...Perceived Effects of Online Games to the Academic Performances among Students under the College of Business Administration Education at University of Mindanao (UM) Leynard Bangkulit Romeo Dimiao Russel Anthony Junsay Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study In 1958, the world’s first world computer game, a rudimentary two-player tennis game, was created to entertain visitors on the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Since then, the computer/video game industry has become one the most aggressively growing business sectors in the United States and in the whole world. Obviously, games are emerging as one of the most dominant forms of entertainment. This trend goes further as of the increasing penetration of high speech Internet connection and the declining prices of computers, video-game consoles, and mobile entertainment devices. (Lee, Jin, Park, & Kang, 2005) As we know, Internet offers many conveniences. As a result it has made many people depend on it. What is worse, a large number of people have become addicted, especially to online game addiction. By2007, the population of online gamers worldwide was about 217 million, approximately 28 percent of the total online population (comScore,2007).In addition, online game addiction is prevalent in many countries, including China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, U.S., and Canada. In South Korea, 2.4 percent of the population, ages nine to thirty-nine, were believed to be addicted to online games, and over 10 percent...
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...Kaniz Almas Khan, CEO of Persona, a renowned makeover artist, beauty specialist and successful woman entrepreneur in Bangladesh. She has discovered people's beauty in a new dimension which turned her into a successful Woman Entrepreneur in Bangladesh. Now Persona is an organization which provides world class beauty care services with all new features that anyone can ever dream off in Bangladesh. Whoever thought about a beauty parlor with a management team, executives, service providers and many other stake holders? The visionary of this vision is Kaniz Almas Khan. Journey of Persona: Like other successful entrepreneurs in the world, Kaniz Almas Khan had a long-term vision which is enabling Persona to grow rapidly. 1990-1998 Beginning of journey as Glamour. 1998 – 2002 Starting of Persona with 12 performers working in 1800 sqft. 2002 Extension of Persona with 50 performers working in 3800 sqft. 2002 – 2004 Growth of Persona with 100 performers working in 3800 sqft. 2005 Introducing the largest beauty care facility in Asia with around 200 performers working in 11000 sqft with Studio Persona. A global standard fashion magazine named Canvas, which is a sister concern of Persona. Very first male beauty care center named Persona Adams. A joint venture beauty care center of Persona with famous Indian beauty care specialist Jawed Habib named Habibs @ Persona. Persona is going to open a Gym named Persona Health. Persona has introduced Studio Persona, a fully equipped...
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...Chace Community School- BTEC Business Assessment Front Sheet |Name | |Form | | |Course |BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business | |Unit |Unit 4 |Assignment Title |Understanding Business Information | |Assessor | | |Issue Date | |Submission Date | | |Grading Criteria |P1, M1, D1 | |Resources |Text, Internet, Lesson Notes | |Available | | Assessment Title: Assignment One “Understanding Business Information” In this assignment you will have the opportunity to provide evidence against the following criteria. |Criteria Reference |To Achieve Criteria the evidence must show that you can: |Task # |Links to PLTS ...
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...learning may determine by their academic performances that is also focuses on their personality behaviour. According to their grades we can determine the academic performance of a student. It says that if the student earns high grades it means that they learn a lot, while low grades indicates lesser learning. Academic performance focuses and concentrates on you having the right mind-set for raising your academic performance so you can learn more effectively. It is how students deal with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers. While personal variables is the things to be considered in your personality that may have an effect in your academic performance in school. In this research, it tackles the relationship of academic performance of the student from the College of Education, particularly BBTE 3rd year students to their personal variables. There are many factors that academic performance and personal variable are related to each other like; personal variable (cognitive and non-cognitive), demographic variable, and institutional variable. In fact, almost all of existing environmental and personal factors are a variable of academic performance. However, at this point of time, the researchers would like to study the relationship of academic performance of BBTE 3rd year students to their personal variables and the factors that may affect it. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In measuring of academic performance of students...
