...2008 DIVERSITY ACTION PLAN March 17, 2008 Goal 1: Advocacy Item 1: All newly hired employees will be provided with a copy of the Diversity Plan and receive a brief introduction to diversity awareness during their orientation training. Each employee will also receive more intensive diversity awareness training, which must be completed prior to the end of their original probationary period: ongoing. Continue the development of a diversity network to ensure that diversity initiatives and information are distributed throughout the organization: include articles on diversity initiatives and the progress of the Action Plan in the Circulator, the staff newsletter; inform the Board and District staff of diversity activities through formal monthly reports made for Board meetings; and post activities on the District’s web site: ongoing. Provide supervisors and managers with training on how to manage diversity in the work environment. Training will be conducted by an external diversity trainer: ongoing. Reevaluate and update the District’s Diversity Plan for possible revisions. Continue to monitor Action Plan accomplishments on a quarterly basis: ongoing. Implement District Strategic Plan objectives by establishing additional communication tools to promote cultural awareness. Develop a diversity Web page that will provide all-inclusive information on District cultural activities, community organizations and agencies, cultural heritage information and resources, District diversity awards...
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...Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Purpose: The purpose of this EAP is to facilitate and organize Index Fresh, Inc. and our employee(s) actions during workplace emergencies. The elements of the plan include, but are not limited to: o Means of reporting fires and other emergencies o Evacuation procedures and emergency escape routes o Procedures to be followed by employees who remain to operate critical plant operations Procedures to account for all employees after an emergency evacuation has been completed o Names or job titles of persons who can be contacted for further information or explanation of duties under the plan Scope: It is the responsibility of top management CEO: Dana Thomas, Director of Production: Luis Avila, Production Manager:...
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...Running head: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Affirmative Action Paper Cesar Petit-Dieu University of Phoenix MGT/434 May 4, 2010 Instructor: Eleanor T. Lawrence, DBA & PsyD Affirmative Action Paper This Paper explain the fundamentals of Affirmative Action as it applies to public sector and private sector employers, and how it interacts with Title VII requirements of Equal Employment Opportunity. It addresses the following: a. What employers are subject to affirmative action plans and why? b. What do the plans require employers to do? c. What happens if employers do not meet the goals of the affirmative action plan? Affirmative Action Programs Voluntary Affirmative Action Plan Implementation Affirmative action programs are intended to positively structure the behavior of both private sector and public sector employees. Some laws may apply to just private employers, while others may apply to educational institutions, employment agencies and public sector employees. Still, the laws do take into account how many employees are working at a company, and how many employees are in each location. Even so, companies of every size should make an ethical effort to avoid discrimination. “An affirmative action plan consists of statistical analysis of the employer's under utilization of individuals from certain protected classes and includes the steps that will be taken to improve their representation in...
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...Creating an Affirmative Action Plan An affirmative action plain is a formal plan created by employers to address the disparity of minorities and women in the employer’s workforce. Affirmative action plans are also implemented by organizations to meet a requirement for doing business with the federal government. An employer may also look to implement a plan to rectify past discriminatory practices. This paper will examine several of the key factors that are needed in creating an effective affirmative action plan. Before any deficiencies can be addressed a job group analysis needs to be conducted. This analysis is used to show each job classification and if it is held by a woman or minority. The objective of the analysis is to show the availability of women and minorities for a particular category. The data retrieved from the analysis will be used by the organization to identify where the underrepresentation is occurring. The data from the analysis can be compared with census data to gain a better understanding of the area’s demographic and the organization’s workforce makeup in relationship to the area’s demographic. Once a class is identified as being underrepresented steps can be taken to fill vacancies in that classification with individuals from the protected classes. An affirmative action program is justified if an employer can show a disproportion in a job classification that has previously been segregated (Eisaguirre, 1999, p. 84). Recruiting practices must be examined...
