...struggles people face in the different aspects of their daily lives could only be attained if proper attitude was present. How to approach or avoid the problems, challenges and circumstances they faced every day predicted the result. The same idea was shared by Hilary Hinton Ziglar (2011) which stated that it is not what happens to you that determines how far you will go in life; it is how you handle what happens to you. Even if a lot of challenges were given to men, this does not define one’s final outcome. It was one’s attitude towards the challenge that predicted and established their future. However, not all people nowadays knew how to face properly each circumstance offered by life and thus ended in catastrophic situations. This same problem is faced by students of the present generation especially in their academics wherein reading is mostly valuable. This study was concerned with the decline of the students engaging in reading. How did they acquired knowledge and information? What were their approaches in acquiring knowledge? Did they really understand what they had recently gathered? Reading is not only confined in the four walls of classrooms but more importantly used in different jobs and professions. Reading, together with writing was a useful tool in communication from the time of the ancient Egyptians and Chinese. In the age of the Internet and information technologies, reading retains its importance as an essential skill for learners of any language (Gokhan...
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...Conceptual Framework Most research reports cast the problem statement within the context of a conceptual or theoretical framework.4 A description of this framework contributes to a research report in at least two ways because it (1) identifies research variables, and (2) clarifies relationships among the variables. Linked to the problem statement, the conceptual framework “sets the stage” for presentation of the specific research question that drives the investigation being reported. For example, the conceptual framework and research question would be different for a formative evaluation study than for a summative study, even though their variables might be similar. Scholars argue that a conceptual or theoretical framework always underlies a research study, even if the framework is not articulated.5 This may seem incongruous, because many research problems originate from practical educational or clinical activities. Questions often arise such as “I wonder why such an event did not [or did] happen?” For example, why didn't the residents' test-interpretation skills improve after they were given feedback? There are also occasions when a study is undertaken simply to report or describe an event, e.g., pass rates for women versus men on high-stakes examinations such as the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1. Nevertheless, it is usually possible to construct at least a brief theoretical rationale for the study. The rationale in the USMLE example may be, for...
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...Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The globalization of culture – the effect upon culture of the “increasing connection of the world and its people” – is perhaps nowhere more visible than in the changing nature of the relationship between the world’s youth and their sense of identity (Solomon & Scuderi 2002:13). It has become commonplace to think of the world’s youth as that part of the community who are most receptive, or, alternatively, susceptible to, foreign cultural practices. If childhood means acceptance, and adulthood means conservatism, youth means rebelliousness. Youth are seen as the part of society that is most likely to engage in a process of Cultural borrowing that is disruptive of the reproduction of traditional cultural practices, from modes of dress to language, aesthetics and ideologies. From Japanese punk to Australian hip hop, youth subcultures are seen as being implicitly rebellious, born as much from a desire to reject the generation that went before them, as from an identification with what they have become. Exactly how accurate this widespread impression may be is difficult to assess. What is certain, however, is that the age of globalization, more than any other age before it, is an age that has both exerted great effects upon, and been greatly affected by, young people. Adolescents undergo the process of identity formation as one of their foremost development challenges. This paper addresses what role the mass media play in this...
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...strong reputation for Citizenship education. He is currently working as a coach on the Future Leaders Project, as a School Improvement Partner, and as an education consultant for UBS. He is also a Governor of Goldsmiths College and a trustee of the Stephen Lawrence Trust. Dr Dina Kiwan is a Lecturer in Citizenship Education at Birkbeck College, University of London. Previously she was seconded to the Home Office as the Head of Secretariat to the Advisory Board for Naturalisation and Integration (ABNI), carrying forward the implementation of the recommendations of the former ‘Life in the UK’ Advisory Group chaired by Sir Bernard Crick. Seema Sharma, is an Assistant Headteacher at Deptford Green School in South East London. She has been a teacher for 11 years, including Key Stage 3 Co-ordinator, Head of English, Ethnic Minority Achievement Strategy (EMAS) and Assessment Co-ordinator. Vision In five years, for all...
