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Pros And Cons Of Having A Dog Park

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To have a dog park or not. Im for having a dog park were as im a dog owner myself. I live in an apartment close to a main road, I have no room for my dog to play or exercise. He gets daily walks around the block that it is. Hes a young dog who loves to run and play. a dog park would be a wonderful place to be able to bring him.

When i walk my dog people judge him and act scared of the type of dog he is. They think hes going to bite them or harm them in so way. if there was a dog park to bring him to i wouldnt have to worry about that cause everyone there would dog people.

In other states that allow dog parks the dog bite reports dropped at a substantial rate. From around 40,000 to less then 4,000 a year. Im not saying it would

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