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...Educational Researcher. Cheating Perceptions and Prevalence across Academic Settings, 8. Hughes, J. C. (2012, spring). Academic Integrity in Canadian Higher Education. Retrieved from www.uwo.ca: http://www.uwo.ca/tsc/resources/publications/newsletter/selected_articles/academic_integrity.html Jason M. Stephens, V. R. (,2010). International Journal for Educational Integrity. Academic motivation and misconduct in two cultures, vol 6. Kelly de Lambert, N. E. (2006). Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. Chalkface challenges: a study of academic dishonesty amongst students. McCabe, D. L. (2005). internation journal for educational integrity. Cheating among college and university students: A North American perspective. MOHAMMED RAWWAS, Z. S. (2007). Journal of Education for Business. A Comparative Study of Ethical Beliefs of Master of Business Administration. Parker, S. (2014). teach. The Surprising Reasons Kids Cheat in School. Shahid Beheshti, M. J. (2013). International Research in Education. A Comparative Study of Attitudes of Academic Staffs. Soheila Mirshekary, A. M. (n.d.). Academic and Business Dishonesty. Academic and Business Dishonesty: A Comparison of Iranian and Australian Accounting Students. Swaidan, Z. A. (2009). Academic dishonesty across cultures review and research agenda. review of business research . Wideman, M. A. (2008). Academic Dishonesty in Postsecondary Education . Academic Dishonesty in Postsecondary...
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...FACTORS AFFECTING ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF FIRST YEAR COLLEGE STUDENTS OF THE DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF BANGUED FIRST SEMESTER 2010-2011 Mary B. Gallardo,MST-Math, Alfreinell S. Castillo, BSC, Jessie T. Sibayan, AB, Marianito T. Taeza, AB, and G. Regil D.Valera, BSCE Registrar’s Office, Divine Word College of Bangued June 1, 2011. The objective of this study was to examine factors such as age, gender, high school graduated from, and Grade Point Average (GPA) in fourth year and to identify whether these factors could distinguish differences among students based on academic performance. A survey was made from the available data at the Registrar’s Office. The researchers looked into the records of the first year students of the degree programs namely: Bachelor of Elementary Education (N= 37), Bachelor of Secondary Education (N= 20), Bachelor in Business Administration (N= 53), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (N= 30), and Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (N= 35) a total of 175 subjects. In this particular research, age, school graduated from and gender did not affect academic performance in college among the first year BEEd, BSEd, BSBA, BSAc and BSN students of the Divine Word College of Bangued during the first semester 2010-2011. Academic performance was significantly associated with the grade point average in high school. Introduction. Learning is a lifetime process. Continues learning equips an individual as a student with a larger tapestry of knowledge, a...
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...INFLUENCING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AMONG BUSINESS MANAGEMENT STUDENTS OF PUBLIC HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTIONS (PHLIs) Norlia Mat Norwani Abstract PHLIs provide education that will maximize individual potential especially in disseminating knowledge that will enable graduates to perform their job effectively. However, not much research that studies factors influencing academic achievement of Business Management students especially in Malaysian context have been undertaken. This research can provide a perspective on how to look into academic and social contexts and the effect of individual differences towards students academic aspect. Astin’s Input-Environment-Output (I-E-O) model is adapted to explain relationships between academic achievement and students input and learning environments. The model allows analysis of of each component’s contribution on academic achievement which is based on students’ cummulative grade point average (CGPA) on a four point scale. Involvement theory which posits that students development is related to the quantity and quality of their involvement in various academic and social activities are explored in the research. Inferential statistics involve in the analyses are t-test, ANOVA and step-by-step multiple regression. Overall academic achievement of the students is Second Class Lower. Regression analyses for all students and for high and low achievers show that input factors are the major contributor for academic achievement. Academic achievement...
