...Grace Lau December 18, 2014 Page 2 Conclusions and Recommendation Based on our research and facts provided to us, the consulting bill of WesternGraphics and staff salaries should be expensed as either incurred or when the first time the marketing project starts (FASB ASC 720-35-25). You could capitalize the costs incurred only if the costs qualify as direct response advertising. According to FASB ASC 340-20, direct response advertising costs are intended “to elicit sales to customers who should be shown to have responded specifically to the advertising and that result in probable future benefits”. Although there might be future benefits resulting from marketing strategy, the company didn't create any tangible or intangible asset. The slogan created by WesternGraphics has been rejected and no asset has been created on the company books. In our opinion, the consulting fees and staff salary didn't create an asset either. Since the company operates in a highly competitive industry, it’s uncertain whether the company will derive future benefits from marketing strategy. The asset is unidentified and generally such costs should be expensed. Although the company created the game (an asset), the consulting fees and staff salaries incurred do not qualify as production costs to be capitalized. According to FASB 985-2025, only costs “of producing product masters incurred subsequent to establishing technological feasibility shall be capitalized. Those costs include coding and testing...
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...reflect the results of our due diligence on researching authorities related to the acquisitions made by Tom’s Tractor Supply Co. and Mills Machines, Inc.’s plans to change their policy of accounting for product recalls. The context of our research associated with these transactions, one undertaken and one planned, are twofold: International standards under IFRS and domestic U.S. standards under U.S. GAAP. Relevant facts: * Tom agrees to purchase Rural Life Supply Co. for $150 million in exchange for: * Assets of Rural Life Supply Co. that include: * Exclusive supplier contract of farming equipment with Farming Depot and non-contractual customer relationship with Farming Depot for routine purchases of power tools. * Exclusive supplier contract of power tools with Cattle Caller and non-exclusive contract associated with the customer relationship with Cattle Caller for the backlog of orders for farming power equipment. * Tom agrees to purchase Tractor Heaven for $90 million in exchange for: * Assets of Tractor Heaven that include: * Customer lists of Tractor Heaven, half of which contain confidentiality agreements. * Non-contractual customer relationship with Bonanza Farming. Issue: What is the appropriate GAAP and IFRS accounting treatment for Tom’s Tractor Supply acquisitions of Rural Life Supply Co. and Tractor Heaven? Analysis: Deloitte guidance FASB ASC-805-20-55-20, 805-20-55-55 **SEC S99-3: At bottom of...
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...given for this is globalization, highs information technology (IT) investments and the rapid pace of technological change. Organizations are responding in different ways and at different rates to the wide range of IT based opportunities and pressures. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the effects of IT related organizational changes on the management accounting function and to contribute to the body of knowledge about to what extent IT affects the ability to solve accounting tasks. The relationship between IT and accounting practices was investigated qualitatively using six case studies and we will measure the impact of IT on accountants’ tasks. The findings suggest a tendency for change and the decentralization of accounting tasks. Index Terms—Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Financial Documents, Information Technology, Management Information System. I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays the business world is changing at a faster and faster pace. The reasons given for this is globalization, highs IT investments and the rapid pace of technological change in combination with escalating costs of research and development (Frishamar, 2002). The role of information technology (IT) has shifted over the last decades (Teng & Calhoun, 1996) to become an important part of how companies manage and control their resources. Organizations are responding in different ways and at different rates to the wide range of IT based opportunities and pressures (Johnson et al...
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...Economics and Finance, Vol. 1, No. 1, June, 2010 2010-023X Information Technology roles in Accounting Tasks – A Multiple-case Study Maria do Céu Gaspar Alves Abstract—Nowadays the business world is changing at a faster and faster pace. The reasons given for this is globalization, highs information technology (IT) investments and the rapid pace of technological change. Organizations are responding in different ways and at different rates to the wide range of IT based opportunities and pressures. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the effects of IT related organizational changes on the management accounting function and to contribute to the body of knowledge about to what extent IT affects the ability to solve accounting tasks. The relationship between IT and accounting practices was investigated qualitatively using six case studies and we will measure the impact of IT on accountants’ tasks. The findings suggest a tendency for change and the decentralization of accounting tasks. Index Terms—Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Financial Documents, Information Technology, Management Information System. I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays the business world is changing at a faster and faster pace. The reasons given for this is globalization, highs IT investments and the rapid pace of technological change in combination with escalating costs of research and development (Frishamar, 2002). The role of information technology (IT) has shifted over the...
