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Forensi Accountant


Submitted By thegame321
Words 2131
Pages 9
Bernard Mitchell Jr. Forensic Accounting Prof. Steffel May 23, 2013

The Forensic Accountant

What is a forensic accountant?
There are many attributes that are needed to be a forensic accountant. Bolgna and Linquist (1995) defined forensic accounting as the application of financial skills and an investigative mentality to unresolved issues, conducted within the context of the rules of evidence. In 2011, a definition in Accountancy Ireland, noted: “Forensic accounting has been defined as "the science of gathering and presenting financial information in a form that will be accepted by a court of jurisprudence against perpetrators of economic crimes". The field integrates accounting, auditing and investigative competences to detect and prevent financial irregularities in business. (Idowa, 2011). This is a growing field so the definition will grow continuously over time. There is a great deal of gathering information included in being a forensic accountant. The biggest skill is having above average skill when it comes to looking for details. Each detail has to be exact in order when being presented during a case. In order to be successful you have to have a drive that keeps you thirsting for the truth. Anytime that you have to go looking through documents and other financial information you have to pay close attention to detail to make sure that you are getting all the necessary facts.
In order to be a forensic accountant and a successful one at that there is many skills that you need to have, but there are five that are more important than others. The first skill is thoroughness; this is when you go over material with great detail to ensure correct data is being processed. The second skill is

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