...English Français DVD VIDEO PLAYER LECTEUR DVD VIDEO XV-N50BK/XV-N55SL Before operation Avant le fonctionnement 2 Preparations Préparatifs 3 Basic operations Opérations de base 8 Advanced operations Opérations avancées MP3/WMA disc playback Lecture d’un disque MP3/ WMA JPEG disc playback Lecture de disques JPEG Changing the initial settings Modification des réglages initiaux Additional information Informations complémentaires 13 21 23 VIDEO 26 INSTRUCTIONS MANUEL D’INSTREUCTIONS 31 For Customer Use: Enter below the Model No. and Serial No. which are located on the rear, bottom or side of the cabinet. Retain this information for future reference. Model No. Serial No LET0230-002A [C] Warnings, Cautions and Others Mises en garde, précautions et indications diverses CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN CAUTION To reduce the risk of electrical shocks, fire, etc.: 1. Do not remove screws, covers or cabinet. 2. Do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture. ATTENTION Afin d’éviter tout risque d’électrocution, d’incendie, etc.: 1. Ne pas enlever les vis ni les panneaux et ne pas ouvrir le coffret de l’appareil. 2. Ne pas exposer l’appareil à la pluie ni à l’humidité. Caution –– STANDBY/ON button! Disconnect the mains plug to shut the power off completely (the STANDBY/ON lamp goes off). The STANDBY/ON button in any position does not disconnect the mains line. • When the player is on standby, the STANDBY/ON lamp lights red. • When the player is turned on, the...
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...AVI-YONAHFINAL.DOC FEBRUARY 26, 2002 2/26/02 5:38 PM Book Review Why Tax the Rich? Efficiency, Equity, and Progressive Taxation Reuven S. Avi-Yonah† Does Atlas Shrug? The Economic Consequences of Taxing the Rich. Edited by Joel B. Slemrod.∗ Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000. Pp. 524. $57.95. In Greek mythology, Atlas was a giant who carried the world on his shoulders. In Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged, Atlas represents the “ prime movers” —the talented few who bear the weight of the world’s economy.1 In the novel, the prime movers go on strike against the oppressive burden of excessive regulation and taxation, leaving the world in disarray and demonstrating how indispensable they are to the rest of us (the “ second handers” ). Rand wrote in a world in which the top marginal federal income tax rate in the United States was 91% (beginning at taxable income of $400,000).2 This is an unimaginably high rate by today’s standards, when the dominant view in Washington is that a marginal rate of 39.6% (the top † Irwin I. Cohn Professor of Law, University of Michigan. I would like to thank Yossi Edrey, Allen Graubard, David Hasen, Judy Herman, Don Herzog, Jim Hines, Bob Kuttner, Doron Lamm, Jeff Lehman, Kyle Logue, Dan Shaviro, Joel Slemrod, Dennis Ventry, and Larry Zelenak for their extremely helpful suggestions. All errors are mine. * Paul W. McCracken Collegiate Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy, University of Michigan. 1. AYN RAND, ATLAS...
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...· Install the software and click on the "UPDATE" - Good for the Tax Return Problem · Print lecture notes online and bring them to the class · Take Home Quizzes · Assignments are not turned in - reinforce lectures; solutions are online Lecture Notes: Chapter 1 · Tax is the exaction for the support of the government; · Tax laws: to help economy; social considerations (old people get credits; blind people; etc.) · four characteristics of the tax: no direct relationship between the tax you pay and the benefits you get. e.g. think about income tax and sales tax, you pay them but it does not mean you get direct benefit from it. taxes are levied on the basis of predetermined criteria; (how do you determine your tax base? how to minimize your sales tax?). taxes are levied on a recurring or predictable basis; (tax planning). Taxes do not give you privileges; are not a penalty or fine. If you are caught of speed, there is a penalty or fine but it is not a tax · Any direct of tax has to be a portion of state tax · Income tax is the tax on the income which direct t that person · 1913, now it is a 100 year of income tax. Page 3. The Congress shall have the power ... · Exhibit 1.1 page 5, sources of revenue for the federal government. It is not a balance budget; a deficit; huge debt; Individual income tax is the number one portion of government revenue; social security and medicare (35% of the revenue); 13% are from corporation tax; excise taxes (alcohol, gasoline...
