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Essay On Thomas Merton

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Thoughts in Solitude Thomas Merton was a French American author, who was born in January 31, 1915 at Prades in France. Before Merton was born, Owen Merton and Ruth Jenkins met in Paris while studying art. After when Thomas Merton was born at Prades, they decided to move to America because of World War I. They settled at the Jenkins’ family house from Long Island, Douglaston and moved to Flushing, New York. In 1918, his younger brother, Jean Paul, was born. In 1921, Merton’s mother passed away due to stomach cancer. In 1922, Merton’s father left Jean Paul at Douglaston in the Jenkins house. Later, he moved with Thomas to Bermuda. Unfortunately, Merton’s father did not have a strong relationship with his sons because of money shortage. During this year, Merton was …show more content…
Merton was baptized at Corpus Christi Church and got Holy Communion. In February 1938 he heard about Danirel Walsh from his schoolmates, who were a part time teacher at his school. In 1939, Merton joined a club by his friends’ request to become a priest. He met a professor Dan Walsh whom he discussed with him about his desire of becoming a priest. Walsh complimented Merton that he was qualified to be a priest because of his spiritual and intellectual trait. They talked about the Jesuits, Cistercians and Franciscans. Walsh planed a meeting with a Fr. Edmund Murphy to introduce Merton. During the meeting, Murphy interviewed Merton if he was qualified to be a Franciscan priest. The next day, Merton was declined by Murphy because Merton was not suitable to be a priest. Walsh arranged another meeting between Merton to Jacques Maritain at a lecture on Catholic Action, which was located at a Catholic Book Club meeting in March 1939. On 25 May 1939, Merton was accepted from the Confirmation at Corpus Christi, and received the name, James as confirmation’s

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