...Conference 22nd-23rd November, Hobart, Tasmania Suggested format for citing papers: Author, I. (2011). Title of paper. In J. Skalicky, A. Adam, D. Abbott, & G. Kregor (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Teaching Matters Annual Conference. Sharing practice [online], Hobart: Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching, University of Tasmania. © CALT 2011. The works included in these conference papers are the property of their authors and are used by permission. Readers should apply the same principles of fair use to the works in this electronic journal that they would to a published, printed journal. These works may be read online, downloaded for personal use, or the URL of a document (from this server) included in another electronic document. The text itself may not be published commercially (in print or electronic form), edited, or otherwise altered without the permission of the author. As with printed materials, care should be taken when excerpting or referencing text to ensure that the views, opinions and arguments of the author accurately reflect those contained in the original work. Applying the Bioecological Theory of Human Development to learning: Enhancing student engagement in online learning. Dr Lindsay Smith University of Tasmania, Launceston, Australia L.M.Smith@utas.edu.au Abstract: This paper explores the application of the bioecological theory of human development to online learning and teaching. Bioecological theory advocates that by strengthening human...
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...Traditional Learning Theories Strayer University Understanding the learning process has been a goal of philosophers for centuries. With the investigating of learning through scientific processes inroads began to be made in understanding how learning occurs. The three traditional learning theories that are going to be discussed in this paper include behavioral, cognitive, and constructivism. The paper will also examine the various teaching methods for each strategy. Best described “learning is a process that brings together cognitive, emotional, and environmental influences and experiences for acquiring, enhancing, or making changes in one’s knowledge, skills, values, and worldviews”, (Merriam, 2007, p. 277). Each theory discussed aims to give an explanation of how the learning process occurs. The behaviorist theory was developed in the early twentieth century (Merriam, 2007). Behaviorism has had many contributions from various individuals. There are three core premises that behaviorist believe to be true. These include: a focus on external measurable behavior, and that learning occurs through a change in behavior (Merriam, 2007). Next, what the learner is able to learn is based on their environment, not the learner themselves. Finally, learning is based on contiguity and reinforcement (Merriam, 2007). The behaviorist theory as it applies to education is concerned with the observable behavior a of the learner (Merriam, 2007). There...
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...Knowledge (APK) for Learning Abstract This paper offers a practical means of engaging learners in Active Learning (AL) of English by Activating Prior Knowledge (APK) through the use of simple word poem activities used at the outset of classes; that part of a lesson commonly known in Malaysian public school lessons as the Set Induction. However, this and similar techniques go far beyond simple review of material covered in previous lessons, as is currently practised in many of these schools. Students may indeed be able to remember words and phrases (lexis) that represent concepts or ideas studied in the last few lessons but far too often this learning is memorized, not internalised, and is soon lost in the quicksand of short term memory. Using simple poems challenges learners at all levels to engage their imaginations and recall personalised learning, i.e. language and the concepts they represent that are rooted in relevance to their personal experiences and knowledge. Brief explanations of AL and APK are provided as theoretical context. Introduction A brief description of Active Learning and Activating Prior knowledge follows to give the reader a conceptual framework for the activities that follow. What is Active Learning? Learning cannot be achieved if the learner is not actively engaged in the process of learning either mentally or physically or a combination of both. This is common sense. Why then is the concept called Active Learning? It seems redundant...
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...BENEFITS OF ACTIVE AND COOPERATIVE LEARNING 1. Provides opportunities for higher order thinking as opposed to passive listening. Reinforces listening to others and gives opportunity for immediate feedback and adjustment of thought. Students talking together provide for input and listening. Students often have to assess the thoughts/ideas of peers, determine whether they “fit” their own, whether they disagree, or partially agree. Students have an opportunity to speak their ideas/thoughts for better formulation. Some often say, “I didn’t think of that” or “That’s a different slant.” 2. Promotes greater student-faculty and student-student interaction. Students assist each other in understanding material/content. This may even help students broaden their perspectives on issues or problems. Professors have an opportunity to move from group to group, listen and if appropriate add comments. For some students this is the only personalization with a professor that ever occurs. Professors may answer questions that might never be asked without the closer interaction. Problems or misunderstandings can quickly and quietly be handled. 3. Increases student retention and limits anxiety. Students are not overloaded with information. Students actually get time to think about, to talk about, and process information. Improves interaction and “talk” (Vygotskian Constructivism) and provides opportunities for students to think about and process the...
Words: 5829 - Pages: 24
...|[pic] |Syllabus | | |College of Humanities | | |ENG/125 Version 3 | | |Literature in Society | Copyright © 2010, 2008, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course introduces themes in literature and provides guided study and practice in reflecting on themes which describe the human experience across cultural and societal boundaries. The course includes readings from literature in different genres and cultures. Students study the literature in thematic units and are asked to make connections to their own lives and cultures. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies...
