...English 240 Television Viewing and Child Development. Introduction There are hundreds of television channels offered by cable companies. What is your child watching? A child sitting with a remote in front of a television could be watching anything! Are you aware of the potential effects that television can have on a child’s development? Television has the potential to be dangerous in a child’s development. In what ways can Television be detrimental to a child and their development? They could be watching cartoons, or programs showing content that is not suitable for young minds. Watching television can have negative health effects on a child's development. Some of these negative effects are dealing with sexuality, aggressive behavior, and academic performance. Not all television viewing is negative. Television can be beneficial to a child’s development as long as it is content appropriate. By the end of this essay I will discuss some ways to help reduce the possible negative effects of Television on a child, and explain in what ways television can be beneficial to a child’s development. Whether you are a parent, aunt, uncle, or just as a positive role model, your main priority is being the best influence possible. Therefore, if there are ways to help a child’s development in a positive manor wouldn’t you like to know? Positive effects of watching television on a Child’s Development. Television can be utilized to help enhance a child’s development in many...
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...PUPILS’ PERCEPTION OF CABLE TELEVISION PROGRAMMES AS DETERMINANT OF READING HABITS AND ATTITUDES IN UNIVERSITY STAFF SCHOOLS IN SOUTH WESTERN NIGERIA BY FLORENCE ADEOLA, OMOBA A proposal in the Department of ABADINA MEDIA RESOURCE CENTRE submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY of the UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION * Background to the study * Statement of the problem * Objective of the study * Research questions and research hypothesis * Significance of the study * Scope of the study * Operational definition of terms REVIEW OF LITERATURE * Theoretical frame work * Empirical orientation * Reading habit * Reading attitude * Television * School libraries RESEARCH METHODOLOGY * Research design * Population and sampling technique * Research instrument * Validation and reliability of instruments * Data collection procedure * Data analysis REFERENCES APPENDIXES CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION John Walson, an appliance storeowner in a small town of Mahanoy, had difficulty selling television sets to local residents because reception in the area was poor. The problem seemed to be the location of the town in a valley and nearly 90 air miles from the Philadelphia television transmitters. Naturally, signals could not pass through mountains and clear reception was virtually impossible except on the ridges outside of town. It...
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...more than 4 hours per day watching television are more likely to be overweight. Health experts have long linked excessive TV watching to weight gain. While watching TV, kids are inactive and tend to snack. They're also bombarded with ads that encourage them to eat unhealthy foods. The problem isn't just how long children are watching TV but, what they are watching. According to William H. Deitz, pediatrician and prominent obesity expert at Tufts University School of Medicine, "The easiest way to reduce inactivity is to turn off the TV set. Almost anything else uses more energy than watching TV." Television affects the health of both children and adults. First and foremost, television ads are constantly bombarding us with information about health and nutrition, and unfortunately, most of it’s skewed. Our children are most susceptible to these leading advertisements. For instance, children may have a hard time recognizing fact from fiction when they see an ad that shows thin beautiful people enjoying high calorie, high fat foods and drinks. Roughly two-thirds of the 20,000 TV ads an average child sees each year are for food and most are for unhealthy foods. The majority of children who watch health related commercials believe what the ads say, even if the ads do not give accurate or balanced information. Watching television also affects one’s health by replacing other activities and by slowing the metabolic rate. Television viewing leads to obesity in children and adults...
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...computers really help students learn? How can students and teachers best learn from the World Wide Web and its content? These questions are not new, nor unique to the dawn of Internet-connected schools. Earlier technologies, from textbook and illustration to film, television, and multimedia computer, have prompted similar ponderings. If technology is to have a significant role in schools, we need assurance that it works. More emphatically, we need confidence that use of educational technology results in learning. Research, both historical and contemporary, suggests that technology-based instruction can and does result in learning. Witness these examples of television, multimedia, and computer technologies delivering content to support learning: • Watching the television program Blue’s Clues has strong effects on developing preschool viewers’ flexible thinking, problem solving, and prosocial behaviors (Bryant, Mullikin, McCollum, Ralastin, Raney, Miron, et al., 1998). • Court TV’s Choices and Consequences program reduced middle school students’ verbal aggression — including tendencies to tease, swear at, and argue with others (Wilson, Linz, Federman, Smith, Paul, Nathanson, et al., 1999). • Viewing Sesame Street was positively associated with subsequent performance in reading, mathematics, vocabulary,...