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...often referring to him as “His Accidency.” Roosevelt was interested in quickly changing the mood of the country and establishing his legitimacy to his new position. He did so by introducing a “New Nationalist” form of Progressivism. When Roosevelt was sworn in, the Progressive Party had already been developing and growing since the end of the 19th century. It advocated for reforms and the lead of the government in changing society’s problems in response to socio-economic and political imbalances. Such thinking was a radical change in the country’s mindset, with earlier efforts supporting private efforts to solve the nation’s ills. The Progressive party had a broad platform, but the overall goal was for government to implement and lead efforts to alter societal inequalities. The Progressives called for eliminating corruption in the federal government as well as supporting a social welfare program, the women’s vote, penal system reform, and prohibition. Although the issue of civil rights for African-Americans was of concern of some members, this issue was not formally included in any of the Progressive party’s literature. With the support of journalists, and the many lectures and speeches by activists, the Progressives began to build up support for their movement. Roosevelt’s upbringing set the stage for his being involved with Progressivism. Although born into a wealthy New York City family, his father was a well-known philanthropist who formed the New York City’s Children...
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...Global Issues, Role of United Nations and Japan’s International Contributions Contents Introduction 3 History of Overpopulation 3 Industrial Revolution 3 Invention of Birth control 4 Risks of Overpopulation 4 Food 4 Water Shortage 4 Civil Conflict 5 Poverty 5 Case Study 5 Government policies 6 Taxation policy 6 Education Subsidies 6 Government Transfers 6 Effectiveness Of Government Policies 6 Conclusion 7 References 8 Introduction Overpopulation as defined by Dhirubhai Ambani is “where an organism’s numbers exceed the current carrying capacity of its habitat” (Ambani, 2013) There are many causes of overpopulation and overpopulation occurs when the number of organisms is of too great a number compared to the relevant resources and as a result, resources such as the water and essential nutrients they need to survive are inadequate. This can be a result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources. This paper seeks to discuss how overpopulation began as well as the risk it carries. History of Overpopulation Industrial Revolution Prior to the industrial revolution, the world’s population did not change much. This was probably due to the fact that resources were difficult to come by. People were worried their ability to provide for their families would not be adequate. Furthermore, poor nutrition and famines were common. The average life expectancy...
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...NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES HEALTH CARE FINANCING, EFFICIENCY, AND EQUITY Sherry A. Glied Working Paper 13881 http://www.nber.org/papers/w13881 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 March 2008 I thank Courtney Ward for research assistance and participants at the conference on Exploring Social Insurance, held in Toronto, November 2006. A version of this paper is forthcoming as a chapter in Exploring Social Insurance: Can a Dose of Europe Cure Canadian Health Care Finance? Edited by C. M. Flood, M. Stabile and C. Hughes Tuohy (Kingston, Montreal: Queen's School of Policy Studies, McGill-Queen's University Press). The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research. NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peerreviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies official NBER publications. © 2008 by Sherry A. Glied. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source. Health Care Financing, Efficiency, and Equity Sherry A. Glied NBER Working Paper No. 13881 March 2008 JEL No. H42,H51,I18 ABSTRACT This paper examines the efficiency and equity implications of alternative health care system financing strategies. Using data across...
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...Civil and political vs./and economic, social and cultural rights Summary: In the beginning of this essay I focused on differences between first and second generations of human rights and their respective covenants, as well as on reasons behind the decision to create two separate covenants. In second part, I defended the position of economic, social and cultural rights as real rights equal to civil and political rights by analyzing the important concept of "core" rights created by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. In the end, I dealt with justiciability of these rights, mostly focusing on new, soon available individual complaint procedure under the Optional Protocol to ICESCR. Civil and political rights vs. economic, social and cultural rights Human rights are usually divided into three generations. This essay is however going to focus only on first and second generation, namely political/civil rights and economic/social/cultural rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 includes rights that are considered to be rights of both generations, but does not make the distinction between generations itself. While the first generation was further embodied in International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the second generations is contained in International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). These two covenants, together with first Optional Protocol to ICCPR, were adopted in the single UN General...