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...reading, writing, listening and speaking. The students will be faced with the task of studying in a new academic environment and in a language, which may not be their first language or language of instruction. * Serve as an introduction to university, where styles of teaching and learning differ from those at secondary schools as they place more responsibility on the student. * Focus on the skills which the students might need throughout their academic career and beyond. Exit learning outcomes By the end of this course, students should have developed the ability to express themselves fluently and accurately in spoken and written English in the context of university studies and the work environment, by: * Demonstrating understanding of language in print * Knowing how to use a dictionary for vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation * Be able to acknowledge sources through citation and referencing * Demonstrating ability of text mapping * Understanding the purpose of a text and employ relevant reading techniques * Practicing effective writing skills * Demonstrating official and basic academic speaking * Demonstrating academic study skills Learning Resources: The...
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...Abstract In this paper i will be talking about peer tutoring and how different thing could be beneficial to the person that is being tutored. I will also be talking about how time could also be a factor when tutoring a student because time is limited when you are in a tutoring session.Also in this paper i will be talking about how doing a tutoring session in a group can be helpful to both person. Keywords: time My Philosophy of Peer Educators This paper will discuss my philosophy of tutoring by means of a peer educator. Tutoring is a great opportunity to facilitate the process of learning. A peer educator has power to promote active learning by using critical thinking and assessments. A peer tutor would...
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...VARK Learning Style Analysis Paper Learning style is the way in which person learns. Learning different from person to person. Knowing ones learning style help the student to study more effectively and teacher to prepare for classes more appropriately. VARK learning style assessment questionnaire is a great tool that is easy to use and can give student information on how to improve their learning. According Fleming’s (2011) VARK model there are various categorization of learners that are Visual, Auditory, Reading/writing, Tactile Kinesthetic. The writer of this paper belongs to the multimodal that is using more than one learning styles. Combining different method of learning information can be helpful for multimodal learning style. This paper give reader information about multimodal learning styles, strategies, comparison of multimodal with other identified strategies and also discuss awareness of the individual learning styles influences in teaching and learning. Writer’s Preferred learning style Preferred learning style is the way in which one learns best. The writer of this paper preferred learning style diagnosed as multimodal through VARK questionnaire. . Multi model prefer several different ways of ingesting information. According to Fleming (2011) the several learning ways are visual, auditory, reading/writing, tactile kinesthetic .It has been observed that visual learners prefer visual aids than words like pictures, graph, brochures etc...
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...VARK Analysis Paper Theresia Torczon Grand Canyon University: NRS 429V 8/24/2014 VARK Analysis Paper The results of the VARK questionnaire revealed a multimodal learning preference, with the scores being strongest in the modes of Visual, Read/Write and Kinesthetic (VRK). The multiple preferences suggest a greater ability to match or align the modes in learning or interaction with others. The total VARK score exceeds the 30 needed to show a tendency to use all preferred modes in combination to achieve a proper understanding ("Multimodal study strategies," 2011). Robertson, Smellie, Wilson, & Cox (2011) noted that students can enhance their future learning by identifying the four characteristics of learning styles used in VARK (Visual, Auditory, Reader/writer, Kinesthetic). Watching people in action such as on videos as well as using diagrams and charts are examples that would benefit those with a preference for the visual learning style. Those who prefer the auditory learning style typically enjoy talking about ideas and situations with others as well as hearing stories from them. In the case of those who are classified as reader/writers, they are known as prolific note-takers who rely on textbooks and writing down facts and stories in journals. For the kinesthetic learners, they favor hands-on experience and practice in "real world" settings as well as global learning. In addition to the four different sensory modalities, the VARK questionnaire includes the extra...
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...Philosophy of Education This paper focuses on my personal philosophy of education. Many educators cringe when they hear people ask what their philosophy of education is. This paper offers techniques and strategies that educators can implement when writing their personal philosophies. Also included in this paper are my belief statements on my personal philosophy on education. Lastly, my paper discusses the influences that have helped shaped my philosophy on education. “Your personal philosophy is not just a written statement. It is a perspective that involves your beliefs and values and becomes the basis from which you make decisions about what is important and about your role as an educator” (Armstrong, Henson, & Savage, 2009, p. 278). Through experience and research I wholeheartedly believe that developmentally appropriate practice is the best model for early childhood education. Children learn exceptionally well when in an environment that encourages play and exploration. Being a part of a preschool program it is my goal that the environment should provide experiences that are interactive and engaging for the age levels of the children it serves. Play is a powerful tool that benefits children’s intellectual, social, emotional, physical and language development. Writing a teaching philosophy can be a very daunting task, Montell (2003) suggests, “reflecting on what you don't like can give you insights about what you do like," and that...
