...Behavior Through utilizing the information from the case study of “The Forgotten Group Member,” and the explanation of the stages of team development in the course textbook, Organizational Behavior, (2010, p. 166) of forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning, the majority of the group members are in the norming stage, but never resolved issues that started in the storming stage. Therefore, collectively, they are still in the storming stage. The group is in a state of conflict because Mike is non-committal with meeting, does not hand in quality work, and is acting jealous of the relationships the team has formed while in his absence. Mike’s role in the group was not clearly defined. Christine is the team coordinator, Steve is assigned to creating an agenda each meeting, Diane is resourceful, and Janet is reliable in doing more than what is expected for the group. All of these roles have been informally defined, and Mike’s role and expectations were not defined well enough for him to see his value to the group. In the forming stage of team development, team members are concerned more with seeing where they fit in, and what their role is on the team. Since the rest of the group has been meeting, they have formed a relationship and a clique without Mike. When other group members see they are not being included, this can create emotion and conflict, which is characteristic of the storming stage. Later in the case, we learn that Christine feels that she needs his input...
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...1. the forgotten group member case study www.scribd.com/doc/.../the-forgotten-group-member-case-study You +1'd this publicly. Undo Sep 19, 2011 – ► 2. Online Cases - Wiley www.wiley.com/college/man/schermerhorn332879/.../frame00.htmCached You +1'd this publicly. Undo 10+ items – Online Cases are updated versions of the textbook case studies ... * • Sun Microsystems – Ch. 2 High Performance Organizations – Human resource ... * • Harley Davidson – Ch. 3 Global Dimensions – Leading; corporate culture ... * • Steinway Piano – Ch. 9 The Nature of Groups – Job design; quality; innovation ... 3. Case 9 The Forgotten Group Member Essay, Case 9 The ... - Essays essaysbank.com/search/Case+9...Forgotten+Group+Member/9Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo 250.000 FREE Case 9 The Forgotten Group Member Papers & Case 9 The Forgotten Group Member Essays at ... Case Study Of Carnival Corporation, 6 / 1450 ... 4. Case 9 The Forgotten Group Member Essay, Case 9 The Forgotten ... essaysbank.com/search/Case+9++The+Forgotten+Group+MemberCached You +1'd this publicly. Undo 200+ items – 250.000 FREE Case 9 The Forgotten Group Member Papers & Case ... * • Case 9 ? The Forgotten Group Member – 2 / 526 * • A leader or member of the group – 1 / 223 * • Journal Entry Of A Subordinate Group Member – 3 / 796 Show more results from essaysbank.com 5. Free Reports on You Have Forgotten Yourself And That | 91 through ... www.essaydepot...
Words: 555 - Pages: 3
...“The Forgotten Group Member” A case study In leadership and organizational behavior we define a group as a team of people brought together to use their complementary skills to achieve a common purpose for which they are collectively accountable. The “Forgotten Group Member” is a case study of a group of students who were assigned a project by their professor. One student Christine was appointed the group’s leader. The group had a dynamic spectrum of personalities and skills. A basic understanding of the group development stages could have helped Christine to become a more effective leader. The first stage in group development is the forming stage. This is the initial entry of members into the group; individual behavior is driven by a desire to be accepted by the other group members. In the storming stage different ideas compete for consideration. The group members are clarified and start to agree on completing team goals. The team addresses issues such as what problems they are to resolve and how they will function independently and as a group. They will also agree upon what type of leadership model will best meet the needs of the different personalities in the group. During the norming stage the group members form working relationships and start working together to accomplish the group goals. The group will have one overall goal and will make a mutual plan for the group. In the performing stage the groups relationships mature and tasks are being completed. Group members...
