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Submitted By mianqi2001
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MARCH 23, 2015

GOOGLE'S NEW WIRELESS SERVICE About the end of March 2015 Google will begin offering its own wireless service. Google's market structure as a wireless provider will be an oligopoly market structure which is when a standardized product is sold by a small number of sellers. Providers must differentiate their services. Each provider makes its own decisions. The wireless industry is regulated so providers are not completely free to set their own prices and offerings. Google is starting its wireless service on a small scale. When Google enters a new market it usually does so in a big way. Google’s next move is launching a wireless carrier service sold directly to end users (Epstein, 2015). We will look at the business feasibilities based on the economic conditions and the impacts. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the world economy will grow by 2.9% in 2015. The world GDP was estimated to have increased by 2.5% in 2014. Global growth will be boosted by lower oil prices: a 10% fall is thought to add 0.2 percentage points to world GDP. The world economy most likely will be held back by weakness in the euro area and Japan, and by slower growth in emerging markets. China will see expansion slow to 7%, but America will be the best-performing rich-world economy in 2015, with growth forecast at 3.3% (The Economist, 2015). Let us referring to the last quarter of 2014, there was a 2.6% increase in economic growth, although this was below estimates, but behind the headline it was actually positive news (About News, 2015). So in comparing with current global economic conditions, America’s growth forecast at 3.3% for 2015 should give investors and consumers a good indication and confidence in Google’s new wireless businesses. As we see, the economic conditions provide favorable indications and impacts for Google’s new business. Let us look at the current credit market conditions how that can affect the planning or operating decision. Consumers and businesses are both watching their money very closely. Loan volume is driven at its core by loan applications, which are down in both sectors. —Bank with $192 million in assets Economic indicators are broadly classified based on their timing, from leading indicators like the ISM report to lagging indicators like the unemployment rate. Leading indicators are those that change before the economy as a whole changes, making them very useful for investors looking to predict the future direction of economies around the world. Because the current global economic conditions and their effect on local macroeconomic indicators for your good or service.
Price & Supply Elasticity Google's wireless services will be inelastic price demand because it is a regulated industry and the prices and offerings do not vary widely in the marketplace. Google's price elasticity of supply will be inelastic because of the huge costs in manufacturing and distribution infrastructure costs. Consumers’ sensitivity to price changes is measured by a product or service’s price elasticity of demand. Demand is considered elastic if a given percentage change in price causes a larger change in consumer demand. When Ed is greater than 1 then demand is elastic. Example: Given a 2 percent price decrease in cut flowers is a 4 percent increase in demand. (McConnell, Brue & Flynn, 2009, p. 115)
Demand is inelastic if the price change causes a smaller percentage change in consumer demand.
If Ed is less than 1, For example assume a 2 percent fall in coffee prices gives a 1 percent increase in demand, and then demand is inelastic. (McConnell, Brue & Flynn, 2009, p. 115)
Price elasticity of supply measures how long it takes a provider can move resources from one use to another. The faster a producer can shift resources the greater the price elasticity of supply. (McConnell, Brue & Flynn, 2009, p. 122)