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...INTRODUCTION The sole purpose of this project is to examine whether children behave Differently, after they have been watching violence on television. In addition the question that is of paramount importance to this whole piece of investigative work is: • Are children more likely to imitate acts of violence or aggressive behavior because of what they have seen on television? A continuing debate between Broadcasters and Scientists is permanently ongoing and in spite of the accumulation of evidence between the links of viewing television violence and children’s behavior the debate goes on. Furthermore, media professionals would rather believe that television has no effects other than those intended, thousands of studies have pointed to casual relationships between television violence and real-life crime. In spite of numerous research studies, the perception continues that the effects of television violence are unclear, even contradictory. Moreover, blaming the media could be an easy option for some and can serve to divert attention from other causes or change going on in a child’s life, and so claims about the, “Effects of Television” could be massively exaggerated. This ongoing debate has inspired a great deal of research, one of the most well-known and publicized experiments was that of Albert Bandura’s Bobo doll studies, which are now widely regarded as early research classics in the field of psychology. I am going to...
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...Effects of TV Watching on a Child's Development 8/9/2012 Effects of TV Watching on a Child's Development Introduction A child sitting in with a remote in front of a television set could watch anything from cartoons to programs with murders and sexual content that is not suitable for young minds. On the other hand, TV has its potential benefits that come from viewing some shows. The kids can get to learn positive aspects of social behavior such as sharing and cooperation, TV also opens up a new world for kids, giving them a chance to travel the globe, learn about different traditions and cultures and expose them to ideas they may never encounter in their own community. However, TV watching also has some negative health effects on a child's development such as on sexuality, aggressive behavior and academic performance. This paper seeks to carry out the following: discuss and analyze both the positive and negative effects of TV watching on a young child’s development, point out a few ways to counter the negative effects. Positive Effects of TV Watching on a Child’s Development Children learn a lot about the world through television viewing. Teachers can use some instructive TV programs to promote reading instructions for their students. Some curriculum s in schools incorporate studying of movies, plays or other TV programs. In view of enabling children learning these subjects to develop critical thinking, teachers advise them to watch certain TV shows, dissect their plots...
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...have increased and here is why: Mass Media. Has anyone ever wondered what children are watching and what impact it is having on the children? Are parents aware of the types of video games their children are watching or what sites they are viewing when on the Internet? Would it be shocking to hear that children will see more than 16,000 murders and 200,000 violent acts because of mass media by the time they are 18? Aggression in children can be linked to violence in mass media, the amount of time spent on mass media, and desensitization to mass media. Children often have aggressive tendencies that can be linked back to mass media they are partaking in: movies and television shows containing violence, as well as playing video games that contain violence. Huesmnn (2007) wrote research evidence has accumulated over the past half-century that exposure to violence on television, movies, and most recently in video games increases the risk of violent behavior on the viewer’s part…the recent increase in the use of mobile phones, text messaging, e-mail, and chat rooms by our youth have opened new venues for social interaction in which aggression can occur. (The Impact of Electronic Media Violence: Scientific Theory and Research, p. S6 ) By viewing such mass media, children have exposure to the potential for aggressive behaviors. Studies have shown young children watching shows that contain violence and aggressive behaviors are likely to act out those scenes with their playmates to...
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...Effects of TV Watching on a Child's Development Introduction A child sitting on a couch with a remote in front of a television set could watch anything from cartoons to programs with murders and sexual content that is not suitable for young minds. On the other hand, certain TV programs and shows can have potential benefits for kids. For instance, the kids can get to learn positive aspects of social behavior such as sharing and cooperation. TV also opens up a new world for kids, giving them a chance to travel the globe, learn about different traditions and cultures and expose them to ideas they may never encounter in their own community. This paper seeks to carry out the following: discuss and analyze both the positive and negative effects of TV watching on a young child’s development; and point out a few ways to counter the negative effects. Positive Effects of TV Watching on a Child’s Development Watching TV can positively impact a child’s education. Children learn a lot about the world through television viewing. Teachers can use some instructive TV programs to promote reading instructions for their students. Some curricula in schools incorporate studying of movies, plays or other TV programs. In view of enabling children learning these subjects to develop critical thinking, teachers advise them to watch certain TV shows, dissect their plots and debate on the various ways and strategies used by the cast to solve problems (Van Evra, 2008). Another way TV can positively...
