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William G. Morgan Research Paper

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The history behind the game “volleyball’ traces back to the ideas of William G. Morgan. Morgan was born in January 23, 1870 in Lockport New York. He was the son of Nancy Chatfield and George Henry Morgan. His parents sent him to public school, so he could get an education, however he mainly focused on the sports programs the school offered. He met James A. Naismith and became friends with him, little did he know that within four years Naismith would invent the sport of basketball. Naismith thought that Morgan has the potential to become a good athlete, so he encouraged him to try and get into the International Young Men’s Christian Association Training School. Morgan went to the school, and after his graduation he was offered a job position …show more content…
He was noticing that basketball was starting to get physically demanding for some of the older men in the program because they couldn’t keep up with the younger guys. Morgan then started to combine bits and pieces of different games to form a new game but he couldn’t find the right game yet. He began to ask the businessmen class what types of things they wanted incorporated into a new game and with many different ideas he finally found a game that worked but instead of calling this game “volleyball”, he called it “ mintonette”. With the game of mintonette Morgan and his men decided they wanted a net, like in tennis. They wanted the net to be off the ground so they could play the game with a ball. They raised the nets to six feet, six inches because that was above the head of an average-sized man. They wanted to play with a ball, so they used a basketball which was very heavy large, but eventually they would get s new ball. While showing his new game to his classes one man said that the ball “volleyed back and forth between the two players”, so the men began calling the game

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