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...Present Scenario Management education denotes those activities traditionally conducted by colleges and universities that focus on developing a broad range of managerial knowledge and abilities (Mamun & Mohamad, 2009). Business education prepares students to learn the basis of thinking critically, communicating effectively and managing small and large enterprises so that they can serve society in a successful and socially responsible manner (Cavico & Bahandin). Liberation, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) initiated an exponential growth of management education that replaces traditional approach with a more efficient professional approach. In addition to this, Information Communication and Technological (ICT) development has made...
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...Singapore Knowledge Management System and Higher Education Institutions Kalaimagal Ramakrishnan + and Norizan Mohd Yasin Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya, Malaysia Abstract. Knowledge Management System is the key in achieving opportunities for better decision-making and competitive advantages for organizations. Academic sector have significant opportunities to apply Knowledge Management System practices to their mission. Applying Knowledge Management System concepts has led Higher Education Institutions to explore how Knowledge Management System might be applied in a Higher Education Institutions setting. This study explored such uses of Knowledge Management System in Higher Education Institution. The paper is based upon a quantitative and qualitative study. It is produced after gathering feedback through questionnaires from twenty academic staff and eleven nonacademic staff in one of the public university in Malaysia. Results of the questionnaires and interviewing session with the academic and non-academic staff illustrate that, Knowledge Management System in Higher Education Institution could boost the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of graduates who can satisfy the employers’ need in the entry level of employability in their future. Keywords: knowledge management system, higher education institution, curriculum. 1. Introduction Over the past few years, academic management was mirroring the innovations, philosophies...
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...International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences July 2012, Vol. 2, No. 7 ISSN: 2222-6990 The Effects of Parental Socio-Economic Status on Academic Performance of Students in Selected Schools in Edu Lga of Kwara State Nigeria Femi Ogunshola, PhD. Department of Industrial and Technological Education, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria Email: femiogunsola@yahoo.com. A.M. Adewale Department of Biology, School of Natural and Applied Science, Alvan Federal College Of Education, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria Email: mosesremimec@yhoo.com Abstract The relationship between home-based environment factors and the academic performance of students in selected secondary schools within a local government area in Kwara State is investigated. Samples were obtained with one hundred and eighty (180) students randomly selected from three secondary schools. The four factors that were examined and statistically analyses were: parental socio-economic background, parental educational background, parental educational qualification and students’ health statuses. Diverse statistical tests were performed on the various data collected to establish statistical significance of the effects on students’ academic performance. Parental socio-economic statuses and parental educational background did not have significance effect on the academic performance of the students. However, the parental educational qualification and health statuses of the students were identified tom...
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...Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (2014), “the Vice President for Academic Affairs provides leadership to promote excellence in teaching, research and service across the university system. This leadership role is collaborative in nature, as the vice president works closely with the campus provosts to achieve the goals of the campus chancellors, president and the Board of Regents” (Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, 2014). The Vice President of Academic Affairs is under the direction of the University President. The Vice President is often known as the chief academic officer and is responsible for the implementation educational policy and academic programs. The Vice President must provide strategic direction and leadership that fosters a culture of academic excellence, scholarship and student achievement. As the university’s chief academic officer, the Vice president will work closely with provost, deans, faculty members, department chairs, student affairs, and a host of other departments to maintain an active learning environment that promote student learning through rigor and relevant academic study. The Vice President has ongoing collaborations with the Department of Student Affairs to monitor student enrollment, retention, graduation rates, student services and the evaluation of university programs. Role of the Vice President The role of the Vice President calls for someone to have exceptional managerial skills in higher education, government and corporate industry...