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...Christ Church University] On: 02 June 2015, At: 08:01 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Globalisation, Societies and Education Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/cgse20 The role of English language and international media as agents of cultural globalisation and their impact on identity formation in Kuwait a b Mohammed M. Hasanen , Ali A. Al-Kandari & Hussain Al-Sharoufi c a Department of Political Sciences, Gulf University for Sciences and Technology, Hawally, Kuwait b Research & Development Office, Gulf University for Sciences and Technology, Hawally, Kuwait c Click for updates Department of English, Gulf University for Sciences and Technology, Hawally, Kuwait Published online: 13 Jan 2014. To cite this article: Mohammed M. Hasanen, Ali A. Al-Kandari & Hussain Al-Sharoufi (2014) The role of English language and international media as agents of cultural globalisation and their impact on identity formation in Kuwait, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 12:4, 542-563, DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2013.861972 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14767724.2013.861972 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained...
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...Summary Managing People in a Global Context Book: Managing across cultures by Schneider & Barsoux, second edition Chapter 1: The undertow of culture Converging cultures? Before the impact of culture can be assessed, two convergence myths have to be challenged: 1. The world is getting smaller… • On the surface, we appear to be converging: television, books, movies, internet, eating habits etc. • However, it seems that the pressure for convergence or integration may in fact create an equal, if not stronger pressure for divergence or fragmentation. o E.g. protests against learning English as second language in Switzerland, different neighborhoods in NYC (Chinatown, Little Italy etc.). o Executives across Europe are reading many of the same publications, but still more often they read national magazines and newspapers. Management is management • Management is management, consisting of a set of principles and techniques that can be universally applied. • However, different practices (such as management) are shaped by its cultural origins, and so is management. • Also, different notions of organizations (relationships vs. tasks) and different HRM practices based on motivations of employees (intrinsic vs. extrinsic). • Good management is culturally sensitive management: best fit between people’s motivation and tasks. • Sensitivity towards invasion of foreign companies and their business ideologies and practices. 2. Despite technological & economic forces for integration/convergence...
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...The Future of English? A guide to forecasting the popularity of the English language in the 21st century David Graddol First published 1997 © The British Council 1997, 2000 All Rights Reserved This digital edition created by The English Company (UK) Ltd David Graddol hereby asserts and gives notice of his right under section 77 of the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. What is this book about? This book is about the English language in of the English language and concludes that forecasting, identifies the patterns which the 21st century: about who will speak it and for what purposes. It is a practical the future is more complex and less predictable than has usually been assumed. underlie typical linguistic change and describes the way large corporations have briefing document, written for educationists, politicians, managers – indeed any decision maker or planning team with a professional interest in the development of English worldwide. The book has been commissioned by the British Council to complement the many texts already available about the teaching and learning of English, the history and used ‘scenario planning’ as a strategy for coping with unpredictable futures. Section three outlines significant global trends which will shape the social and economic world in the 21st century. Section four discusses the impacts these trends are The Future of English? takes stock...
Words: 62119 - Pages: 249
...flat surface of the geographic coordinates of the features found on Earth’s surface * Ethnocentrism: the attitude that a persona’s own race and culture are superior to those of others * Imperialism: the extension of the power of a nation through direct/indirect control of the economic and political life of other territories * Masculinism: the assumption that the world is and should be shaped mainly by men for men * environmental determinism: a doctrine holding that human activities are controlled by the environment * globalization: the increasing interconnectedness of different parts of the world through common processes of economic, environmental political and cultural change * ecumene: the total habitable area of a country. Sine it depends on the prevailing technology, the available ecumene varies over time. Canada’s ecumene is so much less than its total area. * Geodemographic research: investigation using census data and commercial data (i.e. sales data and property records) about populations of small districts to create profiles of those populations for market research * Geographic information systems (GIS): an organized collection of computer hardware, software and geographical data that is designed to capture, store, update, manipulate and display spatially referenced information * Regional geography: the study of ways in which unique combinations of environmental and human factors produce territories with distinctive landscapes and...
