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Somaliaan Culture Research Paper

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Pages 4
Somalia is officially named the Federal Republic of Somalia. This country is located in Africa and makes up what is known as the Horn of Africa, along the East side of the continent. Being a third world country, the culture is very different than what is experienced in everyday life in America. In this Culture Essay, you will come to understand the aspects of the Geography, Weather, Civil Considerations, and the People.

Some general data of Somalia that has been collected is very interesting. The education in Somalia has been horrible over the years. Most kids leave school around the age of 14. The literacy rate is around 25%. The health care that is provided is a hospital in the capital that is funded by wealthy Somalis. The doctor …show more content…
It is surrounded by 3 other countries of which the U.S. has established bases in two of them. They are Djibouti, Kenya, and Ethiopia – Djibouti and Kenya has been the foothold for the U.S. to contain enemy movement. The geography is pretty cut and dry being that, “In most areas, barren coastal lowland (widest in the south) is abruptly succeeded by a rise to the interior plateau, which is generally c.3,000 ft (910 m) high and stretches toward the northern and western highlands. The Jubba and the Webe Shebele are the only important rivers.” (Somalia. 2017). Being if America were ever to invade Somalia it would be tremendously easy due to our strong holds in place right now and to include the large area of coastline they possess. The weather is Somalia is dry heat is some places and very humid in others, but this country does get pretty …show more content…
“In addition to Mogadishu, other important cities are Berbera, Hargeisa (the main northern port), and Kismayo (the principal port of the south). The vast majority of the republic's population is Somali; they speak a Cushitic language and are Sunni Muslims. They are divided into five principal clans and many subclans. Islam is the state religion. Although Somali is the national tongue, Arabic, Italian, and English are used officially. There are Bantu-speaking ethnic groups in the southwest and numerous Arabs in the coastal towns.” (Somalia. 2017). This country has been through so many civil wars which has led to no set government and law for the citizens. The land does not provide much of an export and the fishing has been wiped out due to the commercial fishing by other countries. This leads the younger generation to be recruited to become pirates. They like to refer to themselves as badaadinta badah or "saviors of the sea". The pirate’s operations have actually been pretty successful. An example would be the hijacking of a cargo ship with an Americans aboard the captain was, Captain Richard Phillips. They did not get away, but this defiantly brought some reality back home shinning some light on a different topic than your typical media

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