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...UNIVERSITY OF LA VERNE La Verne, California ACTION PLAN FOR CHANGE A Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for MGMT 569: Conflict Management and Organizational Change Student’s Name College of Business and Public Management Department of Management and Leadership May 2014 Action Plan for Change Organizational Description The organization that is the subject of my action plan for change is the xxxx. The xxx has gone through many changes with the creation of a formal human resources division within recent years. Attempts to centralize the recruitment and hiring process in the human resources division with limited staff have been unsuccessful. A formal recruitment and hiring process was implemented in the past two years that helped to centralize the process, but also increased the time to get new employees started in the organization. Believing that creating a formal process will alter informal realities is a myth in planning for change (Cloke & Goldsmith, 2000). Hiring supervisors have reacted to human resources involvement in the process negatively. I have noticed an increase in managers looking toward me to make decisions that they should be able to make themselves. They have also stopped doing some tasks related to the employment process that they should still be completing. A change is needed that will involve human resources and...
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...The organization that I have chosen to talk in my action plan is the 31ST Seabee Readiness Group (SRG). The 31ST SRG is a command under the US Navy and its mission is as follows; The mission of the 31ST SRG, under the direction of FIRST Naval Construction Division (1NCD), is to train, mobilize and equip all Pacific Fleet Naval Constructions Forces units for the purpose of attaining the highest possible state of readiness and ensure they are equipped and posture for mission success. The action plan that I have created is to implement more training for the Logistic Specialists (LS) attached to the Seabee battalions. Seabees are a known force within the department of the Navy. Their missions consist in deploying into remote sites and establish a camp with all the required assets and establishments for other forces to come in and take over the camp and fulfill their mission or tasks. However, the LS lack the necessary training to set up and operate a post office, and this is becoming a burden to some by not having postal services while in the war zone. This is a major deterrent to the morale of the unit. Issues The LS stationed within the Seabee units are not being provided with the necessary training to fulfill their duties while import or on deployment. After every deployment my office conducts a meeting with the battalion and we discuss the issues, lessons learned from the deployment and what needs to be done to assist them on having a successful deployment...
Words: 1685 - Pages: 7
...that they are suitable for community. The report will look at various dimensions and stages by Construction Company in order to submit a good proposal to coffee Pty. Ltd. in the future. Constraint The construction company has to build Bookstore, Reading- coffee space , Wine bar and Restaurant –kitchen on the total usable area of m2 within the cost, schedule and quality. Action Plan: First stage * Inspect the building in order to have a big picture of what the construction site is look like. * Organize a team * Design the new layout of building according to the requirement. * Estimate the cost of the construction. * Submit the proposal to coffee Pty. Ltd * Approval of the project. Second Stage (after get the contract) Initiation of the project * Obtaining the agreement (signing the contract) * Define initial scope, financial resources, timeframe, target * Negotiate internal and External stake holders Planning for the project * Establish the total scope, define and refine objectives * Develop the project management plan * Develop the project documents that will be used to carry out the project. * Activity list: 1. Proposal writing 2. Selecting team members and group leader. 3. Collecting required information. 4. Conducting feasibility analysis. 5. Outlining customer requirements. 6. Develop project charter. 7. Identifying stakeholders. 8. Collecting requirements...
Words: 325 - Pages: 2
...M2) Explain how the action plan has helped support own development over the duration of the programme. My action plan has helped support my development over the duration of the programme. During the BTEC Health & Social Care programme I have gained great knowledge and that is something I did not think I could achieve. I have learned to research on certain subjects and gather so much information in order to complete assignments and tasks. This will help me to go university and study the course of my choice. Even the targets I have set for myself have helped me to be more serious about my career path and my future. Setting the action plan has helped me to apply for university through UCAS; I have also learned how to write my personal statement and my curriculum vitae. I have realised that my teachers and friends have been a great support towards all this and motivated in every way possible. The targets I have set for myself have helped me gain certain skills which will help me enormously. I have gained great work experience within the health and social care sector. I believe my voluntary work will also give me great experience and help me to get into university. I have received great support in order to achieve good qualifications and I understand that there are different routes for everything we do in life. Whilst I was on this programme my behaviour and attitude towards everything has become positive even though it was quite negative sometimes. Since I had set...