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...“The Forgotten Team Member” Case Study Looking into this case study, “The Forgotten Team Member” I noticed some things that could effect a team positively and negatively. Also, I notice some things that separates a good leader from a great or effective leader. Throughout this paper I will touch basis on the stages of group development, identify the primary and secondary problems within Christine’s group, and I will give two possible solutions to the primary problem. There are a couple of things I would have done differently had I been in Christine’s position. There are four different stages of team development. The forming stage is the stage at the beginning of coming together as a group. This stage is centered around getting to know each other. Next, the storming stage is the stage where group members experience tension amongst each other. Group members may display forms of hostility and fighting within the group may occur. The norming stage is when members start to come together. During this stage the group is working together to maintain a positive balance. The performing stage shows the progression of the team. It’s the time when the maturity, organization, and well-functioning team begins to reveal itself. They are able to agree to disagree and handle complex task. The structure of the team is stable and the team goals have motivated the members. Lastly, the adjourning stage is the stage whaen all the work is done, the task is over, and its time for the members to part...
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...The Forgotten Group Member Melissa T Grice Keller Graduate School of Business Management Leadership & Organizational Behavior GM 591 Professor Carr July 23, 2011 The Forgotten Group Member According to our text, “A team is a group of people brought together to use their complementary skills to achieve a common purpose for which they are collectively accountable” (Schermerhorn, 2010). The case study involving, The Forgotten Group Member demonstrates an excellent example of how teams fail and fall apart related to a breakdown or lack of effective communication between all parties involved. Thus, it is important to acknowledge that a leader has responsibility to lead the team, but the members also must be involved in order to complete the project effectively and in a timely manner. Part I. Group Development After review of the case and data from the textbook, the group begins the storming stage. “The storming stage of team development is a period of high emotionality and tension among the group members. During this stage, hostility and infighting may occur, and the team typically experiences many changes” (Schermerhorn, 2010). Noticeably, hostility and fighting came from Mike and his perceptions about how the group was excluding him from meetings, which wasn’t an accurate perception. One could determine that if Mike would participate in the workload he could become a viable player in the team. Mike hasn’t performed to the degree as other group members have because...
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...Case Study wk 3” The Forgotten Group Member” Well after reading “The Forgotten Group Member” I think this has some very good examples for group development and the stages that go with it. I would say it would start with forming storming norming, and performing then adjourning. The forming concept begins as a group is brought together thru some formal selection and initially they talk and get to know one another. They select a leader who gives some direction and have tasks that are assigned for collecting data .There maybe some differences that have to be sorted out and perhaps some sub grouping, but by keeping a set of rules and keeping it simple as to avoid any problems and controversy .Even if there is conflict if it is simple can be resolved efficiently. The key here is to assign tasks and get them done efficiently as possible to avoid any issues and conflicts this can be accomplished if everyone becomes well orientated and works together defining tasks ,how to get it done and grow as a team to accomplish that goal. In Storming this is where the group begins to get ideas for the task defining and organizing getting into a group process. Coming up with ideas .Within the group ideas are tossed back and forth and sometimes so is conflict this is where organizing and setting some ground rules to put the effort into motion has to be set. In the Norming stage the interpersonalizations of a group are characterized by cohesion. In this process members contribute ideas and try...
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...Leadership and Organizational Behavior Case Study 1 “The Forgotten Group Member” Andrea Watts Keller University Leadership and Organizational Behavior MGMT 591 Timothy Staley November 16, 2013 Group Development As I began reading the “Forgotten Group Member”, I found that the group is in the “storming” stage of team development. I am able to determine this due to the setting of the events laid out by the author. The setting gives the present then it goes back and tells that the team is in week 5 of the project. The author also gives some history about the “forming stage” and events that had occurred at that time. After reading a bit more, it is clear that the group is experiencing some tension and rebellion by one of its team members. Had Christine, understood the importance of understanding the stages of development, she could have laid a better foundation as team lead so that they could have avoided this cynical behavior and the energy and outcome of the project would have been better for all of those involved. Problem Identification The primary problem in the case study was that Christine had failed to set the proper expectations and orientation for the group and this caused her to lose respect of one of her peers. Mike had been able to manipulate Christine with excuses from the beginning. Unfortunately, Christine fell subject to his manipulative behavior and lost control of her team as a hold. In my opinion, the “forming” stage of team development is very important...