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...between laptops or handheld devices like smart phones and tablets for their day to day activities. In this paper attempt has been made to highlight how education and technology have evolved hand in hand over the years. We also have conducted an exhaustive research on the usage patterns of laptops and handheld devices among students to find their preferences and behavior patterns. We have restricted our research to Business school students because they are widely exposed to various gadgets as part of their academic learning and daily activities. This study helps us to gauge, compare and to an extent even predict the future of different gadgets in the higher education sector. The survey showed that though the current usage of laptops is highest for academic and leisure activities, their preference are more towards tablets. There are various business schools that have already adapted tablets as a substitute for laptops and books. With the rapidly increasing advancement in technology, the usage of tablets for education is expected to become more widespread across various educational institutions. KEYWORDS: Business schools, Education, Hand-held devices, Laptops, Mobiles, Technology. INTRODUCTION Technology is the source of some of the most significant and radical changes in the methods of imparting learning in the education industry. It has significantly altered the way teachers, students and educational institutions operate [5]. In...
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...American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 2 No. 3; March 2012 Corporate Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions: Istanbul Bilgi University Case Gresi Sanje Dahan, PhD Assistant Professor Istanbul Bilgi University Advertising Department Kazım Karabekir Cad. No:1 34060 Eyup Istanbul, Turkey Isil Senol, PhD Teaching Assistant Istanbul Bilgi University Advertising Department Kazım Karabekir Cad. No:1 34060 Eyup Istanbul, Turkey Abstract Universities, especially private ones are in need of strong corporate strategies in order to be successful in the highly competitive education industry. In this respect, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) becomes one of the highly preferred strategies by higher education institutions for gaining a good reputation and a competitive advantage. This study aims to analyze Istanbul Bilgi University, in the context of social responsibility practices. The major finding of the study is that in order for an institution to be successful in CSR strategy, CSR actions has to be internalized and must be supported by the management. Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, higher education, competitive advantage, reputation. 1. Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is defined through the ethical relationship and transparency of the company with all its stakeholders that has a relationship as well as with the establishment of corporate goals that are compatible with the sustainable development of society...
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...Management in Education http://mie.sagepub.com/ Reconfiguring the higher education value chain Virendra Pathak and Kavita Pathak Management in Education 2010 24: 166 DOI: 10.1177/0892020610376791 The online version of this article can be found at: http://mie.sagepub.com/content/24/4/166 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com On behalf of: British Educational Leadership, Management & Administration Society Additional services and information for Management in Education can be found at: Email Alerts: http://mie.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://mie.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations: http://mie.sagepub.com/content/24/4/166.refs.html >> Version of Record - Oct 6, 2010 What is This? Downloaded from mie.sagepub.com at Excelsior College on March 19, 2014 MiE Reconfiguring the higher education value chain Management in Education 24(4) 166–171 ª 2010 British Educational Leadership, Management & Administration Society (BELMAS) Reprints and permission: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0892020610376791 mie.sagepub.com Virendra Pathak Kavita Pathak Abstract Forces of demand and supply are changing the dynamics of the higher education market. Transformation of institutions of higher learning into competitive enterprise is underway. Higher education institutions are seemingly under intense ...
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...Universities in the Marketplace: The Commercialization of Higher Education By Derek Bok Introduction Universities in the Marketplace is a book written by Derek Bok, former Harvard University President and professor for over fifty years. The author provides a critique and examination of issues surrounding the commercialization of higher education. The book discusses the history of commercialization in higher education and speaks to the many moral dilemmas that higher education institutions face today. In addition to providing a critical examination, Bok raises questions in an effort to help university administrators and board members to distinguish commercialization from privatization. Overview The author provides a simple definition for commercialization in higher education. On page 99, Bok states “Commercialization typically begins when someone in the university finds an opportunity to make money.” The first few chapters of the book discuss the history of universities who have pursued making a profit whether from athletics, education or scientific research. As the shaping of higher education moved from quaint campuses to large universities with beautiful landscapes, stately buildings, and scientific advances, new opportunities to make money appeared. Bok submits that there are numerous elements as the roots of commercialization. University presidents account for and are responsible for the growth of corporate activity. Faced with board members and alumni...
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