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Submitted By mitsg
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HR Acronym-Soup AA | Affirmative Action | AAP | Affirmative Action Plan | ADA | Americans w/Disability Act | ADEA | Age Discrimination in Employment Act | ADR | Alternative Dispute Resolution | AISES | American Indian Society for Engineering and Sciences | ASP | Application Service Provider | BFOQ | Bona Fide Occupational Qualification | BLS | Bureau of Labor Statistics | COLA | Cost of Living Adjustment | CPI | Consumer Price Index | CV | Curriculum Vitae | DOL | Department of Labor | EEO | Equal Employment Opportunity | EEOC | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning | EVP | Employee Value Proposition | FCRA | Fair Credit Reporting Act | FLSA | Fair Labor Standards Act | FMLA | Family & Medical Leave Act | FTE | Full Time Equivalent | GINA | Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act | HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act | HRIS | Human Resources Information Systems | HRP | Human Resource Planning | IRCA | Immigration Reform & Control Act | IRCA | Immigration Reform and Control Act | JAN | Job Accommodation Network | JOLTS | Job Openings & Labor Turnover Survey | KPE | Key Performance Indicators | KSAO | Knowledge Skills Abilities and Other Characteristics | MBO | Management by Objective | MBTI | Myers-Briggs Type Indicator | NAACP | National Association for the Advancement of Colored people | NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement | NBMBAA | National Black MBA Association | NSHMBA | National Association for Hispanic MBAs | NLRA | National Labor Relations Act | OFCCP | Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs | OSHA | Occupational Safety & health Act | PDA | Pregnancy Discrimination Act | PEO | Professional Employer Organization | QDRO | Qualified Domestic Relations Order | RFOA | Reasonable

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English in 500 Years

...beginning of its usage and English in the modern day is astounding. It has come a very long way from how it used to be. This is due, in part, to the fact that English speakers are constantly adding new words and phrases. These days, it is common to see people texting on their phones and chatting on social media sites. To decrease the amount of characters they have to type, many use abbreviations or acronyms. Abbreviations and acronyms make it faster and easier to share information. They have become very prevalent in modern society. Acronyms like YOLO, which means “You Only Live Once”, have become so popular in writing that they have become commonly used while speaking. This form of speaking has become very popular among young people. In years to come, it would not be improbable if this acronym or acronyms like it became actual words. This would not be the first time an acronym has become a word though. The word laser was an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The word Snafu was originally a military acronym for Situation Normal, All F***ked Up. These acronyms and many more have made their way into dictionaries and common language so it is not a stretch to assume that newer ones like YOLO would later become words in their own right. Phrases are used every day as short hand for describing...

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