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...Critical Analysis of a Research Paper Towards an integrated contingency framework for MAS sophistication Case studies on the scope of accounting instruments in Dutch power and gas companies By Sandra Tillema Title The title suggests that the article will give guidance towards a contingency framework for MAS sophistication. The Contingency framework states that there is no one right way to manage an organisation, so the part “towards integrated [...] framework” with the word “contingency” seems like a paradox. We feel that we might not have chosen this article if we were looking at the title only because it seemingly contradicts itself. The group agreed that the title is quite long. We have analysed it by defining the main words of which we used the Macmillan Dictionary (2002) (See appendix B). After understanding the words and theory explanation, the title became quite easy to understand. Abstract and Introduction We feel that the abstract provides concise and simple information. It is a good explanation and expansion of the title. We have chosen this article because it can be easily understood. The abstract states that many companies are being convinced to implement newly developed management accounting systems and also comments on its inappropriateness. The author states the reason for this is due to the contingency theory perspective. She also highlights that this article is based on the cases of two power and gas companies. The introduction...
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...[pic] ACCOUNTING 26:010:652 Advanced Topics in Management Accounting Fall 2009 Instructor: Dr. Michael Alles Office: 1WP 928 Office Hours: F 9:00-10:00 or by appointment Email: alles@business.rutgers.edu Phone: (973) 353 5352 COURSE OBJECTIVES In recent years my colleagues and I have noticed that when we are recruiting we come across newly minted PhD students who are usually highly technically proficient in terms of being able to run regressions, do statistical testing, solve analytic models or whatever, but they often fail to demonstrate that they have thoroughly thought about their papers—in other words, when you push them about the implicit and explicit assumptions and implications of their research models, it appears that they haven’t really given these matters much thought at all.[1] Too often they fall back on saying that they are doing what they are doing because that is the way it is done in the prior literature, which is more of an excuse than a answer. (Of course, once a researcher reaches a certain age, they all feel that youngsters aren’t as good as they were in the good old days!) Therefore, in this class we shall go beyond simply studying research in managerial accounting. For many of you, this is your first introduction to accounting research and to PhD level class. Hence, in these classes we shall also learn how to solve business problems systematically and to understand what it means to have thoroughly “thought through” a paper. We...
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...|Topic in Mastery of the |Chapter 3 - Building Your |Chapter 4 – Brain Teasers: Using|Chapter 5 – Cases to Accompany | |Financial Accounting Research |Business Vocabulary: Defining |FARS to Untangle the Mystery |FARS [Related Assignments at End| |System (FARS) Through Cases 2nd |Terms and Solving Problems |[See Introduction and Example |of Cases] | |Edition by Wallace [Chapter 1 |Through FARS [See Introduction |pp. 4-1 to 4-7] | | |and 2 where noted] |and Example pp. 3-1 to 3-7] | | | |FASB, Standard Setting; GAAP; |Table 3.1 Accounting Standards; |1: How Many Standards Have Been |Case 12: Emerging Issues: The | |Governance; FARS [Chapter 1 – |Table 3.39 Regulated Industry; |Issued by FASB?; 2: Dissents |Agenda of FASB; [Case 8 Related:| |The Financial Accounting |Table 3.40 Specialized Industry |Portending Future?; 32: What |Does It Matter Where Guidance Is| |Research System (FARS) Primer.] |Considerations |Makes One GAAP Preferable to |Located?]; [Case 12 Related: Are| | | |Another?; 30: When Can Analogies|Accounting Rules to Blame?] | | | |Be Used?; 31: What Are the 10 | | | ...
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...Business Research Tamika Taylor RES/351 July 21, 2014 Michele Burpeau-Di Gregorio Current Events in Business Research Describe the business research process When the organization wants an inclusive and full understanding of a developing theory and information practices a case study is conducted. A case study creates a complete assessment of what the customer wants by researching the product or field in every aspect. Case studies involve on-site analysis, and interviews of people that use the product or individuals that are in that particular field that is being researched. The Case Study method involves extensive information gathering, and most case studies are typically time demanding. Identify the research problem and the research method Accounting research is often challenged about its relevance and achievements. Accounting research matters for the development and for improving the practice. This specific case study questions the complexity of the different variables, and the actual practices that detail the ordinary, unusual, or infrequent. This case study was created to answer the how and why questions of accounting, evaluating the importance and application of accounting research and how it relates to professional proficiency. According to Cooper, D. J., & Morgan, W. (2008), “Case study research comes in many forms, and is extremely useful in raising questions, highlighting issues, developing and testing theory, and providing guidance to make accounting research...
