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Agency Theory


Submitted By khevna
Words 727
Pages 3
The agency theory concept was initially developed by Berle and Means (1932), who argued that due to a continuous dilution of equity ownership of large corporations, ownership and control become more and more separated. This situation gives professional managers an opportunity to pursue their own interest instead of that of shareholders..

In ‘theory’, shareholders are the only owners of a company, and the task of its directors is merely to ensure that shareholders’ interests are maximised. More specifically, “The ‘duty’ of directors is to run the company in a way which maximises the long term return to the shareholders, and thus maximises the company’s profit and cash flow. However, Jensen and Meckling (1976) observed that mangers do not always run the firm they work for to maximise shareholders’ wealth. From this observation, they developed their agency theory, which took into account the principal-agent relationship as a key determinant in determining firm performance. According to their definition, “An agency relationship is a contract under which one or more persons (the principal[s]) engage another person (the agent) to perform some service on their behalf which involves delegating some decision-making authority to the agent . The problem is that the interest of the principal and the agent are never exactly the same, and thus the agent, who is the decision-making part, tends always to pursue his own interests instead of those of the principal. It means that the agent will always tend to spend the free cash flow available to fulfill his need for self-aggrandisement and prestige instead of returning it to shareholders. Hence, the main problem faced by shareholders is to ensure that managers will return excess cash flow to them (e.g. through dividend payouts), instead of having it invested in unprofitable projects (Jensen, 1986). If the principal

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