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...GM 591: Leadership and Organizational Behavior Case Study The Forgotten Member Group Development The stage I believe the group is at is the “Storming Stage”. The reason I picked this stage is because from reading the case study it seem as if the team was in conflict with one of the members Mike. In the textbook on page 168 it tells us that the storming stage is where high emotions and tension among the group members happens. Also, this is the stage members’ different attitude starts to develop on the team and from the case study reading you could see that Mike was the trouble maker and could not or would not make any of the meetings. Understanding the stages of group development would have assisted Christine in many ways such as she would have been able to talk with Mike before the problem escalated to the team as a whole. For example in the case study it stated that Mike would send Christine his brief notes for her to discuss at group meetings. Christine should have told Mike he needs to be at the meeting because that what was expected of him as team member and that she would not read any notes. To me this would have made Mike feel he had to show up so he does not let the team down. Also, she would have been organized by knowing the stages and she would keep the team moving in the right direction. For example in the first meeting Christine would have known to let everyone know what was expected of them and stop the actions of...
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...The Forgotten Group Member Case Study Leadership and Organizational Behavior/GM591 January 22, 2012 Group Development After reading the case study and reviewing the five stages of team development. I can say that the team is in the Storming stage of the team development. Even though they may appear in the Performing stage because the other team members were handling their part of the paper, the professor advised the team that they must deal with the problems within the group first. Christine skipped the Forming stage and based her opinion of her team mates on what she observed about them. Had she got to know them by meeting with them together or one on one, she could have gotten to see if her observation were accurate. It would have also given the team am insight on any outside issues that may affect the team. There was also no relationship with the entire team. Problem Identification The team was aware there was a problem with Mike’s participation (already identified as a clown based on Christine’s observation), but he was approached about his behavior and lack of contribution to the team. Christine may have been an organized hard working student, but she seems to lack skills in dealing with conflict. It became a big deal to Mike when he assumed that the team was meeting without him. Even after explaining the impromptu get together Mike still believed what his eyes saw and distanced himself again. Any of the team members could have reached...
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...Case Study - The Forgotten Group Member Helen M. Gales GM591 - Leadership and Organizational Behavior Keller Graduate School of Management Professor Leo Shelton July 23, 2012 Case Study - The Forgotten Group Member Part 1: Group Development In looking over the details given for the case, the group appears to still be in the Storming stage. While some of the team has come together and are providing their assigned portions of the class project, they still are not a cohesive, and functioning team; due to one of their team members being preoccupied with outside demands and not really coming together with the rest of the team. By having a better understanding of the stages of group development, Christine would have had a better idea of how to lead the group through the different stages and help them to move forward towards a successful completion of the assignment. The text indicates that for a team to be successful it needs to go through all of the stages, forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning; making progress as each stage is completed. Part II: Problem Identification From the little amount of information that the case gives concerning the initial meetings of the group, the primary problem is that Mike is seen as the "clown" and not taken seriously when suggestions are made. From what the text indicates about the different stages, this indicates a "clique" was formed between the other team members, and a general lack of concern was given to Mike and...
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...Case Study: The Forgotten Member MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Professor Bailey March 29, 2013 We could probably start the conversation off by saying, “poor Christine” and “this is the reason why I never take group leader”. I almost had a flashback myself! Group dynamics and group development is very important. According to the case study, Christine already had a problem to begin with and although at the time it was a minor fix, it eventually became a major concern. Teamwork truly consists of a project individually split up by the persons on the team/group and performed collectively. In Christine’s group, there was excitement in the team and the understanding of what work was to be performed. In understanding the stages of development, it looks as though Christine may have herself caught between the “Forming and Storming” stages of developing her team. Out of all of her team members she was not reassured that Mike would be able to participant from the beginning when he made the statement of having to work overnight. At that point, as group leader, Christine should have sought a compromise with his concern. If this could not be resolved in day one, the resolution should take place no later than day two. Without the opportunity for compromise, Christine and the group was already headed to destruction. Another key point that Christine needed to know was her forming stage with Mike needed a little more personal attention to understand his emotional and...