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...Action Plan The Cuka Cooler will be introduced in February. The following are the action plan that we will use during the first six months after the Cuka Cooler introduced. -January. We will launch a free tasting program over Hong Kong on mid-January to late-January. We will set up 3 fixed tasting stations on Central, Causeway Bay and Monk Kok. Six free tasting stations near the MTR stations, super shopping malls and main streets. We will change the station location day by day. We will give a bottle (480ml) of Cuka Cooler for free to the people, emphasize that new products will be introduced in February. Also, we will start the advertisement on TVB HD Jade every night between 20:35-22:55 with a 15 seconds advisement to promote our new product--- Cuka Cooler. For the advertisement, we will have two TV ads with different icon. One is Pakho Chau, a famous singer, who helps us to get in to the teenager market. Another one is Wayne Lai(黎耀祥), who we use to be a tool to helps Cuka Cooler to get into the adult market. It will cost us $ 150,390 and 500,000 for the salary for these two stars. The 15 seconds TV ad will last for two months, starting from late- January. -February. Cuka Cooler starts to get in the markets. We will continue the TV advertising program on TVB HD Jade with TVB “Kung Hei Fat Choy” Greetings Package. Cost us $ $256,000 Moreover, in order to get deeper in the market, we will start the advertisement on HKTV, where the advertisement cost is cheaper than TVB’s...
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...Re: The Action Plan 1. The Situation: At Subway Restaurant, the winter months are especially tough and the low revenue generates a problem. The purpose of the report is identifying a problem at Subway and developing a plan that solves the problem. 2. The Problems (table 1): * Lack of traffic in the stores throughout the winter The summer and spring month’s people are leaving the house much more frequently than in the summer which poses a problem for Subway because there is no delivery. Also, fitness and exercise are priorities for people but in the winter many individuals are lose the drive for health. * Higher food costs in the winter In the winter the price of vegetables is higher than in the summer because of the change in temperature. Higher prices pose a problem for Subway because the price of sandwiches does not increase because the cost of vegetables does. Also, because Subway is a franchise, all food must be ordered through Subway which means there is a set price. 3. The Solutions (table 2) The goal of implementing change: * In short term, draw customers into the store Keep customers coming back to the store * The focus of specials during the winter months * The menu options during the winter months 4. Executing the Plan * First, offering soup with sandwiches as part of specials will draw customers because people like * In the long term, generate for revenue during the winter months The changes that need to be made: First...
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...Organizational Structure Presentation Action Plan, Part II Wendy Homann, Chastity Reed, Vickie Knight, Attoya Brown, Mireya Hernandez HCS/325 November 26, 2012 Michele Lardieri Organizational Structure Presentation Action Plan, Part II The following is an updated plan of action for our team’s presentation. Unfortunately, we lost a team member and we needed to revise the assigned tasks. Slide 1 – Title Page - WENDY Slide 2 - What are appropriate communication methods for managers within this organization? - WENDY Slide 3 - What is the importance of these communication methods within this organizational structure? - WENDY Slide} What internal relationships must be considered? MIREYA 4 What external relationships must be considered? { CHASTITY Slide} What steps are used to plan and implement change within the organization? VICKIE 5 How might these steps be applied to the scenario? { ATTOYA Slide 6 - What are strategies that might be used to bring about change in the organization? - CHASTITY Slide 7 - How might strategies be used to prevent or to minimize conflict? - CHASTITY Slide 8 - What strategies might be applied if conflict does arise? - VICKIE Slide 9 - What is the manager’s role in conflict management? - VICKIE Slide 10 - How might ethical issues alter your way of conducting change in the organization? - ATTOYA Slide 11 -...