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...wide and growing acknowledgment of the fact that media isn’t just a “mirror of the society” – a smooth polished surface presenting an undistorted reflection of the world around us. For if that were true then all a newsman would have to do is to point his/her camera at the world and hit the record/air button. But in reality, the recorded content is often relayed back to the tv station where rather active decisions are taken at every step of the production process regarding how much of what content should be shown and when. Therefore it can be argued that the media plays no small role in molding our perceptions of the world we live in and in extension affecting the world itself. While this paper shall acknowledge the importance of media in today’s society, it shall neither reiterate the nature or extent of its positive aspects but shall instead focus on presenting an argument that exposure to violent media is harmful to children. One of the reasons it is true is that recent studies show that children today from ages 2 to18 with the exception of sleeping, spend more time watching television than they do performing any other single activity. (1) Additionally, today’s media bears no resemblance to the media a few decades ago; while viewers today are constantly bombarded with images of blood and gore, such a thing would have been almost unimaginable back then. When children are Gollamudi 2 repeatedly exposed to such violence for a prolonged period, it can diminish their autonomic...
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...amount of time individuals spend watching and interacting with screen media, namely films, television and video games. As individuals in society display more aggressive behaviours in everyday life, researchers have endeavoured to identify the extent of how much violence portrayed in the media affects an individual’s thought, feelings and behaviours. While there is still debate as to whether there is a casual link between media and aggression, or that engaging with it maybe be cathartic, it has become evident that exposure to violence portrayed in the media can have short-term and long-term effects. This literature report will concentrate on reports and research focused on the influence of different types of media on aggression and the levels that these can be interpreted psychologically. Influences of Different Media on Aggression Exposure to violent media and the effect that this can have on an individual has been a topic that has interested researchers and society alike for decades. The likelihood of aggressive behaviour, thoughts and emotions is increased with short-term exposure to violent video games and films. (MVC 2012:337; Anderson 2004:2). Reasons provided for this increase by the Media Violence Commission (2012:337-8) and Myers (2013:378) is neural processes known as priming and mimicry. Priming is a concept in which images can activate thoughts and behaviours. With this theory in mind, when a person is exposed to violent scenes in the media and video games this can...
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...out to find out the actual findings regarding the research questions. The media today controls our society completely. Information from across the world can be obtained instantly through radio, TV, newspapers, the internet, and many other forms of communication. An easy access to such powerful means of communication may have positive as well as negative effects on the general public. There is strong association between perceptions of media messages and its observed behavior. Television is responsible for the increase in childhood violence, alter personality development, stereotyping, language improvement and also somewhat generate many problems. Once upon a time TV was considered to be great educator especially for those who were economically underprivileged, but today television is teaching us that violence is accepted, anything shown attractive( apart from reality) is correct and ethical. People have become desensitized concerning the value of human life by watching these crime programmes. Television has led to the moral decline in our nation like no other device in history. We need to educate our people and redirect the negative influences of TV into positive actions. It is believed that people who see media outlets that are filled with...
Words: 2681 - Pages: 11
...of Streaming Video on Traditional Television TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 3 INTRODUCTION 3 Background 6 Traditional Television 4 Television advertising 7 Sub-heading 2 10 Streaming Video 11 Netflix, Roku 12 Net Neutrality 13 Today’s Consumer 19 Viewers by Age Group 20 No-TV homes CONCLUSION 8 WORKS CITED or Bibliography 9 ABSTRACT The introduction of the internet has changed our lives. It has changed the way we communicate. It has given us the ability to choose the way we consume media. One way the internet has changed our options in this regard is streaming video. Gone are the days of racing home to catch your favorite television show at a certain time. Now we can watch them when we want to and in real time using streaming video. People can now view media via computers, iphones, ipads, etc. The number of people viewing traditional television sets is on the decline. Advertising dollars that historically supported broadcast networks are on the decline. The changes in technology have challenged the traditional television industry in many ways. INTRODUCTION Television has been big business since its inception in the 1950’s. It allowed people to view amazing new technology for the first time. People went from listening to the radio sitting around a fireplace to watching a television set. This huge change affected almost everyone at the time. Television and the way we view it is always...
