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Somaliaan Culture Research Paper

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In this paper, I am going to write about certain topics that helped to shape the present day culture of Somalia. Some of this information you may know. However, I hope to shed light on new information you may not have known. I will be writing about the past and present economic/government of Somalia and how it has helped to shape the culture. I will also be writing about the wars that they have been in and how this has contributed to developing their culture. Lastly, I will be writing about some of the tribes that make up Somalia and their specific foods/customs.
What is the economic/government like in Somalia? Violence and political unrest prevent Somalia from developing a national marketplace. The central government only controls part of …show more content…
Some of their biggest contributors to their economy are the livestock, agriculture, and fishing which are the primary focus in Somalia’s economic success. The major contributing factor to Somalia’s economy is its exports and imports which equal 76 percent of GDP, although most of the population remain outside of formal trade and banking and their ability to make private investments remain limited ( The main reason that Somalia has had such a tough time with the expansion of its economy and setting up a functioning government is due to the constant fighting they have had to endure throughout history.
How has War shaped the framework of Somalia? Somalia has been in civil conflict for many years, however since 1991 is when they started to experience extreme outbreaks of civil war. Like stated in 1991 the dictator Mohammad Siad Barre, who was the ruler of the Somali Democratic Republic, was forced to flee the capital of Mogadishu which was captured by a rival militia. A severe power struggle took place between the two warring clan lords, Mohamed Farah Aideed and Ali Mahdi Mohamed. Due to these constant battles, Somalia would suffer catastrophic civilian casualties. While all this was going on Ali …show more content…
Somalian are typically nomadic people due to the constant conflict in their nation. They live in northern Kenya in the Ogaden region of eastern Ethiopia, and in Djibouti which its location is to the northwest of Somalia. Even though they always are plagued with conflict Somalian people consider themselves as one people making it one of the largest and dynamic ethnic groups in Africa. The primary source of food for Somali people is milk from camels, goats, and cows as well as their meat when they become old. They consider the fatty hump of the camel a delicacy. Meat such as liver from sheep goats are also quite popular, but they only get meat a few times a month mainly on special occasions. Nomads typically live off durra, honey, dates, rice, and tea serving as a staple food. Somalian farmers grow sorghum, beans, corn, squash, millet, and other fruits and vegetables. Although fishing is plentiful from the coastal waters of Somalia, they distinctly dislike fish. As with all individuals that practice the Muslim faith they do not eat pork or partake in alcoholic beverages. As with most Muslim culture, women serve the men first, and then they eat with their children once the men are complete eating. As with most Muslim cultures when they get married is more than just a bond between husband and wife it is a melding clan and families. Recently they did away with arranged marriages. However, they still happen

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