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...available at www.emeraldinsight.com/1176-6093.htm Research in management accounting innovations An overview of its recent development Nur Haiza Muhammad Zawawi Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia and School of Accounting, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, and Management accounting innovations 505 Zahirul Hoque School of Accounting, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia Abstract Purpose – The purpose of paper is to present a review of the literature on management accounting innovations (MAIs). Specifically, it explores recent developments in research on MAIs and offers suggestions for future research. The review differs from existing reviews by its specific focus on MAIs and the recent time period covered. In this paper, MAIs refer to the adoption of “newer” or modern forms of management accounting systems such as activity-based costing (ABC), activity-based management, time-driven ABC, target costing, and balanced scorecards. Design/methodology/approach – The paper presents a review of findings from journal articles published in 22 notable accounting journals. Findings – The review finds that research on MAIs has intensified during the period 2000-2008, with the main focus on exploring the extent to which a host of organizational and environmental factors influence the implementation and use of MAIs in organizations. In addition, research on MAIs indicates the dominant use of sociological theories...
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...THE APPLICATION OF INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES FOR ENHANCING PROFITABILITY AND COMPETITIVENESS: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF JAMAICAN MANUFACTURERS Phillip C. James University of Technology, Jamaica College of Business and Management School of Business Administration ABSTRACT This study represents the first in management accounting research in Jamaica which seeks to determine the extent to which innovative management accounting principles (IMAPs) are applied in the manufacturing sector. The aim is to determine if manufacturers in Jamaica are using IMAPs to improve export competitiveness and enhance profitability .The study also seek to determine the factors that prevent manufacturers from adopting these management accounting principles. Five manufacturing organizations were examined using an exploratory case study approach. Results indicate that companies adopting IMAPs have more reliable information for decision making, higher levels of profitability and competitiveness when compared with non- adopting companies. Key Words: Innovative Management Accounting Principles, Profitability, Competitiveness 1. INTRODUCTION The manufacturing environment of the twenty-first century has changed considerably when compared with what existed decades ago. Arising from this development and with the increase in global competition, the need for accurate cost information has become an imperative. Manufacturers worldwide have suddenly realized that the continued...
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...Accounting Theory • Docent Machteld Van den Bogaerd machteld.vandenbogaerd@kuleuven.be • Cursusmateriaal – handboek (aanbevolen – niet verplicht) Accounting Theory (Godfrey et al., 2010) – Toledo wetenschappelijke artikels, handouts, etc. Accounting Theory • Examen (75% vd score) – schriftelijk examen – gesloten boek – duurtijd: 2 uur – combinatie multiple choice & open vragen Accounting Theory • Opdracht (25% vd score) – literatuurstudie rond een welbepaald thema in groep (5 leden), onderwerpen zie Toledo – inhoud • beknopte bespreking (relevantie) thema • overzicht relevante/gehanteerde theorieën • gehanteerde onderzoeksmethode(n) • overzicht van de onderzoeksresultaten Accounting Theory – vorm • maximaal 5 bladzijden (zonder referenties) • referenties toevoegen in literatuurlijst • minstens 2 wetenschappelijke artikels per groepslid • 2 groepen werken rond hetzelfde onderwerp! Belangrijk: logisch gestructureerd en geïntegreerd verhaal - Peer assessment!! => Meer info: zie document ‘Enkele praktische tips’ op Toledo. Accounting Theory – deadlines • samenstelling groep + onderwerp (via e-mail): maandag 12 oktober 2015 • eerste versie (feedback): 5 november 2015 (enkel via e-mail) • finale versie (op papier + pdf) incl. peer review (op papier): 3 december 2015 • presentaties: 10 en 17 december 2015 + min. 2 vragen voor de parallelle groep. Presentatie: 10-tal minuten (achteraf mogelijkheid tot stellen van vragen door ...
