis shoes, the ones he so desperately should have thrown away. Throwing on his Fathers old army jacket, topping off his look with a black beanie. Grabbing some money from his drawer along with his wallet, securely placing the cash in the inside of the coat pocket and his wallet in the front pocket of his

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Control In Porphyria's Lover

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