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Adherence Research Paper

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Interventions to Improve Adherence and Retention in Care37
A continuum of ART adherence support services is necessary to meet individual patient needs. All health care team members, including physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, nurses, pharmacists, medication managers, and social workers play integral roles in successful adherence programs.
Effective adherence interventions vary in modality and duration, and by clinical setting, provider, and patient. There are many options that can be customized to suit a range of needs and settings. Clinicians should provide all patients with a basic level of adherence-related information and support. Before writing the first prescription(s) for patients initiating or reinitiating …show more content…
This technique to foster adherence includes informing patients of their low or suppressed HIV viral load levels and increases in CD4 cell counts. Motivational interviewing has also been used with some successes. Recognizing high levels of adherence with incentives and rewards can facilitate treatment success in some patients. Adherence-contingent reward incentives such as meal tickets, grocery bags, lotto tickets, and cash have been used in the treatment of HIV and other chronic diseases. The effectiveness of using cash incentives to promote HIV testing, entry to care, and adherence to ART is currently being studied in the multi-site HPTN 065 trial. Other effective interventions include nurse home visits, a five-session group intervention, pager messaging, and couples or family-based interventions. To maintain high levels of adherence in some patients, it is critically important to provide substance abuse therapy and to strengthen social support. Directly observed therapy (DOT) has been effective in providing ART to active drug users but not to patients in a general clinic …show more content…
b) Grade 2 – (Moderate) Mild to moderate limitations of daily activities.
c) Grade 3 – (Severe) Marked limitation of daily activities. d) Grade 4 – (Life-threatening) Extreme limitation of daily activities and significant medical intervention.
2)Treatment Failure
a) Clinical – New or recurrent WHO stage 4 condition,after at least 6 months of ART
b) Immunological - i) Fall of CD4 count to pre-therapy ii) 50% fall from the on-treatment peak value iii) Persistent CD4 levels below100 cells/mm
c) Virological- Plasma viral load > 5000 copies/ml after at least 6 months of ART63

4.9 Statistical Analysis
The patients’ data, collected retrospectively and prospectively, were analysed differently. Data from the case proforma was entered in Microsoft excel sheet. Analysis was done using SPSS version 21 statistical software. Descriptive statistics were described as frequencies, percentages and Mean+SD.Multiple logistic regression was done to assess the association of multiple independent variables with change of regimen. Level of significance in the study was

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