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...is very wide. There are a multiplicity of interrelated factors which influence the behaviour and performance of people as members of a work organisation. It is important to recognise the role of management as an integrating activity and as the cornerstone of organisational effectiveness. People and organisations need each other. The manager needs to understand the main influences on behaviour in work organisations and the nature of the people–organisation relationship. The learning objectives of this chapter are to: G G G G G G G explain the meaning and nature of organisational behaviour and provide an introduction to a behavioural approach to management; detail main interrelated influences on behaviour in work organisations and explain the nature of behavioural science; explain contrasting perspectives of organisations and different orientations to work; explain the importance of management as an integrating activity; assess the importance and nature of the new psychological contract; recognise the need for an international approach and the importance of culture to the study of organisational behaviour; appreciate the complex nature of the behaviour of people in work organisations. Chapter 2 provides an introduction to the study area, a perspective on the nature of organisational behaviour and the importance of the role of management in work organisations. This chapter highlights the significance of the people–organisation relationship. It also considers different orientations...
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...the oldest professional forms of community service practice. Its form and focus has changed over time in response to the environment but its fundamentals remain the same. Casework is that part of community service practice, which is concerned with assisting individuals. Within the case management model it is the component of practice which offers a direct service to individuals. In the case management model this is called counselling. However unlike therapeutic counselling, the service of casework includes everything from practical assistance, resolving a resource issue, through to interpersonal interventions to assist with an emotional or personal problem. While casework is an old form of practice and while the fundamentals remain the same, it continues to emerge and develop. In 1937, Gordon Hamilton wrote: "When we think of fundamental concepts we are inclined to imagine a static practice. The truth is that casework concepts are dynamic. They change, grow and develop as they are shaped by new experience and knowledge" (Roberts and Nee 1970: 35) This statement while written some seventy years ago remains true today. How is Casework different from Case Management? This is not a simple question to answer. The lines between case management and casework are very blurred. Perhaps a better analogy is that of overlapping circles. However for our purposes here, we have defined them in the following way: • Both Case Management and Casework are similar in that they are both viewed...
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...D E D U C A T I O N Karen Jensen University of Oslo, Norway Leif Chr. Lahn University of Oslo, Norway and Monika Nerland (Eds.) University of Oslo, Norway This book presents an entirely new approach to professional learning based on perspectives of the knowledge society and, in particular, an interpretation of Knorr Cetina’s work on scientific ‘epistemic cultures’. Starting with a conceptual chapter and followed by a suite of empirical studies from accountancy, education, nursing and software engineering, the book elaborates how: a) knowledge production and circulation take distinct forms in those fields; b) how the knowledge objects of practice in those fields engross and engage professionals and, in the process, people and knowledge are transformed by this engagement. By foregrounding an explicit concern for the role of knowledge in professional learning, the book goes much farther than the current fashion for describing ‘practice-based learning’. It will therefore be of considerable interest to the research, policy, practitioner and student communities involved with professional education/learning or interested in innovation and knowledge development in the professions. SensePublishers KNOW 6 Karen Jensen, Leif Chr. Lahn and Monika Nerland (Eds.) ISBN 978-94-6091-992-3 Professional Learning in the Knowledge Society Professional Learning in the Knowledge Society T H E Spine 12.421 mm K N O W L E D G E E C O N O M Y ...
Words: 24710 - Pages: 99
...Paper to be presented at Oxford Internet Institute’s “A Decade in Internet Time: Symposium on the Dynamics of the Internet and Society” on September 22, 2011. Social Privacy in Networked Publics: Teens’ Attitudes, Practices, and Strategies danah boyd and Alice Marwick Microsoft Research dmb@microsoft.com and amarwick@microsoft.com Waffles, 17, NC1: Every teenager wants privacy. Every single last one of them, whether they tell you or not, wants privacy. Just because an adult thinks they know the person doesn’t mean they know the person. And just because teenagers use internet sites to connect to other people doesn’t mean they don’t care about their privacy. We don’t tell everybody every single thing about our lives. We tell them general information - names, places, what we like to do - but that’s general knowledge. That’s not something you like to keep private-- “Oh, I...