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...Why Fairness Matters Progressive Versus Flat Taxes Robert J. Shapiro April 1996 Pro gres s iv e FOUNDATION Why Fairness Matters: Progressive versus Flat Taxes Progressive Foundation The Progressive Foundation works to develop and promote a new progressive political philosophy and governing agenda for America based on individual liberty, equal opportunity, civic responsibility, and nonbureaucratic governance. The substantive work of the Foundation revolves around some of the most difficult challenges facing America in the 1990s: assuring upward mobility for working Americans in the new world economy; resolving the great American dilemma of race; restoring a civil society and strengthening the social ties that foster a sense of community; finding America’s proper role in the post-Cold War world; and rethinking the size, shape, and mission of government in an Information Age. The Foundation explores public controversies over cultural questions—race, ethnicity, gender, religion, morality, and civic education—that are often ignored in conventional political discourse. The Foundation’s Project on Tax Reform and Economic Growth works to develop a tax reform program that is consistent with a progressive distribution of the tax burden, and can help promote stronger job and business formation, greater productivity, and higher family incomes. This report is the first of two new reports outlining the essential features of such a tax reform program. The preface contains more...
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... So this $750,000 needs to be obtain from existing working capital resources or injection of share capital. If management ignores this point by “overstretching”, it will face the “Overtrading situation”, • By increased investment in fixed assets like land and building, machinery, etc and acquiring investments in a subsidiary or associated companies without a corresponding increase in equity or borrowings. Any increase in the above-mentioned capital expenditure will then deplete the net current assets, • By allowing a longer than usual cash conversion cycle namely by the increase in stock levels and extending exceptionally long credit, • Through trading losses which will reduce the net current assets. This also happened in cases of...
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...steps for each project, to ensure that proper activities and management are utilized: Step 1. Application of Project Management – distinguishes what types of work should and should not be categorized as projects and includes the general flow of projects from idea into deployment. This step also defines and outlines project management process groups; Step 2. Project Classification – assigns a classification level to a project based on a combination of complexity and risk; this step also defines projects that require an additional level of management, as defined by State of Texas guidelines; Step 3. PM Required Processes – details processes required to be completed for each level of project, as classified in Step 2; and Step 4. Document Management – outlines document management requirements for documents created as part of PM Required Processes Appendix A provides detailed document templates, based on the State of Texas DIR general templates. Note that DIR announced that templates will change in the fall 2008. At that time, the templates in Appendix A will be updated accordingly. Appendix B offers project management guidelines for portfolio management and Appendix C lists the references used in the development of this Guide. Step 1. Application of Project Management Types of Work The Guide should be used for the management of...
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...External economic factors and Malaysia’s domestic fiscal position dictate that the Goods and Services Tax (GST) is likely to be introduced in the upcoming Budget 2014. In this paper, we: 1) assess if GST is a progressive or regressive tax; 2) study the impact of GST on Malaysian households; 3) estimate the total GST raised from households in perfect condition vs. practical circumstance; 4) estimate the expected inflation spike based on the Consumer Price Index; and 5) discuss the wider implications of implementing GST. Despite setting essential items like basic food, public transportation, education and healthcare as exempt or zero rated items, we show that GST is a regressive tax. Using 7% as the standard GST rate, the average household is expected to pay 2.93% of monthly income as GST (RM 104 per month in July 2013 values). Households will pay higher percentage of their income as GST if they are: middle and low income groups (with those earning around RM 2,500 per month paying 3.07%), engaged as technicians, clerical and services workers, farmers and fishermen, in single person household, in young households (less than 24 years old), Bumiputera-led households and households residing in Peninsular Malaysia. We find that it is not possible to make GST a progressive tax as long as we want to raise the same amount of revenue. We experimented with: 1) a multi-tiered GST system whereby certain items attract higher GST rate than the standard rate; and 2) imposing high GST...