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...Strategic management accounting: how far have we come in 25 years? Kim Langfield-Smith Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the origins of strategic management accounting and to assess the extent of adoption and “success” of strategic management accounting (SMA). Design/methodology/approach – Empirical papers which have directly researched SMA and prior review papers of the adoption and implementation of SMA or SMA techniques are reviewed. As well as assessing the extent of adoption of SMA and the reasons underlying an apparent low adoption rate, the role of accountants in adopting and implementing SMA is considered. Finally, the success or otherwise of SMA is discussed. Findings – SMA or SMA techniques have not been adopted widely, nor is the term SMA widely understood or used. However, aspects of SMA have had an impact, influencing the thinking and language of business, and the way in which we undertake various business processes. These issues cut across the wider domain of management, and are not just the province of management accountants. Research limitations/implications – There is limited value in conducting future surveys of the adoption and implementation of SMA or SMA techniques. Rather, the focus should be on how SMA-inspired techniques and processes diffuse into general practice within organizations. Originality/value – Twenty-five years after the term strategic management accounting was first introduced...
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...International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 1, No. 2, August, 2010 2010-023X Factors Influencing Activity-Based Costing Success: A Research Framework Zhang Yi Fei and Che Ruhana Isa becoming more and more popular [3-7] ABC aims to provide accurate costing information to managers to allocate activity costs to products and services by applying cost drivers [8]. Academics who advocate ABC, such as, Cooper and Kaplan [9], and Swenson [10] argue that it provides more accurate cost data needed to make appropriate strategic decisions about product mix, sourcing, pricing, process improvement, and evaluation of business process performance. These claims have led many firms to adopt ABC systems [8]. The benefits of ABC and its positive impact on firm’s performance motivated a numerous studies which examined various aspects of ABC. Among such studies are McGowan [11] who assessed the integrity of ABC success, Innes and Mitchell [4, 12] and Yanren [13] who conducted research on factors affecting ABC adoption, and Shield [3], Shields and McEwen [14], Gosselin [15] and Baired et al.[16, 17]who concentrated on factors influencing ABC success especially at the implementation stage. However, there is mounting evidence that suggests most of firms are experiencing problems in implementing ABC and, in some extreme cases, ABC implementation is not successful [3], which later resulted in abandoning the ABC systems altogether [15]. Questions arise as to why ABC implementation is...
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...ISSUES IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION Vol. 26, No. 3 2011 pp. 609–618 American Accounting Association DOI: 10.2308/iace-50029 A Series of Revenue Recognition Research Cases Using the Codification R. Mark Alford, Teresa M. DiMattia, Nancy T. Hill, and Kevin T. Stevens ABSTRACT: This series of four short cases is designed to help students develop the skills to research the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification and other authoritative literature. It also is designed to help improve students’ ability to analyze and critique the complex issues that often surround the accounting for revenue recognition. The case scenarios describe transactions in which students must decide whether, when, and how much revenue to recognize. The issues analyzed involve bill-and-hold, multiple-element arrangements, gross versus net revenue reporting, and sales incentives. The cases are also designed to improve teamwork and communication skills. The sequence of cases is intended for use in an intermediate accounting class that covers revenue recognition, or in a capstone class that emphasizes critical thinking and research skills. Keywords: revenue; recognition; codification; research. INTRODUCTION evenue recognition is one of the top causes for financial statement restatements (Whitehouse 2010). In addition, revenue recognition is an area commonly questioned by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) staff in their review of public filings and resultant comment...
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...International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 1, No. 2, August, 2010 2010-023X Factors Influencing Activity-Based Costing Success: A Research Framework Zhang Yi Fei and Che Ruhana Isa becoming more and more popular [3-7] ABC aims to provide accurate costing information to managers to allocate activity costs to products and services by applying cost drivers [8]. Academics who advocate ABC, such as, Cooper and Kaplan [9], and Swenson [10] argue that it provides more accurate cost data needed to make appropriate strategic decisions about product mix, sourcing, pricing, process improvement, and evaluation of business process performance. These claims have led many firms to adopt ABC systems [8]. The benefits of ABC and its positive impact on firm’s performance motivated a numerous studies which examined various aspects of ABC. Among such studies are McGowan [11] who assessed the integrity of ABC success, Innes and Mitchell [4, 12] and Yanren [13] who conducted research on factors affecting ABC adoption, and Shield [3], Shields and McEwen [14], Gosselin [15] and Baired et al.[16, 17]who concentrated on factors influencing ABC success especially at the implementation stage. However, there is mounting evidence that suggests most of firms are experiencing problems in implementing ABC and, in some extreme cases, ABC implementation is not successful [3], which later resulted in abandoning the ABC systems altogether [15]. Questions arise as to why ABC implementation is...
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