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...Theories of Communication – MCM 511 VU LESSON 01 COMMUNICATION Defining communication Communication is seen as central to our everyday ideas about what makes life worth living. It is not surprising that academicians have attempted to unravel the secrets of the communication process. In this section of the study we will examine the theorizing and theories of this discipline of communication. To understand communication theory we need to understand the nature of communication. Nature of communication People define terms in different ways, and those differences in definition can have a profound impact on the extent to which we understand each other and the way we move forward with both academic and everyday pursuits. Given the variety of ways in which words are used and understood, we are often ill-served to search for the single, so-called correct definition of a term. In other words, it is better to evaluate definition in terms of their utility rather than in terms of their correctness. So we should not assume that there is always a single right way to define a concept. There is a great deal of variation in the definitions. Some are very abstract and some are extremely specific. Few definitions are cited below. Communication is the process by which an individual (the communicator) transmits stimuli (usually verbal) to modify the behavior of other individuals (the audience). (Hovland Janis and Kelly in 1953) Communication is the process by which we understand others and in turn...
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...T e l e v i s i o n V i o l e n c e a n d Its Effect o n C h i l d r e n Merrilyn O. Johnson, MSN, RN Television (TV) has become a large part of children's activities. Much discussion exists as to the level of violence on TV programs and its effect on children's behavior. This article reviews the literature, discusses social issues, and presents some interventions available to nursing professionals to assist children and families in coping with the impact of TV on children's lives. Copyright 9 1996 by W.B. Saunders Company For some children under some conditions some television is harmful. For other children u n d e r other conditions it may be beneficial. For most children under most conditions most T V is probably neither particularly harmful nor particularly beneficial. Schramm, Lyle, and Parker (1961) ago, the A LTHOUGHasWRITTEN 33 yearswas then. above quote on television (TV) viewing and children is relevant today as it Does watching violence on TV increase or alter the antisocial or aggressive activity of children? The possibility that widespread watching of violent TV programs by children and youth is increasing the level of violence in American society continues to be the most controversial and emotionally arousing issue related to the TV medium. This is because the concentration of violence portrayed on TV has the potential of generating aggressive behavior, both immediately and in the long term (Joy, Kimball, & Zabrack, 1986, cited in Williams, 1986).Aggression...
Words: 3974 - Pages: 16
... Deptt. of Physics Roll. No. A13 Sec: E4001 Reg. No: 11007103 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I take this opportunity to present my votes of thanks to all those guidepost who really acted as lightening pillars to enlighten our way throughout this project that has led to successful and satisfactory completion of This study. We are highly thankful to Miss NEETI WALIA for her active support, valuable time and advice, whole-hearted guidance, sincere cooperation and pains-taking involvement during the study and in completing the assignment of preparing the said project within the time stipulated. Lastly, We are thankful to all those, particularly the various friends , who have been instrumental in creating proper, healthy and conductive environment and including new and fresh innovative ideas for us during the project, their help, it would have been extremely difficult for us to prepare the project in a time bound framework. TABLE OF CONTENTS:- INTRODUCTION WHAT IS LCD THEORY OF LCD TYPES OF LCD PASSIVE-MATRIX ADDRESSED LCD ACTIVE-MATRIX ADDRESED LCD ADVANTAGE N DISADVANTAGE COLOUR DISPLAY APPLICATIONS OF LCD BIBLIOGRAPHY LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY INTRODUCTION:- LCDs are super-thin displays that are used in laptop computer screens and flat panel monitors. Smaller LCDs are used in handheld TVs, PDAs, and portable video game devices. The image on an LCD screen is created by sandwiching an electrically reactive...
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