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Addiction as a Chronic Disease


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Addiction as a Chronic Illness

Donnell Parker

PS370-01 Health Psychology

January 17, 2012

Chronic illness refers to conditions that have the following conditions: The condition involves some disability; it is caused by mostly nonreversible pathological change; and it requires training and motivation on the part of the patient to care for himself or herself. The onset of chronic illness can be sudden or gradual, but one characteristic common to all chronic illnesses is that the patient cannot fully return to the pre-illness state of health (Friedman 2002). Some examples of chronic illnesses are AIDS, various forms of cancer, epilepsy and asthma. Addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance (alcohol, cocaine, nicotine) or engages in an activity (gambling) that can be pleasurable but the continued use of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work or relationships, even health. Users may not be aware that their behavior is out of control and causing problems for themselves and others (Iliff 2012). Addictions are another form of chronic illnesses. Addictions are characterized by relapses in thinking or a return to substance abuse. Relapse is now seen as the rule rather than the exception in addiction recovery. And it is no longer viewed as a catastrophe but as an opportunity for learning more and better strategies for overcoming urges and for identifying the moods and situations that are likely to be difficult.
What is inappropriate is black-and-white thinking about success that turns a slip-up into a disaster and sees it as a sure sign of defeat. The fact is that it takes time to change all the mental apparatus that supports any particular habit-the memories, the situations that trigger craving, and more (Iliff 2012).
Addictions are influenced by behaviors that begin as voluntary choices but evolve into deeply ingrained patterns of behavior that, in the case of addiction, are further exacerbated by neurobiological changes in the brain that weaken volitional control over these contributing behaviors. It can cause permanent changes in the brain and because of this fact, the treatment for addiction is ongoing. Helping a person return to a previous physiological and mental state experienced before acquiring the disorder is not possible.
For the chronically ill, one of the most difficult problems involves relationships with other people. A major ongoing challenge is that of controlling symptoms and hiding them from casual friends and acquaintances. It is difficult to be totally honest because stigmas associated with many illnesses can produce harmful reactions from others.
Many problems of social support for patients may possibly be resolved through various social groups and coping techniques. Any given coping technique for chronic ill- ness can be adaptive in one situation and extremely maladaptive in another. Characteristics of the illness, such as the type and location of symptoms, tend to influence the degree of successful coping with the illness. The health care professional can help patients by setting regular appointments to discuss the on- going treatment (Friedman 2002).
The concept is the same for addicts. There’s a higher degree of difficulty because an addict may severely damage many relationships before getting help. Because of an addiction a person will start to change in their work habits and social habits. Not wanting to go to work and eventually getting fired has been done very often. Having a social life with family and friends may cease.
To make sure a constant supply is on hand, an addict may start stealing and eventually get in trouble with the law on a regular basis. Sacrifices will be made on the family household budget to ensure they have a supply. This will lead to an obsession that will make an addict seem unrecognizable to others.
Although having an addiction will cause someone to be secretive and try to hide the affliction, it becomes painfully obvious after a while. Addicts’ outward appearance starts to suffer. This is where most relationships reach its breaking point and trying to convince a loved one to get help comes into play.
Denial is an addicts’ first reaction and may last until faced with the decision of getting help or losing everything and everyone. Most hit rock bottom and get some help after this point. Some may lose loved ones but at the time of getting help, this is where the relationships are needed. Getting help is a process that without the proper support will cause a relapse. When family and friends are involved there still is a chance for a relapse because of the mental damage but the addict will have a better chance for success.
Withdrawal will occur when getting help for the first time. The symptoms occur when body levels of that substance go below a certain level the patient has physical and mood-related symptoms. There are cravings, bouts of moodiness, bad temper, poor focus, a feeling of being depressed and empty, frustration, anger, bitterness and resentment.
There may suddenly be increased appetite. Insomnia is a common symptom of withdrawal. In some cases the individual may have constipation or diarrhea. With some substances, withdrawal can trigger violence, trembling, seizures, hallucinations, and sweats (Medical News Today: Health News 2012). The family foundation will get more difficult before it gets better.
Counseling is critical at the beginning because that’s where the healing starts. The issues of the addict and the families are talked about and dealt with. Steps are discussed to earn the trust of everyone again for the addict and the supporting cast is taught how to support the addict in the way that is healthy and obviously helpful.
It will definitely be explained that the process is never ending. The love and support needs to be there at all times. Addiction is a chronic disease that is endless in terms of recovery. Family and friends need to understand that they are needed for the long haul.
The long-term treatment process is on going and critical for the addict. The specific programs needed would vary depending on the substance that was used and how it affects the patient. There are treatment programs, psychotherapy, and self-help groups that are used. Those things and the support systems of family, love ones and sometimes a sponsor is needed to remain on the spiritual journey of recovery.
Treatment programs focuses on getting sober and preventing relapses. After the initial intake and care, frequent visits as an outpatient help to maintain sobriety. This sometimes involves medication. Treatment programs can be individual, group and/or family sessions. Psychotherapy may be one-on-one or family sessions with a specialist. Help with coping with cravings, avoiding the substance, and dealing with possible relapses are key to effective addiction programs. If the patient’s family can become involved there is a better probability of positive outcomes. Self-help groups may help the patient meet other people with the same problem, which often boosts motivation. Self-help groups can be a useful source of education and information too. Examples include Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous (Medical News Today: Health News 2012). A network of support is what ultimately helps with the long-term treatment process. In addition to the programs available professional, the people closest to the patient have the biggest influence. Family and friends can help the patient be accountable for this chronic illness but also help them to realize that they can move forward. Showing them that moving forward is the best way to go it will motivate the patient to follow through with treatments and therapy sessions. A sponsor who has been through a similar journey is needed as well. Someone who understands the journey can be a loyal and understanding confidant. A late night or early morning phone call from a patient to a sponsor can calm down cravings and without any kind of judgments. This kind of partnership can go on for the rest of their lives, together in recovery. Addiction is a chronic illness just like cancer, AIDS and asthma. Treatments are the same because they are on going and a support group of family, friends, and doctors are needed indefinitely. A person with an addiction cannot return to a previous physiological and mental state experienced before acquiring the disorder. With a long-term treatment process an addict can indeed recover.

Friedman, H. (2002). Health Psychology: second edition. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Iliff, B. (2012). Addiction | Psychology Today. Retrieved January 17, 2012, from Medical News Today: Health News (2012) What Are The Treatment Options For Addiction?
Retrieved January 17, 2012, from

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