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Activity Log Research Paper

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When you go about through your daily life, you just kind of “do things”. What I mean by that is you usually don’t think about what you’re doing and how you’re spending your time -- you just do whatever comes along in your day. So to keep an hour-by-hour activity log was an interesting assignment as it made me be more conscious of how I’m spending my time and what activities I tend to repeat. With that, after analyzing how I broke down my activities for the weekend into categories, as well as if they were meaningful or purposeful, I now realize that I should probably make some changes to fit more of what I want in life. Looking at my activity log, I realized that I put way too much time towards leisure activities during my weekends. More …show more content…
For example, when I’m at an older age I would like to be healthy, so my activities I engage in now such as brushing my teeth and getting enough sleep are steps towards that goal. Additionally, I did quite a bit of homework over the two days I logged, showing that I am determined to have a successful academic career and life in general. Furthermore, bringing in my Vietnamese culture (which is very collectivistic/familistic) I believe that I am a very family-oriented person so taking part in family time and running errands for them is important to me to maintain my goal of always being close with my …show more content…
There are clear differences between to two. The purposeful activities for me are ones that focus on myself and are steps to achieving a bigger goal. For example, grocery shopping was purposeful so that I would be able to have what I need to cook. Another example is shaving and showering -- I did these activities with the the objective of being comfortable with myself as well as to make sure I don’t leave an impression on people that I don’t take care of my body. On the other hand; however, meaningful activities for me focus/involve other people and/or are my hobbies, and don’t really have a goal. From my activity log, doing things such as running errands for my family, keeping in touch with friends through technology, and spending quality family time all are significant to me because I enjoy spending time with people I care about. In addition, cooking was also meaningful for me because I find satisfaction in it since the process is fun and the fact that my family gets to eat what I cook is especially exciting (plus it was my dad’s birthday so cooking was extra-meaningful)! Overall, based on my divisions between purposeful and meaningful activities, I would conclude I am more product-oriented since I engage in most of my activities for a certain objective rather than for the sake of just

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