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...“five stages of team development as defined by Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, and Uhl-Bien. (2010) are forming, storming, and norming, performing and adjourning”. Forming is the initial stage of the group. It is highlighted by individuals assembling, getting to know each other, while establishing and structuring group operations. Storming consists of the group dealing with conflict and defining group task. The norming stage results when the group builds relationships and begins really working together. The next stage is performing, which marks the development of a seasoned, organized and effective group. Once the group has moved through its’ respective stages the final stage is Adjournment; this occurs when the group has completed the assigned task. (p. 166-167). Reflecting on the case and textbook material, what stage is the group at now? How could an understanding of the stages of group development have assisted Christine in her leadership role with this team? The group is in the storming stage, there are still conflicts regarding the process in which the group handles issues such as standards for attendance, preparation of tasks and acceptable social behavior. In her role Christine would have benefited from understanding and applying the principles of group development. The group needed to invest more time establishing group expectations and conduct standards. Their failure to complete this allowed one member to become the “Forgotten Group Member” and detracted...
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...Behavior Case Study The Forgotten Team Member: A Case Analysis Shon Gregory 11-26-2012 Group Development Just as all people go through phases of change in their lifecycle, childhood, adolescence, adult, and old age, teams also go through development/lifecycle phases as well. Depending upon the stage of development that a team is in, issues, challenges, and opportunities should be handle differently. Those phases are Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning. In our Case Study, The Forgotten Team Member, our team is in the storming phase. By understanding the phases and identifying the current stage that Christine’s team is in, would help Christine in being the Team Coordinator of her class project team. Problem Identification According to our text, the storming stage is characterized by high emotions and tension, it is the most tumultuous period of team the development. Coalitions and cliques start to emerge, individuals start to jockey for positions of status, and obstacles that prevent the team for achieve start to become present. (Schermerhorn 156-157). This true for Christine’s team. Although she was appointed leader of the group, Steve, the businesslike personality, made sure that he was keeping the group on task, a role generally performed by the leader. Mike’s social loafing is starting to make him feel as an outsider to the group, he’s passive-aggressive behavior further emphasizes his outsider status. The other members are team members...
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...“The Forgotten Member” Case Study 1. Group development After carefully reviewing details given for the case, it seems that the group is stuck between storming and norming stages. Even though four members of the team accepted each other and started working together on the assignment, there is one person that has been, as per title of the case, forgotten member. Mike does not participate in the meetings and is not contributing as expected by the team. At the same time, team members are not concerned about his absence. Moreover, Mike’s hostile behavior causes further isolation. In the storming stage of team development, leader’s role is to help clarify membership expectations and find ways to accomplish team goals while also meeting personal needs potential (Schermerhorn, Osborn, Uhl-Bien, Hunt, 2012). Christine lacks experience and skills to lead the group through the team development stages. In result, the group has never come together to reach next stages of team development namely norming, performing, and adjourning. Each person works individually on the designated section, there is no communication and shared responsibility for the overall result. Knowledge of stages of team development would certainly help Christine to understand group dynamics and prepare solutions for different challenges right from the beginning. 2. Problem identification The main primary problem is lack of leadership skills, especially in a team formation process, and passiveness of a team...
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...Abstract The case study about the “Forgotten Group Member” illustrates the complexity of group dynamics when one of the stages of team development is not adequately discussed. The specific group is made up of five members. The team leader is Christine, an “A” student who is very conscientious about her course average. Included in the group are a quiet group member, a class clown, a businesslike individual, and a reliable member who goes above and beyond what is required. With such diversity of personalities and without the proper engagement and commitment of all the team members, the group project assigned to the team was in serious trouble of not being completed by the stated deadline. The biggest issue of the group is that there is a communication breakdown as well as roles that were not clearly identified in the forming stage of team development. The major person contributing to the breakdown of the group is the perceived social loafer, Mike, who has not contributed his portion to the group nor been available for collaboration. This paper will parallel the issues with the team dynamics as well as identify how the leadership has affected the progression of the group. It will also note various techniques that the group leader can use to keep all members engaged in the assignment. Based on the analysis of the case study, it can be concluded that the leader’s intentions were genuine in her vision of creating a functional team to complete the assignment with everyone’s...
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