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...Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper Jennifer Jones GEN/200 July 18, 2011 Lisa Foster Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper “Everyone has some things that they do well and other things that they find difficult. To learn successfully, you need to maximize your strengths and compensate your weaknesses.” (Carter, Bishop, & Kravits, 2007, p. 38). According from keys to college studying. Analyze the statement. People highlight their strengths to others because it will present a person’s elevated value in a particular situation or environment. Individuals rarely expose their weaknesses to others because it could deem them as “weak” or incompetent. Learning new information can expose individuals to some issues if their learning styles differ from the method used to help them obtain the new information. There are three learning styles and three different personality types that will be discussed. As well as developing strategies for them. The first learning style is taking notes. This is a traditional method use in the classroom and also in the workplace. If the individual do not want to rely on memory alone and have pen and paper handy, this learning style would work. For the student who has trouble studying by rewriting notes, may simply want to try a new strategy by using highlighters on the material instead. The second learning style is study groups. Study groups are very common in and out of the classroom. By using this style, this will help...
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...Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper General Studies 200 Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper To function effectively in a group of individuals you must develop strategies for communicating and collaborating within a group that have different learning styles and personality types. To do so you will need to know your own learning styles and personality types. My top three learning styles in order were: Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Verbal-Linguist. Interpersonal skills are often referred to as possessing people skills. Some skills related to the Interpersonal style are, seeing things from others’ perspectives, cooperating within a group, and communicating verbally and nonverbally. (Carter, Bishop, & Kravits, 2007, Key 2.2 How to put your Multiple Intelligences to work for you.). The one style that sticks out is seeing things from others’ perspectives. I can put myself in others’ shoes. To communicate effectively I know many factors go into making a person who they are; ethnic background, where they live, and how they were raised. When communicating and collaborating within a group I can understand different personalities and I am able to work supportively within in the group. My second learning style was Intrapersonal. The skills related to this style are: evaluating own thinking, being aware of and expressing feelings, understanding self in relation to others, and thinking and reasoning on higher levels. (Carter, Bishop, & Kravits, 2007, Key...
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...Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper GEN200 February 1, 2011 Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper The correct way of working effectively in a group is having the ability to appreciate and understand all of the team member’s learning style and personality type. This paper relates to communicating and collaboration methods for team members with Logical, Bodily, and Visual learning styles and with Thinker, Organizer, and Adventurer personality types. Systems for communicating and collaborating effectively with a group of people with different learning styles may differ, and here are some examples; Logical learners have the skill of reasoning the information that is learned. They have the ability to absorb information by analyzing and organizing the material. Bodily learning is when someone is hands-on in the communication and collaboration of an activity such as building, sketching, and getting their hands involved. They can provide excellent hands on support and communication skills. Visual learners have the skill to achieve their best results by utilizing visual aids. The communication for a Visual learning style is to prepare a flowchart or graphs that can show each member of the team the work needs to be completed within a week, a month, or a year. Each of these three learning styles have their own way of communicating and bringing their own way of working into a team environment...
Words: 517 - Pages: 3
...This paper concentrates on the observations made during lessons. It also focuses on how learning English for the first time as a language can be taught in a way that would be better and easy to understand. The students that I will deal with are those of grade one and two. Learning activities highly influence on how a student appreciate. Making sure that learning activities are of high quality which can be coupled with situations gives the students’ different perspectives which they can appreciate. They are several relevant skills that are a student is supposed to practice during learning. The skills are clarification, value analysis and problem-solving. The experience which students get during learning are the ones that give the opportunity...
Words: 1881 - Pages: 8
...During this week I have learned about different strategies to use in the classroom. This week I learned that I am a visual learner according to the Metts Modality Assessment and visual learners learn through seeing. But on the other hand, I also can be an auditory learner and auditory learner learn through hearing. To learn about my children learning style the best thing I could do is observe what he or she is doing because his or her actions, interests, and preferences will provide me with the information on how they are processing what they are learning. For example, I learned that children learn more and can recall better when they have hand on experience or how Jensen (2005), called “hand on, mind on learning, ” he continues saying that children don't learn by reading instead they learn by doing things by themselves. For that reason is why I always implement hand on experience in my students learning. For example, if I am teaching a lesson on “trucks” I will provide all the materials needed it so my students can manipulate and build their own trucks using their imagination. Some of the materials I will provide to them are play dough, construction paper shapes, and some manipulative toys that they can use to build their trucks. I also try to maintain my students engage the more I can. “Knowledge depends on engagement. Engagement is inseparable from empowerment. Empowerment means the opportunity to contribute. Learning is an act of participation. We are all lifelong learners”...
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