Words: 777 - Pages: 4
...Action Plan Learning Team C Dalene Stuteville, Arline Perrier, Michael Butler, Frank Petty, Nicholas Deluca COM/310 Sept. 2, 2013 Love Cross Action Plan 09.03.13 All members of the team submit two recommendations from Week 4 / Week 5 for theory development that is most conducive for script development. 09.06.13 Two theories will be chosen from discussion in the class thread either unanimously or by the Team Leader (Dalene). 09.09.13 Scenarios need to be submitted via the class thread to be considered for the script. Need to include an environment, proposed characters, resolution and how it meets the theory description to be considered. Scenarios will be chosen unanimously or by the Team Leader (Dalene). 09.13.13 Due from Team Members Team Member 1 (Nicholas) - Appendix for Script 1 - Write a brief preview of how you will be acting out the scenario to represent the selected theory. Team Member 2 (Michael) - Appendix for Script 1 - Write a description of the selected theory with two reference. Team Member 3 (Arline) - Appendix for Script 2 - Write a brief preview of how you will be acting out the scenario to represent the selected theory. Team Member 4 (Frank) - Appendix for Script 2 - Write a description of the selected theory with two reference 09.16.13 Team Leader will submit the appendices 09.19.13 Team Member 1 (Nicholas) - Rough Draft script 1 Team Member 2 (Michael) - Rough Draft script 2 09.21.13 Team Member 3 (Arline) - Final...
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...Plan of action to becoming a responsible man Because I am not responsible enough now and I can’t seem to keep my grades up I am being punished, my punishment is to have a five thousand page essay turned into my father by the end of the week on Saturday at 12:00 in the afternoon, as well as taking care of all the chores in the house and/or outside the house and keeping my grades up. Of course that’s what it was before I ran away on Thursday, not to mention I had to come back home on Friday. Since I did this, what I have to do now is turn in a ten thousand word essay to him by Sunday night, and I will still be getting smoked for running away and not having the five thousand word essay done by Saturday afternoon. I do feel as though the whole punishment in the first place was ridiculous when I couldn’t even apologize for what I did, and they wouldn’t even let me show or tell them that I realize what I did on that Friday the weekend me and my sister where supposed to clean the stove and underneath it as well and that I know my grades were not up to par and I was just telling Jason after I got off work that, “ man I’m struggling through school right now so this probably going to be the last time we all hang out at least till I turn this paper in to Mr. Oxenford before spring break”. So when I got that phone call from dad I was scared to even come home because I know that no matter what my word meant nothing to him and still doesn’t. This is because recently I’ve been lying...
Words: 1393 - Pages: 6
...Existing Organizational Chart Proposed Organizational Chart Action Plan |Vision: |Mission: |Objectives |Strategies |Activity | | | | | | | |We envisioned increasing the supply of the rice to |To produce | |1. Improve water |Acquire 9-Stages filter purification water machine | |support the increasing demand in the market and that |varieties of |a.) To receive |and rice | | |every Ilonggo can take safe drink of water every day and|rice and to |sales from ₱455,|processing |Acquire Rice Grinding Machine | |to be the most trusted water refilling station in the |provide a |200.00 in year | | ...
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...for your dead end job. You drive in the same traffic and start at the same shift. When you get to work you check the schedule and have to work with John one of the most annoying and flamboyant workers there. Your job as filling tech at a mail order pharmacy is getting pretty exhausting because it gets really busy, and there aren’t any positions to move up for. The totes then start coming down the line, and they quickly get stacked up, because your counterpart is late as always. You then start working harder and faster and within 30 minutes of your shift you get approached by a pharmacist stating you gave the incorrect quantity. Frustrated about the mistake you stop everything you are doing and correct it. As the totes and order start piling up you then John finally comes in, and starts to smartly comment on the amount of work that has piled up. In your head you say “well if you weren’t late this wouldn’t have happened”, but you decide to brush it off and stay professional. It’s now time for lunch, and during that time the company does announcements. While eating you food they announce that John has been promoted to floor supervisor. Shocked and appalled you try to hide you try emotions, you approach John and congratulate him. You then ask him, what qualifications are needed to become supervisor and he stated a bachelor’s degree and experience. You then realize that the only way to get promoted in this day in era is to go to school Goals are very important aspect...
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