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Advertising Techniques Used In 'Whore'

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Advertisements, negative or positive, concur reactions from the public daily. The advertising business produces millions of dollars based on a certain factor: influential ads in which causes people to buy a product or to support an organization. Quality articles are the main technique that catches the public’s eye like highly accredited companies. The sole purpose of an influential ad is to portray a scenario which intrigues the public's attention. “Whore”, as the picture is simply titled, was featured in the March 2011 edition of Y&R Dubai, a magazine that spans across all of the Middle East. The organization which placed the article in the magazine is known as “Enough Violence and Exploitation” or KAFA for short. The organization is a feminist, …show more content…
The primary colors used in “Whore” are black, maroon and brown. 3 colors. 3 colors that impersonate the bruise upon her face, carrying the label with her. The colors of black and maroon symbolize evil and danger. Red means “war, danger, strength, and power” while black means “death and evil” (QSX Software Group). Red, a very intricate color, as each shade has a different meaning. Bruises can play this role, as bruises can come in many shades, but maroon is a common color to be seen. Maroon, or the embodiment of “rage, anger, malice and wrath” (QSX Software Group), is used to color the bruises with the force behind what caused them. The color brown, also shown as a homey color, reminds people of comforting objects, but the contrast of using it with such a emotional ad, it reminds the people that comfort may not be so close to home when one of your loved ones becomes the abuser or abused. So, specific colors used in influential ads usually trigger the public’s emotions. The feelings that come with these colors vary as some would only see the negatives. The black and the red. The corrupted colors. Others may see the brown. A comforting color, but also a color which derives from rotting; decaying like the life before the abuse. The emotions differentiate but there is one common, underlying feeling of convention. Convicted to put an end to such horror that women and even men can …show more content…
For ethos, therapists have seen many cases of abuse which have tormented patients for the rest of their lives. “Victimized people commonly develop emotional or psychological problems secondary to their abuse, including anxiety disorders and various forms of depression. They may develop substance abuse disorders. . . the victim may be traumatized and may develop a posttraumatic stress injury such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or acute stress disorder” (Patricelli). This clarifies that abuse can lead to a multitude of unwanted and preventable developments. In logos, seeing the woman, obviously pained and worn-out hurts the viewers and causes them to pity and grief as the female is obviously hurting and the ability of not being able to do anything causes those feelings to become heightened in intensity; almost as powerful as a chain reaction. Pathos is portrayed by emphasizing that abuse can traumatize a person for life, visible or not. Signs of abuse can be very noticeable or completely invisible to the naked eye. People hid what they feel all the time, so the signs and side effects of abuse need to be observed before it becomes too late to help or even to prevent

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