Words: 14838 - Pages: 60
...could not but find their reflection in the arts in general and in the literature in particular. The urgency of the work is determined by the complexity of the period considered and variety of forms and trends which appeared during the century. The object of the project is British literature. The aim of the project is to consider the peculiarities and distinct features of the British literature of the 20th century. In order to gain the project’s aim, during its implementation the following practical issues were studied: - the most distinguished writers of the period; - their contribution to development of the British literature; - key topics. The project’s aim and issues considered predetermined the choice of methods of research. During the project’s implementation the following methods were used: critical survey of the sources on the issue considered, as well as comparison and analysis. Theoretical value of the project is constituted by the analysis of the peculiarities and distinct features of the British literature of the 20th century. Practical value of the project is predetermined by the possibility to use it in practice in courses of world and British history and literature. The project’s aim and issues considered determined the structure of the project, which consists of an introduction, several paragraphs, conclusion and references. The introduction contains urgency, aim and issues of the project. The paragraphs unveil key periods in development...
Words: 9384 - Pages: 38
...Theories 3.5.2 Explanation by other Theorists 3.5.3 Limitations of Psychoanalytic Feminism 3.5.4 Contribution to the Women’s Movement 3.6 Radical feminism 3.6.1 Definition 3.6.2 The influences that shaped Radical Feminism 3.6.3 What are the variations of Radical Feminism? Radical- Libertarian Feminism Radical-Cultural Feminism 3.6.4 Radical Feminism – Its Structure 3.6.5 The Outcomes of the Movement 3.6.6 Critiques of Radical Feminism 3.6.7 Contribution to the Women’s Movement 3.7 Postmodern Feminism 3.7.1 Postmodern Thought 3.7.2 Postmodern rethinking of psychological explanation of gender 3.7.3 Postmodern Feminist 3.7.4 Limitations of Postmodern feminism 3.7.5 Contribution to the women’s Movement 3.8 Black Feminism and Womanism 3.8.1 The Beginnings of Black Feminism 3.9 Cyber Feminism 3.9.1 Origin of Cyber Feminism 3.9.2 Definition of the 100 Anti Thesis 3.9.3 Cyber art and its relation to Cyber feminism 3.9.4 Cyber Feminism – Practical Manifestation 3.9.5 Cyber Feminism challenges and its future 3.10 Let Us Sum up 3.11 Answers to Check Your Progress 3.12 Unit End Questions 3.13 References 3.1 INTRODUCTION The second half of the twentieth century has seen a new impetus to the women‟s movement. There are many factors responsible for this. One of the main factors, however, has been the recognition of...
Words: 17769 - Pages: 72
...4.0 Customer Value Provided by IKEA Pg. 8 4.1 Strategy of Best product values offered by IKEA Pg. 8 & 9 4.2 Best Price value strategies offered by IKEA Pg. 9 4.3 Best Service Value Strategies offered by IKEA Pg. 10 5.0 MARKETING PROPOSAL PROGRAM Pg. 11 5.1 PRODUCT STRATEGIES Pg. 11 5.2 PRICE STRATEGIES • The Long-Term Aspiration of IKEA • Reducing a lower price in several ways: • The Short-term Aspiration of IKEA Pg. 12 & 13 5.3 PROMOTIONAL STRATEGIES Pg. 13, 14, 15 & 16 5.4 PLACE STRATEGIES Pg. 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20 6.0 Conclusion Pg. 21 7.0 Referencing Pg. 22 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The selected company for discussion is IKEA group where company is renowned for their D.I.Y concept which makes them the sovereign furniture retailer in the industry. In this report, the first scope of the discussion will be accentuating on the segmentations and target market segments on how IKEA is based according to their company standards with different approaches and ways of adopting the concepts. The second scope will be on IKEA’s 5 positioning strategies where IKEA’s channel of distribution to propagate their products, differentiation of products and services being offered, and the advantages of trained personnel within the company and how the reputation of the company being upholds. Thirdly, the customer value on...
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