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...Institute of Banking Personnel Selection COMMON RECRUITMENT PROCESS FOR RECRUITMENT OF PROBATIONARY OFFICERS/ MANAGEMENT TRAINEES IN PARTICIPATING ORGANISATIONS (CWE PO/MT-IV) Email: ibpsp@ibps.in Website: www.ibps.in The online examination for the next Common Recruitment Process for selection of personnel for Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee posts in the Participating Organisations listed below is tentatively scheduled in October 2014. Any eligible candidate, who aspires to join any of the Participating Organisations listed at (A) as a Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee or in a similar post in that cadre, is required to register for the Common Recruitment Process (CWE PO/MT-IV). Candidates who appear and are shortlisted in the examination, will subsequently be called for a Common Interview to be conducted by the Participating Organisations and co-ordinated by the Nodal Bank with the help of IBPS. Depending on the vacancies to be filled in during the financial year 2015-16 based on the business needs of the Participating Organisations and as reported to IBPS, candidates shortlisted will be provisionally allotted to one of the Participating Organisations keeping in view the spirit of Govt. Guidelines on reservation policy, administrative convenience, etc. The validity for CWE PO/MT-IV will automatically expire at the close of business on 31.03.2016 with or without giving any notice. This system of Common Recruitment Process- CWE, Common Interview and provisional allotment...
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...reverse their position. As the result of a full review of the contract, several risks and opportunities for the company are identified below: Several major legal issues exist (University of Phoenix, 2002), brought on by C-S’s declaration that they require the immediate transfer of all unfinished code, their decision to rescind the contract, and the possibility that they have hired another IT firm to complete the project. This event raises several issues including intellectual property rights, changes to the end-user system and functional requirements, quality of deliverables, and timeline requirements. Assessment of the risks has identified several legal principles that either work against, or in favor of Span Systems, and are important to note for risk management as well as for defense going forward. The first legal principle is the minor breach of contract under substantial performance of contract. C-S claims that Span Systems deliverables in...
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...Uses of Hypnotherapy to treat a medical condition Introduction The purpose of this essay is to describe and explain the uses of hypnotherapy in the treatment of a medical condition. For this essay I have chosen to look at a chronic life limiting illness called Motor Neurone Disease. This is a disease that can affect many different aspects of a person’s life and is very aggressive in its symptoms. I have met quite a few people with this condition whilst working in the Neurophysiology department at the QMC, where all the nerve and muscles studies and EMG’s are performed. It not only changes the person’s life but also the lives of the people around them. I found this research both upsetting and informative. MND is a progressive degenerative disease which sadly has no known cure and sufferers will usually die within 5 years of the onset of the disease, there is no way to tell that you have this disease but there are many warning signs such as difficulty with speech, walking and dropping things due to not being able to grip correctly. MND is an unusual disease that damages nerve cells that the brain would usually use to send messages to the muscles and spinal cord where the upper and lower motor neurones are negatively affected. This then alters the muscle strength and can result in muscle loss. Theses neurons also if not working correctly will affect the messages sent to the brain giving the commands the body needs to enable walking, swallowing and any other muscle use. This...
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...http://inobscuro.com/tutorials/optimizing-images-for-web-35/ Optimizing images for web I noticed how many people don't optimize their images properly, which results in extremely slow loading time. When you intend to publish your images online, you have to comprimise the quality — just face the fact you cannot use a 100KB image on a website layout. It's not fair to your visitors. This tutorial will explain in detail how to use Photoshop's Save for web... option. Facts about image formats There are many image formats available, but only a few work on web. They differ in some important properties, and you should learn how to use them best. There are two kinds of image compression, lossy and lossless. Lossy compression means once you decompress the compressed data, you will not get the exact same image as the original. However, this will only be visible at a closer look. Lossy compression is good for web, because images use small amount of memory, but can be sufficiently like the original image. When you decompress a lossless image, you will get exactly the same image as the original. This compression uses greater amount of memory, so at times it may not be good for web. JPEG JPEG is a format name, .jpg is the extension for it. This image type is lossy, and you can control the compression level in image editors. It is good for saving images with millions of colors, like photographs, drawings with many shades, images containing gradients etc. GIF This format is a bitmap...
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