Pricing Elasticity Relative to its competitors, Google may have more price and supply elasticity than they do. Google already has its server farms and fiber-optic distribution network in place. It will have to build customer service and a retail outlet presence. Google's new wireless service will be much smaller Verizon and AT&T. It will give very few people a new way to make calls, send texts, and use the internet through their smart phones. But the impact is large." (Metz, 2015) Google wants the Affordable Wireless market. One of the big efforts Google puts in to achieve is to ensure it will gain the market share to become a new wireless service provider. It plans to work with other company such as Cablevision Systems Corp; by doing so, they prepare to launch cellphone services that directly target Verizon and AT&T to offering lower prices and higher quality; Google will combine a network of Wi-Fi hotspots with its cellular connections. Sprint Corp and T-Mobile could be the cellular connection through agreements to use those carriers’ networks. The new service would search those networks and Google’s hotspots, choosing the best signal for text, data and calls. (Zacks, 2015)
Marginal Costs and Revenues Google already has its own fiber-optic network in place to carry the bulk of its data traffic. Google already has huge server farms to handle the projected volume of high-speed data. By starting small Google is only increasing its marginal costs incrementally and adding a small marginal revenue stream. But Google may be looking ahead. Google becoming a wireless carrier will not change the wireless market as much as Google Fiber changed the data trunk line market. Google is becoming a mobile virtual network operation (MVNO). However Google is not building its own nationwide network competing with Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, or T-Mobile. (Reed, 2015) When companies go after the new markets and bring fresh technologies to the market some devices do not gain traction no matter how much is spent trying. While mobile phones are getting the job done now, there is still room for innovation. Google wants to lead the change. The question is with the mature Mobile phone industry, how can Google Wireless maximize its profit? Looking through several sources, plans to launch a "wireless carrier," like Tracfone and Straight Talk which is a virtual carrier wholesaling Sprint or T-Mobile services. (Zacks, 2015) Google has been considering this for years. As early as the Consumer Electronics Show 2010 the company was frustrated at how the current carriers mainly control the mobile-phone sales in the U.S. Google wanted to break the pattern and improve access to the latest Android phones. The idea never got off the ground. This approach establishes a strong revenue stream. Google Wireless does not follow existing carriers. Instead, it is a wholesaler virtual carrier.
Pricing vs Non-pricing strategies In an oligopoly (where competition is limited), pricing strategies work better for smaller businesses that can easily manipulate prices to attract consumers. Non-pricing strategies can have more effect on consumers. Competitive markets have a low influence on price. Markets set prices and competitors can use short-term pricing strategies to gain customers. To have long-term success on consumers, non-pricing strategies often work better in competitive markets. Depending on what they need all types of businesses including oligopoly mobile phone companies can use both strategies. (Chronicle, 2015) Initially Google is setting its new wireless service apart from its competition by offering it only on the smart phone it manufactures. Google's wireless service only works on its own Nexus smart phone and does not work with phones using the Android operating system. (Barr & Knutson, 2015) Google already has over 69 percent market share of online advertising. (Baker, 2008, para 1) As far as pricing strategy for non-perfect competitive business such as Google Wireless, several factors that may affect the business. Such factors include competitors, in this case Verizon and AT&T with their existing products, consumer demands and suppliers. For Google, various types of pricing strategies can be used, such as membership or trade pricing, penetration pricing, discounts or product bundle pricing and geographical pricing can considered to be chosen from. Using bundle pricing as an example, Google customers can sign up for several deals include mobile service, Netflix, Hulu, ABC and so on that are offered by Google. Other non-pricing strategies Google can include staying open later, advertising, better customer service and extended warranties. These strategies are vital in oligopoly industries, such as the wireless industry. For an oligopolistic business, the non-pricing strategy is the best thing to apply to maximize consumer response. Pricing strategies in an oligopoly do not easily work to and improve market performance by optimizing customer reaction because the competition can rapidly change their prices. (Chronicle, 2015)
Barriers to Entry Google's real purpose for offering a wireless service may be to the raise barriers to entry for the other wireless carriers by forcing them to have to upgrade their current networks to carry much more data at much faster speeds. Google already has in place its own fiber-optic cable network which has this ability. As carriers build networks operating at higher speeds they must add antennas. Google could team up existing networks to provide high-speed wireless. We could also see the other large carriers’ partner up to compete with Google. “I expect the carriers would align ... before being bypassed by Google or Facebook... That’s one of their worst nightmares.” (Metz, 2015)
Business Operations Changes Moving into the Wireless market will require Google to add a retail street level storefront presence with customer service centers to support it. Google is making this move on a small scale to grow into the market slowly. Google has a history of making small starts the coming in later to dominate after it has learned its way around. Google’s high-speed landline service provides its backbone for a high-speed wireless service. This is part of the same movement to new mobile internet, which goes well beyond traditional carriers. (Reed, 2015)

Conclusion Industry experts believe Google's wireless service may not succeed for several reasons. 1. Engineering cell phones and networks is hard to do. 2. Google does not have customer service centers and a retail distribution system. 3. Current wireless providers have a huge head start and advertise extensively. 4. It is not clear who the wireless service is meant for, there is little to make Google's wireless service different from other carriers. 5. The small scale of the wireless service offered does not give Google a large enough market to justify its long term entry into the wireless market. Google may be experimenting with this move. Google clearly has the capital to give an MVNO a try. But there is not enough upside growth for Google to invest in a business that does not have a meaningful scale. With more than 25 million customers, TracFone Wireless is the country’s largest MVNO through deals with the four largest carriers. With more than 300 million people in the United States, an MVNO with 10,000, 50,000 or even 100,000 subscribers isn't going to move the market much -- which is what Google wants." (Goldstein, 2015)

Baker, Loren. Google Now Controls 69% of Online Advertising Market. (March 31, 2008) Search Engine Journal retrieved from:
Barr, Alistair & Knutson, Ryan. (March 5, 2015) Google Wireless Plan Has One Catch, New Service Will Only Work on Latest Nexus 6. Wall Street Journal retrieved from:
Goldstein, Phil. 5 reasons why a Google MVNO would fail (January 26, 2015) Fiercewireless Blog retrieved from 5-reasons-why-google-mvno-would-fail/2015-01-26
Houston Chronicle, Pricing Vs. Non-pricing Strategies. Retrieved from:
McConnell, C. R., Brue, S. L., & Flynn, S. M. (2009). Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies (18TH Ed.). Boston, Ma: Mcgraw-Hill Irwin.
Metz, Cade How Google’s New Wireless Service Will Change the Internet. (Mar 3, 2015) retrieved from:
Reed, Brad. Now we know the real reason Google is becoming a wireless carrier. (March 2, 2015) retrieved from:
Zacks Research Staff, Google, Wireless and the Future of Mobile, January 26, 2015 Retrieved from
About News, U.S. GDP Current Statistics, Retrieved from:

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