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Adah Summary

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Which possibly hints of her having self-esteem issues due to her poor grammar and speaking and she may compensate by speaking in slang or clichés, her shallow attitude could merely be a mask to hide her inner insecurities. However, the concept is never explored and so we could only assume that she simply is arrogant or dimwitted enough to believe she is smarter than she really is and has the desire to flaunt it. Over time, her grammar and speech improves however, her narration remains centered on herself and her appearance and rarely bothers to mention anything else outside of her success, family, and American news despite never returning to America, and never bothering to learn about African history. Rachel as I mentioned before is …show more content…
She was born with hemiplegia, which left half of her brain undeveloped, and left her walking with a serious limp and one side of her body poorly coordinated. Her linguistic skills were also severely affected leaving her as a mute. However, she took an interest in poetry leaving her early narratives written in a very poetic structure forcing the reader to read her passages several times to understand it. She is the most observant of the sisters as well and was able to piece together many of the village customs by simply observing the villagers actions such as why many women are topless and wear rags to cover their legs. However, she is merely observer and not a participant and rarely becomes involved in the story; she mainly sits on the sidelines observing the actions and behavior of her sisters and …show more content…
Her passages are very childish and straightforward offering brief insight as to what the Pierce Family was like in America and the culture they are used to. Occasionally, she would mention certain topics such as segregation and Jim Crow however; being a child, she doesn’t understand them and merely follows the opinions of her parents. It is unfortunate, that she seems to be doomed to die from the very start, as the beginning of the book hinted at one of the daughters dying. Naturally, the reader can assume her as being the most likely to die since she was the most innocent and youngest of the daughters so her death would leave the most impact on the reader instead of someone such as Rachel or Adah. Additionally, once she fell ill instead of consuming the pills meant to treat her she instead hid them on the side of her bed because she did not like the taste of the pills. Naturally, she contracted Malaria and was forced to be sent to the hospital many miles away from Kilanga. Afterwards, she recovered but after a series of unfortunate events that raised tensions in the village and country, she dies from snakebite. It is almost ironic despite being the purest of the family she is the one that destroys it, according to Klinkenborg” The catalyst that splits the family

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